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Topics - TJay1724

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BVE/OpenBVE Support / openBVE Fullscreen Mode
« on: June 01, 2015, 12:55:33 am »
What's up people? Been a long time since I've been here. Great work going on btw. I have a problem. I have openbve running on Windows 8.1 64-bit. No problems. However, in fullscreen mode, all on screen display info is completely cutoff no matter what resolution I choose. In windowed mode, I see all info just fine, however, I don't like windowed mode. Is there any way to fix this issue?

General BVE/OpenBVE / Platform Lengths
« on: July 07, 2013, 11:28:18 pm »
I just wanted to point something out. The standard platfrom lengths we've been using, and have been using for over a decade is incorrect. Just realizing this. Right now we use 200 meter platforms for IND and 175 meter platforms for BMT/IRT. Those lengths are too long. The average NYC Subway platform is 500 feet to 600 feet which rounded off is 150 meters for BMT/IRT, 175 meters for IND. Realizing this now means I have to adjust any and all projects I've been working on.

What's up people? I haven't posted in a while, so I figured I'd post a good one. I am officially announcing the MetroTransit (E) Line. This will be my first 5th Gen route and will be designed with high quality objects designed by myself, BStyles, JayJay85, and error46146. This route is openBVE ONLY. I will also be updating my Highbridge 8 Line, but that is on hold for now. This route will not be released anytime soon, so for now, check out the screens and stay tuned.


General BVE/OpenBVE / (For Developers) BVE and Route Annoucements
« on: April 24, 2011, 02:24:07 pm »
What's up people? I've noticed that on all the routes here, the departure annoucements are being overrun by the sound of the doors closing. The reason for that is BVE as well as openBVE plays the departure sound 5 secs before the doors close. Now that is not realistic as in real life, the conductor will not close doors until the annoucement is fully completed and all passengers have boarded. (Except in NYC. We like to close doors on people  ;D ) Now for all new tech trains, R142, R143, R160 and so on, the departure annoucements are played as soon as the doors are OPENED. Now this CAN be done in both BVE 2/4 and openBVE for automated annoucements and manual annoucements. Here's how:

In both BVE 2/4 and openBVE, you have the .annouce command. This can be used anywhere along the route and we mainly use it to annouce the name of the station as we are arriving into the station. In the station namespace, there are 2 places for sound: arrival sound and departure sound. All of the routes here place their departure sounds in the departure namspace thus the overlapping, but if you place the departure sound in the ARRIVAL namespace, you will get that realistic automated annoucement as soon as the doors open. This is how its works:

Track.Sta Name; ArrivalTime; DepartureTime; PassAlarm; Doors; ForcedRedSignal; System; ARRIVALSOUND; StopDuration; PassengerRatio; DepartureSound; TimetableIndex

NYCTA Projects / New NYCT Objects Pack
« on: March 28, 2011, 11:42:17 pm »
What's up people? I'm currently working on and putting together an object pack that will be free for use by all developers. This pack will contain, updated underground and station rails, switchbeds for underground, cementbeds, ballast and el tracks. It will also include vintage objects such as elevated tracks and platforms and some buildings. This pack will include updated elevated tracks, platforms, tunnel walls, switches columns and anything else I can think of. Below are some screens. Some of which will be featured in JayJay's D Line and Culver Shuttle. Let me know what the community thinks. Object suggestions for this pack will be greatly appreciated. This pack will be available for BVE 2/4 and openBVE compatible png objects.

Screens: Cementbed, Modern Elevated with platform and side, New Switchbed, Underground Station and Tunnel Rail, Vintage Elevated with platform and side, Vintage Elevated under the trackbed.

BVE/OpenBVE Support / openBVE shading and color problems
« on: March 13, 2011, 04:34:37 pm »
What's up people? Can anyone help me? I have started a little demo project for openBVE and I can't figure out why objects on the left come out fine, but on the right they seem shaded or darkened and some objects display the wrong colors. Notice in the image, the right side texture of the trackbed is dark, but the left side is lighter. Does anyone know why?

General BVE/OpenBVE / Other developer's objects and obtaining permission
« on: February 27, 2011, 06:31:10 pm »
I've been noticing a lot lately that in of lot of screenshots of routes in progress, there are quite a few of my objects and textures being used and some of my objects have been modified and claimed as someone else's work. Now I don't have a problem with the textures being used, but I do have a problem with my objects being used and/or modified without my consent. And to make it worse, claimed as if that person developed them themselves!!!! If you have seeked permission from me and received it, DISREGARD this post. If you have not, please discontinue all use of my objects. If you seek permission from myself as well as other developer's, I'm sure you will obtain it. As long as you provide the credit to the developer whom designed the object. I've noticed that people are not being credited either. A lot of the devloper's work extremely hard and very long on these routes and provide them for free for people to be blatantly using their work and calling it your own. Any objects I have used or modified, I have obtained permission and given credit for. This will be the last time I will speak about this. If this continues, I will cease all current development and have all of my released work removed from the internet.

NYCTA Projects / (Cancelled) 1970's 8th Avenue Express (Official Thread)
« on: January 13, 2011, 05:48:25 pm »

[attachment deleted due to inactivity]

General BVE/OpenBVE / BVE 2/4 - OpenBVE
« on: January 09, 2011, 03:00:15 pm »
Ok. I know a lot of you here at BVEstation love OpenBVE. I have no problems with that. What I do have a problem with is the way things are developed here. A lot of you have great talent, however, I've read many posts lately about trainsets being worked on for BVE 2/4 and OpenBVE, yet all I see being released are trainsets for OpenBVE, with no mention whatsoever of a BVE 2/4 version like some of those posts originally stated. It's a trend that bothers me as well as many other NYCT developers because how do people expect more NYCT content to be developed for BVE 2/4 if we do not have the trainsets necessary for the lines. Me personally, I have nothing against OpenBVE, however, the original BVE was meant as a simple simulator and coding for routes and objects were made to be simple. OpenBVE was meant to be a little more open but has become difficult and convoluted and annoying to code for. Thus I will never code for OpenBVE. I know that it is the developer's decision which program to develop content for, but always remember this: not everyone can code routes and objects, and not everyone can develop trains. Having said that, I may have to leave the BVE world if this trend continues.

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