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Topics - [CT1660]

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General BVE/OpenBVE / Announcing openBVE v1.4.3.1a BETA
« on: August 24, 2015, 09:52:07 pm »
So here's a BETA update that's compatible with Windows 8 & Windows 10 which can be retrieved from my GitHub repository:

What's changed:
  • End-user visible changes:
    • SDL2# & OpenTK as replacement for deprecated Tao
    • New security (train plugin) keys (M-Z)
    • Uses SDL scancodes instead of SDL keycodes
    • Note: WinForms controls editor now shows both physical and virtual keys.
    • Animated loading screen (train/route loading percentage)
  • API changes:
    • Split Interface class to smaller classes:
      • BlackBox - train logs
      • Controls
      • Conversions - the TryParse... functions
      • Debug - program's error log
      • Hud
      • Options - note: CurrentOptions is renamed to Current
      • Strings - Translation engine
      • Put all vectors to OpenBveApi
      • Double- and Single- precision vectors are provided by default
      • Joystick class now provides a SDL Guid.

Many thanks to JakubVanek, a fellow Github user who made this long overdue update possible


This is pretty much a modified variant of openBVE which is large address aware enabled. Basically, it allows openBVE and the developer tools to be able to use more than 2GB of installed RAM for systems that have more than 2GB of RAM.

Additionally, i've been hard at work trying to make openBVE easier to set up and use on Mac OS X systems. I will later on create a simple installer for the Windows version, as for now, it can be downloaded as a 7zip file. I'll later upload a variant with the installers for the dependencies for the Windows version.

As for linux, it's going to take a while as i would need to know which flavor of linux is used more commonly for openBVE.

Main Program with Developer Tools:

OS X builds:
Main Program Only:

With Developer Tools:

With Developer Tools + Dependency Installers:

Github Repository:

Photography / CNG's, CNG's everywhere..
« on: April 23, 2013, 04:25:23 am »
It all started with Spring Creek loaning their CNG buses to JFK, and followed by College Point loaning their CNG buses to LaGuardia. The former just happened to need extra buses while the Jamaica Bay Crossing was essentially damaged, and the latter was experiencing (and still is) a bus shortage..

Some JFK highlights

Some LaGuardia highlights

Here's the full video playlist, being updated as more videos come in..

General BVE/OpenBVE / openBVE: Windows 8 Compatibility
« on: November 11, 2012, 09:30:55 pm »
After getting my hands on Windows 8 Pro, i have gotten openBVE to run. There are a few extra tasks needed to be done in order for openBVE to run.

On Windows 8, there is no need to install .NET as .NET 4.5 comes pre-installed on Windows 8. The only dependency needed is your computer's video card drivers (duh!) and openAL installed. After installing the dependencies, then install openBVE. You will see 5 shortcuts on your desktop (if you are using the installer). Right click on each shortcut and click on properties. For those doing a manual install from the zip file non-installer, right click on each exe and click on properties.

Click on the compatibility tab, and make sure "Run this program as an administrator" is checked, then click ok. After this, openBVE, Objectviewer and Route viewer should work "out of the box". For train editor and object bender, you will get a popup asking to install an additional dependency. Install that dependency and those two programs should run after that.

If everything is done right, openBVE should work properly.

Other Projects / Changeable Scrolling flipdots and LCDs? Yup!
« on: October 05, 2012, 06:24:45 pm »
Scrolling Flipdots Possible on OpenBVE? YES!

OpenBVE: R46 animated changable LCD signs!

After playing with my LCD/LED sign code that i implemented on the R46, i have managed to create working scrolling flipdots...that you can also change! (though the transition from each destination object is still not possible due to openBVE's limitations)

This uses ONE object, and relies on textureshift commands, same as the LCD/LED sign code, as opposed to several objects. That means each sign is one long texture with all the readings of that specific sign (for example in this case made it say LEFFERTS BLVD - SHUTTLE)

How it works:


Object Coding:
Code: [Select]
;R44-R46 LCD Side Signs

;Interior Left


Vertex -1.304, 2.824, 5.622

Vertex -1.287, 3.014, 4.376

Vertex -1.304, 2.824, 4.376

Vertex -1.287, 3.014, 5.622

Face2 0, 2, 1, 3


Load AFlipdot.png

Coordinates 0, 1.0, 0.0079

Coordinates 1, 0.0, 0.00

Coordinates 2, 0.0, 0.0079

Coordinates 3, 1.0, 0.00
Transparent 255, 255, 255

;Interior Right


Vertex 1.281, 3.011, -5.302

Vertex 1.298, 2.821, -6.548

Vertex 1.281, 3.011, -6.548

Vertex 1.298, 2.821, -5.302

Face2 0, 2, 1, 3


Load AFlipdot.png

Coordinates 0, 0.0, 0.00

Coordinates 1, 0.999, 0.0079

Coordinates 2, 1.0, 0.00

Coordinates 3, 0.001, 0.0079
Transparent 255, 255, 255

;Exterior Left


Vertex 1.412, 2.76, -5.313

Vertex 1.392, 2.979, -5.313

Vertex 1.412, 2.76, -6.386

Vertex 1.392, 2.979, -6.386

Face2 1, 3, 2, 0


Load AFlipdot.png

Coordinates 0, 1.0, 0.0079

Coordinates 1, 1.0, 0.0

Coordinates 2, -0.0, 0.0079

Coordinates 3, -0.0, 0.0
Transparent 255, 255, 255

;Exterior Right


Vertex -1.397, 2.974, 5.486

Vertex -1.417, 2.755, 5.486

Vertex -1.397, 2.974, 4.413

Vertex -1.417, 2.755, 4.413

Face2 1, 3, 2, 0


Load AFlipdot.png

Coordinates 0, 0.0, -0.0

Coordinates 1, 0.0, 0.0079

Coordinates 2, 1.0, -0.0

Coordinates 3, 1.0, 0.0079
Transparent 255, 255, 255

And the code in the .animated file:

Code: [Select]
Position = 0, 0, 0
states = ...\cars\LCD\A flipdot.b3d
Statefunction = Mod[value+delta*pluginstate[99], 1]
TextureShiftYFunction = 0.015873 * floor[mod[Time * 15.999, 64]]

for changeable LCD's it works the same way, except you alter the timing and framerate and the quantity to shift:

here, i'm using 4 readings


b3d file:
Code: [Select]
;R44-R46 LCD Side Signs

;Interior Left


Vertex -1.304, 2.824, 5.622

Vertex -1.287, 3.014, 4.376

Vertex -1.304, 2.824, 4.376

Vertex -1.287, 3.014, 5.622

Face2 0, 2, 1, 3


Load afarrock.png

Coordinates 0, 1.0, 0.249

Coordinates 1, 0.0, 0.00

Coordinates 2, 0.0, 0.249

Coordinates 3, 1.0, 0.00
Transparent 255, 255, 255

;Interior Right


Vertex 1.281, 3.011, -5.302

Vertex 1.298, 2.821, -6.548

Vertex 1.281, 3.011, -6.548

Vertex 1.298, 2.821, -5.302

Face2 0, 2, 1, 3


Load afarrock.png

Coordinates 0, 0.0, 0.00

Coordinates 1, 0.999, 0.249

Coordinates 2, 1.0, 0.00

Coordinates 3, 0.001, 0.249
Transparent 255, 255, 255

;Exterior Left


Vertex 1.412, 2.76, -5.313

Vertex 1.392, 2.979, -5.313

Vertex 1.412, 2.76, -6.386

Vertex 1.392, 2.979, -6.386

Face2 1, 3, 2, 0


Load Afarrock.png

Coordinates 0, 1.0, 0.249

Coordinates 1, 1.0, 0.0

Coordinates 2, -0.0, 0.249

Coordinates 3, -0.0, 0.0
Transparent 255, 255, 255

;Exterior Right


Vertex -1.397, 2.974, 5.486

Vertex -1.417, 2.755, 5.486

Vertex -1.397, 2.974, 4.413

Vertex -1.417, 2.755, 4.413

Face2 1, 3, 2, 0


Load Afarrock.png

Coordinates 0, 0.0, -0.0

Coordinates 1, 0.0, 0.249

Coordinates 2, 1.0, -0.0

Coordinates 3, 1.0, 0.249
Transparent 255, 255, 255

.animated file:

Code: [Select]
Position = 0, 0, 0
states = ...\cars\LCD\A207.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\ALef.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\AFarRock.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\BBr.b3d,  ...\cars\LCD\B145.b3d,  ...\cars\LCD\BBed.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\CLefferts.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\CEuclid.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\C168.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\D205.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\DCI.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\EUnion.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\E179.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\EJC.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\EWTC.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\EFR.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\F179.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\FEuclid.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\FCIEXP.b3d , ...\cars\LCD\FCILCL.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\GLIC.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\GS9.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\GChurch.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\G18.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\HEuclid.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\HBroad.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\HRockpk.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\JJC.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\JCham.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\JBroad.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\K168.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\KWTC.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\L8AV.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\LCan.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\MMetro.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\MCham.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\MBay.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\NDitmarsExp.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\NDitmarsLcl.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\NCIExpLcl.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\NCIExpExp.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\NCILclExp.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\NCILclLcl.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\Queensbridge.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\QDitmars.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\QCI.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\RJC.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\RForest.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\RBay.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\R36Shut.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\RBayShut.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\SBroad.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\SRockPk.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\SFrank.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\SPros.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\VForest.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\V2A.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\VCI.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\WDitmars.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\WWhite.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\WCI.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\ZJC.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\ZCham.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\ZBroad.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\NIS.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\SPCL.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\Shuttle.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\YES.b3d, ...\cars\LCD\FungWah.b3d
Statefunction = Mod[value+delta*pluginstate[99], 71]
TextureShiftYFunction = 0.25 * floor[mod[Time * 0.3, 4]]

I will update as much as possible, but for now, this info should suffice on how this works.

Photography / A couple of recent shots from this week
« on: July 15, 2012, 02:06:35 am »
A couple of shots from recently.

As a disk space-saving measure, some routes and trains are starting to use .flac as opposed to .wav, notably the updated F line for OpenBVE.

Any train or route using .flac files REQUIRES OpenBVE 1.4.1.x or NEWER
Any train or route using .wav will work on any version of OpenBVE

Please check your sounds files to determine whether you need to update OpenBVE or not.

In addition, some trains such as the R46 ALSO requires OpenBVE 1.4.x or NEWER due to the formatting on the .ANIMATED files, which would look like this:

Code: [Select]


If you get a fatal error on an older version, please do update your OpenBVE version, or you can just change the order of the folders and change the way it references files.

This should answer a few questions and solve some problems for some users.

General BVE/OpenBVE / Where to download OpenBVE.
« on: May 09, 2012, 01:50:35 am »
As the openBVE website is now officially down for good, i was fortunate enough to save an offline copy of the entire web site.

Anyway, here are the links for OpenBVE:

Windows and Linux:

Pre-Compiled Mac OS X Version:


Still required:


Linux (via package manager)

Mac OS X


.NET Framework 4 (windows only)

Mono Framework (Mac and Linux only)


Mac OS X


For linux users, to run OpenBVE:

Open Terminal, then use either of the 3 commands, change to appropriate path names:

Code: [Select]
cd /path/where/openbve/is/installed
mono OpenBve.exe

Code: [Select]
cd /path/where/openbve/is/installed
/path/where/mono/is/installed/mono OpenBve.exe

Code: [Select]
cd /path/where/mono/is/installed
mono /path/where/openbve/is/installed/OpenBve.exe


Transit / R188 @ Corona Yard
« on: January 20, 2012, 10:01:53 am »
So here we have, a fresh 5-car set of R188's that arrived yesterday to Corona Yard. Here it is currently as of today. It is sporting the diamond <7> on the front LED.

Third Rail Gap For The Train

For Trains, the plugin with the third rail gap feature (which is also used for animated rollsigns) will be needed, which you can download the files below:

After applying the files, edit your train.dat file, and replace the #Device section with the following:
Code: [Select]
0               ; Ats
0               ; Atc
0               ; Eb
0               ; ConstSpeed
0               ; HoldBrake
-1              ; ReAdhesionDevice
0               ; LoadCompensatingDevice (not used)
0               ; PassAlarm
0               ; DoorOpenMode
0               ; DoorCloseMode

Now, for your very basic train exterior with a generic lighting effect (or a train exterior with an interior, but doesn't have animated doors), all you need to do is create an .animated file with the following coded in:

For Train Exteriors:
Code: [Select]
States = 6394OFF.b3d, 6394ON.b3d
StateFunction = pluginstate[53]

Your train's extensions.cfg MUST specify these .animated files. For each car, a pair of .b3d files (or .csv) needs to be made.

Make sure your ON state object has EmissiveColor added in for .b3d files, or SetEmissiveColor / LoadTexture interior.png,interior.png on .csv files

However, if your train has animated doors, you will need to add the follwing within the code for the animated doors
Code: [Select]
StateFunction = pluginstate[53]
This goes between States and TranslateZfunction. If your interior uses EmissiveColor, you will need to make another set of doors without the EmissiveColor coded in. Then you will need to specify within the same .animated file, which should look like this:

For Train Exterior Animated Doors (a sample using two pairs of animated doors):
Code: [Select]
Position = -1.28, 1.05, -6.67
States = doorLNP.b3d,doorL.b3d
StateFunction = pluginstate[53]
TranslateZFunction = if[leftdoorstarget==0, min[value+delta*1.8/4.8,0], max[value-delta*0.8/1.5,-0.8]]

Position = -1.28, 1.05, -6.03
States = doorL1NP.b3d,doorL1.b3d
StateFunction = pluginstate[53]
TranslateZFunction = if[leftdoorstarget==0, max[value-delta*1.8/4.8,0], min[value+delta*0.8/1.5,0.8]]

Position = 1.30, 1.05, -2.50
States = doorRNP.b3d,doorR.b3d
StateFunction = pluginstate[53]
TranslateZFunction = if[rightdoorstarget==0, min[value+delta*1.8/4.8,0], max[value-delta*0.8/1.5,-0.8]]

Position = 1.30, 1.05, -1.85
States = doorR1NP.b3d,doorR1.b3d
StateFunction = pluginstate[53]
TranslateZFunction = if[rightdoorstarget==0, max[value-delta*1.8/4.8,0], min[value+delta*0.8/1.5,0.8]]

place this on your .animated file for the train with the interior/exterior. for best results, make sure it's the first [object] specified

again, you will need TWO exterior objects per car (.b3d or .csv), one with the EmissiveColor value added in (for the ON state), and another without EmissiveColor (for the OFF state). Same applies for the animated doors and other miscellaneous stuff that is either .b3d or .csv

The OFF state MUST be mentioned first, then the ON state, since the first object mentioned first assumes the power loss state (a.k.a the OFF state), and the second object mentioned, when there is power on the third rail/pantograph (a.k.a the ON state), which is ATS state # 53 (which supported routes with this 3rd rail gap feature uses)

Basically what this does is, once it crosses a gap, it swaps the emissive objects for non-emissive objects, and once 3rd rail power is on the train again, it swaps the non-emissive objects to emissive objects again.

I am still experimenting to whether the code "StateFunction = pluginstate[53] can co-exist with the other codes for the animated rollsigns.

This will be implemented on Mr. Railfan's R30, and my R16, to take advantage of this.

As you can see,

6394OFF.b3d, DoorLNP.b3d, DoorL1NP.b3d,DoorRNP.b3d, DoorR1NP.b3d  is the OFF state for the interior lighting (no emissivecolor)

6394ON.b3d, DoorL.b3d, DoorL1.b3d, DoorR.b3d, DoorR1.b3d is the ON state for the interior lighting (with emissivecolor)

Third Rail Gap For The Route

Now, for the fun part, the route:
After much messing around with various london routes, i found this specific code that makes the third rail gap. I have tested this on the Franklin Ave Shuttle (1969) version, and can confirm it works:

You will need to specify this within your "With Structure" list. Of course, change the directory to where the null.x object would be within your route's objects

Code: [Select]
.Beacon(1) 1969 Franklin Shuttle\Rails\null.x ;beacon for power rail gaps and tripcock

This is where your Third Rail gap code would be, for example, what i used to verify that this is the 3rd rail gap dependency and code for the route end:

Code: [Select]
X, .Beacon 20; 1; 0; Y
X, is the position where you would place your beacon within the route.

Y, in length in meters, is how long your gap will last. the higher the number, the longer the gap.

Code: [Select]
190, .Beacon 20; 1; 0; 15
As you can see, this beacon is placed 190 meters within the route (in this case, 1969 Franklin Ave shuttle), and the duration is 15 meters.

Create a blank object that will be associated with the beacon. Null.x can be found in various routes.

Transit / New structure @ Flushing bound end of Junction boulevard.
« on: December 29, 2011, 02:36:22 am »
I still don't know how long has this been built, or what its future purpose of it is. You can see it at the southbound end of the Flushing Line at Junction Boulevard.

Other Projects / EXP/LOCAL marker lights for R1-R38 OpenBVE trains
« on: November 24, 2011, 08:27:42 am »
Here are the marker lights found in the R1 up to the R38. Both the EXP and LOCAL markers have their off and on indicators.

Feel free to use them in your OpenBVE trains. This too is open source. Just remember, the content is released under a creative commons license

Marker lights (NO .b3d objects)

Marker lights (WITH .b3d objects)

As seen from my R-16
The R16 (Trailer 4) - Marker Lights (LCL/EXP)

BVE/OpenBVE Support / How to achieve better FPS on OpenBVE videos
« on: November 21, 2011, 04:48:43 pm »
-On Windows XP:
  • Right click on the desktop
  • Click Properties
  • Select Themes
  • Select Windows Classic
  • Click ok
  • Install/Run Game Booster
  • Run FRAPS
  • Record once playing on OpenBVE
  • ? ? ?
  • Profit

-On Windows Vista
  • Right click on the desktop
  • Click Personalize
  • Click Appearance and Personalization
  • Click Personalization
  • Click Theme
  • Select Windows Classic
  • Click OK
  • Install/Run Game Booster
  • Run FRAPS once playing on OpenBVE
  • Record
  • ? ? ?
  • Profit

-On Windows 7
  • Right click on the desktop
  • Click Personalize
  • Scroll down until you see the Windows Classic Theme
  • Click on Windows Classic
  • Close window
  • Install/Run Game Booster
  • Run FRAPS
  • Record once playing on OpenBVE
  • ? ? ?
  • Profit

In most cases, the fancy visual styles tend to create lag when it comes to 3D games. Most important, the Aero experience on Windows Vista and Windows 7 tends to hog up some video card space, and by disabling aero with the method specified above, it may result in better FPS.

For me, disabling the aero experience on my Windows Desktop resulted in MUCH smoother gameplay for me, and better framerates for recording OpenBVE videos VIA Fraps. Results will vary depending on hardware configuration

NYCTA Projects / (v2.4) (RELEASED) R-16 Update Thread
« on: November 19, 2011, 07:41:28 pm »
R-16 Olive:

R-16 Silver & Blue:

R-16 Redbird (semi-fictional):

  • Reversible Scrolling rollsigns
  • Switchable lighting
  • Illuminated side rollsign lamp
  • Fully functional LOCAL / EXP marker lights
  • Fully functional destination marker lights
  • Variable exterior headlight system
  • Individual car numbers
  • Pivoting trucks
  • 3D Anticlimbers
  • 3D Motorman & Conductor
  • Responds to third rail gap & automatic train stop beacons
  • Signal key-by feature

2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Equivalent
2GB available RAM
256MB NVIDIA GeForce 9400GT or better

2GHz Intel Core i3 or AMD Equivalent
4 GB available RAM
256MB Intel HD Graphics 3000 (Including the Iris & Iris Pro series), NVIDIA GeForce 3xx Series Graphics, AMD Radeon HD 4670

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