It's looking great! Keep up the good work.

There's one more thing you need to do in your truck before it's deemed accurate and precise: remove the tripcock on the left side of the R46 truck. Only IRT trucks have the tripcock on that side. IND/BMT trucks have it on the other side.

Another thing you should note. Since DJ Hammers said that your trucks will be used in his trains, there's three changes you need to make.
1) Tripcocks: they need to be changed to match IRT standards (as mentioned before)
2) Springs - they are yellow on the IRT. You could also get brown springs - steel dust accumulates over time.
3) The entire yellow wooden beam needs a different texture. The wooden beams on the IRT are higher than the IRT/BMT ones, but the contact shoe level stays the same. There will be something under the wooden beam connecting the contact shoe to it, as circled here:

Those are the three main (and the most obvious) differences between the IRT trucks and the IND/BMT trucks.
I think I might just revive my project. You are starting to motivate me to create something like this.