People who follow me here may know that I sometimes create strip maps for the routes available for BVE/openBVE. What you may not know is that I've been doing this off and on for about five years now. Come to think of it, it's probably one of my first Illustrator projects I did. My inspiration came from
lilbluefoxie's strip maps over on NYC Transit Forums way back in 2009. My first attempts at replicating this for other lines, both real and fictional, were hit and miss to be generous, especially since it was my first foray with vector graphics programs. I'd show you, but since I no longer have access to the POS desktop I created them on. My second attempt which, while better than the first, looking back on it today, looks a bit cartoonish. Take a look.

Note the small fonts for everything, the fugly-looking bullets. After a while, I decided to make them look a bit more realistic.

While the station/borough divider fonts are still small, the bullets look much better, don't they? I updated them again to fix that and other issues.
Ignore the fictional transfers.The fonts are now legible from a distance (as they'd have to be if this were a real strip map found on a train). It even includes the "map not in use" cut out that you'd find on the trains.
I mention all of this because, once again, I've completely started from scratch. Call me a perfectionist, but like all of my work I do for here and BVEStation, I have to like it and if I don't, I will fix it. Eventually. (My perfectionist streak is always trumped by a lack of time.

) Taking inspiration from
this SubChat post, I've decided to go for an even more realistic approach for this new update.

While not an exact replica of the ones found on the 142s (besides the addition of the 2's local stops, my personal preference has the font mostly in Akzidenz Grotesk instead of Helvetica, among other minor details), the row of 64 total available stops, the location of the stops' "indicator lights" and everything else are all based on what one would find on an actual strip map on one of the trains and where they'd be in relation to everything else.
While I'm not taking request right now, I will be posting other line maps as I see fit. Stand by for that.