Honestly you need a little more help. I saw your
(D) via the (C) and it need A LOT of work. Good try though.
I can concur on that, though Imanuel, your (Q) skeleton needs work, a lot of things aren't even current or exists with the Brighton today.
As I state once again. It was made based in track maps from nycsubway.org. Distances weren't provided and I could make to the best of what I had in front of me. If a future developer takes on the (Q) by alleans they can fix it. As of right now it's better we have some new routes than the same ones we had since President Bush. Lol
In 5 train master's case he had walls blocking the track of every stop and switches taking you into a wall lol.
Back on topic. The Crown Heights bound (6) will use track work from BStlyes (4) line with the helps of JayJay85