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Messages - [CT1660]

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General BVE/OpenBVE / Re: My Tribute to Redbirds
« on: February 08, 2013, 09:55:39 pm »
great screenshots! btw, the 3 button activates the exterior lighting

NYCTA Projects / Re: [95%] The OFFICIAL R16 Development Thread [+Previews]
« on: February 01, 2013, 06:12:10 am »
Headlight system revised on the R16! Get yer update here:

Headlight/Tail light system revised! Get yer updates here!

R17 (Redbird)

R21/R22 (Redbird)

R17/R21 GEL Train (Rail Adhesion Train)

R17 Ash Train (Garbage Train)

SWEET!!! but one thing i didn't see my name in the cab shot credits, unless you didn't use mine, then never mind.

rstar's cab shot was used that's why

I just use the revenue car drawings as a reference, then apply the photos into the car drawings.

Introducing the R17 redbird!

and its work car variation configured as an ash train! (flat cars provided by deandremouse)

its almost there...

...check out the latest public evaluation version!

NYCTA Projects / Re: R68 OpenBve [Cab Preview]
« on: December 18, 2012, 08:53:33 pm »
I downloaded the latest R68 for OpenBVE version that was available. I like the truck package upgrade. Really fits with the car. I then proceeded to modify the propulsion sounds and tweak the train physics. The result is much more realistic Westinghouse propulsion that I am willing to send the code and the proper sound files to the main developer for incorporation in the final release version. I'm always happy to help when I can. Here is the video showcasing the modifications that I made to the train:
OpenBVE New York City Subway R68 Propulsion Modification Showcase
This version (unmodified) is downloadable at the following link:

Please do send the sounds over when you can so i can add the sounds. The other sounds were just a slap-on to get something out quickly.

NYCTA Projects / Re: [89%] The OFFICIAL R16 Development Thread [+Previews]
« on: December 16, 2012, 11:14:48 am »
The R16 finally has a home route for openBVE.

Many thanks to TJay for granting me permission to update and optimize the route. As you see, Franklin Av station is a WIP (hence the recycled dean street windscreen object), and if anyone can provide a blueprint of the station layout as it was before being rebuilt, i would kindly appreciate it. Otherwise, it will be based on the numerous photos available.

What's been updated:
-Generic signals from the BVE 2/4 days upgraded with his newer signals
-Beacon that WILL trip your train on a red signal (Oskari Plugin & Default ATS plugin)
-Speed Limits
-Some texture swaps
-In-Cab Rain (supported cabs with the Oskari plugin)
-Third Rail Gaps (supported trains with the Oskari plugin)
-Static trains upgraded to moving trains with interiors.
-Background noise to make the scenario more realistic

Expect another major public evaluation release of the R16 soon, which includes some texture updates.

It's easy. just use the command for the animated doors.

Station Talk / Re: Start OpenBVE
« on: December 05, 2012, 12:23:02 am »
it went down
go to the official openbve website

we're experiencing issues with the domain server.

NYCTA Projects / Re: [89%] The OFFICIAL R16 Development Thread [+Previews]
« on: November 30, 2012, 09:49:46 pm »
Something wicked this way comes....

openBVE: R16 (SS) leaving Franklin Av

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