From my perspective, I really don't know why we have more fiction route than non-fiction routes. I never had the chance to work on anything lately, so I'm out of the question (yep busy like crazy too), but I think there was a fear that when somebody makes a non-fictional route, there is already one being made by one of our developers.
Of course there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, as long the two non-fictional projects are completely separate but parallel.
The issue is that everybody is recycling objects, using the same ones over and over again. This makes the best non-fictional routes look repetitive and old, very, very fast. Then the people who use fictional routes as "practice" decide to release their practice route, adding to the repetitiveness.
So I want to say this, if there is anybody out there that is willing to create a non-fictional route that we do not have or may very well be in development, and you want to make your own, feel free, as long you don't use any of the same objects already used, and simply remember that it becomes odd to have multiple versions of the same route. An example of this is my Second Avenue route and error's Second Avenue route. Fortunately they both look different enough to differentiate themselves from each other. So if anybody wants to take the plunge and do a non-fictional route, go ahead.
The fictional route thing was only so that the developer creating that fictional route can show us that they are worthy of working on an already built but undetailed version of a route. This was to ensure nobody was just trying to steal routes.
In this day in age, anybody making anything fictional is nonsense, because
- Almost all non-fictional routes that were already created by Joe are already taken and in development
- The chances of your fictional route (at least here on BVEStation anyway) using pre-made objects (from NYCBTA stuff) is extremely high
- You are making things look uglier by reusing objects
- Nobody wants fictional routes/trains, I'm more or less sick of seeing them (unless you do something fabulous)
- You are wasting your time
So what are some notable fictionals then?
- Chashinai Railway - Beautiful fictional transit system
- 1950 Lexington Avenue El - Doesn't exist anymore, but still amazing
- My Second Avenue Subway Route - Ok seriously, the only thing I borrowed from the NYCT objects were the track/columns
Certainly others out there that I cannot think of, but you get the idea. Even making an outdoor route, that is actually detailed would be nice. Any further I would be bragging, but everything I make for BVE, I strive to be different.
So going back to the question, Why do I think that there are so many fictionals? People are lazy, don't want to go out and find stuff themselves, survey stuff themselves, don't use enough of their own work, do it just to practice and decide to release it anyway just so they can have a spot in the "developers list", let their imagination run aimlessly to nowheres, no creativity (seriously, at this point making a non-fiction route/train is more creative..., just cause we're getting more of the same, the only thing different is that the tracks are curved differently...)
With that in mind, here's a picture of a cancelled/on hold indefinitely project of mine.