
Author Topic: Official Railworks: Train Simulator 2014 Videos and Screenshots Thread  (Read 129416 times)

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TS2014: EMD F59PHI Physics Fix Released
« Reply #75 on: February 14, 2014, 05:34:04 pm »
The EMD F59PHI physics adjustment pack is ready:
Train Simulator 2014 HD: Amtrak EMD F59PHI Hauled Northeast Regional Makes Stop at New Brunswick
Train Simulator 2014 HD EXCLUSIVE: Amtrak California EMD F59PHI Physics Tweak Release Showcase

This is the EMD F59PHI Physics Upgrade pack.

In order to utilize this freeware physics upgrade, you must have purchased the Pacific Surfliner Route Addon avaliable at Steam:

This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes. You are free, however to further modify the physics enhancements found in this pack for personal use if you so choose.

THIS IS NOT A SOUND UPGRADE PACK. Physics adjustments made around the existing sounds

The purpose of this pack is to correct some physics errors in the original F59PHI locomotive.

I am not responsible for any damage that installing this pack may cause your machine. ALWAYS be sure to back up original files incase you need to revert back to them.

Parameter Change Log:
1. Change RPM upper limit to 905.
2. Adjust Braking Effort curve to simulate realism.
3. Adjust amp limits according to EMD specs; Max traction amps = 1550. Max brake amps = 760.
4. Increased weight from 104 tons to 128 tons to simulate fully loaded locomotive and increase adhesion.
5. Decreased fuel capacity from 4800 gallons to 2000 gallons.
6. Increased air brake application and release rates. Original rates are painfully and unrealistically slow.

IMPORTANT; Install Instructions

1. Open the "PacificSurflinerAssets.ap" pack file with .7z
2. Proceed to open folders until the .7z directory reads "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\PacificSurfliner\PacificSurflinerAssets.ap\RailVehicles\Diesel\F59PHI\Default\".
3. Then open the "Railworks_F59PHI_Physics_Mod" file.
4. Take both file folder named "Engine" and "Simulation" and drag it into the .ap file.
5. Click "OK" when it asks you to Confirm File Copy.
6. The installation should be complete. Run TS2014 to check.

Thank you for downloading and installing.
Enjoy =)

Download here:

Offline Fan Railer

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TS2014: GG1 Tractive Effort Enhancement Pack
« Reply #77 on: February 17, 2014, 06:13:11 pm »
GG1 Tractive Effort Enhancement Pack for Train Simulator 2014:
Train Simulator 2014 HD: PRR GG1 Passenger Gearing Tractive Effort Enhancement Acceleration Test
Train Simulator 2014 HD: Amtrak PRR GG1 Departs Edison with 14 Car Amfleet Northeast Regional Set

This is the GE PRR GG1 Tractive Effort Upgrade pack.

In order to utilize this freeware physics upgrade, you must have purchased the PRR GG1 Loco Add-On avaliable at Steam:

This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes. You are free, however to further modify the physics enhancements found in this pack for personal use if you so choose.

The purpose of this pack is to correct the blaring tractive effort curve errors in the GG1 locomotive as it was originally released.
Specifics about the TE values can be found in the first few posts of this thread:

I am not responsible for any damage that installing this pack may cause your machine. ALWAYS be sure to back up original files in case you need to revert back to them.

Parameter Change Log:
1. Created passenger-geared version's TE curve.
2. Created freight-geared version's TE curve.
3. Lowered maximum traction amps to 2800.

IMPORTANT; Install Instructions

1. Open the GG1 asset pack until the directory reads "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\GG1Pack01\RailVehicles\Electric\GG1\Simulation"
2. Then open the "Railworks_GG1_Tractive_Effort_Mod.rar" file.
3. Drag both file folders named "Passenger" and "Freight" from the .rar file and into the directory you opened in step one.
4. The premise of this pack is that you can only run one version of the GG1 at one time.
5. Before playing TS2014, choose the version you want to run (passenger or freight), then proceed to copy the contents in the respective folder into the directory from step one. DO NOT DELETE THE FOLDER afterwords.
6. The installation should be complete. Run TS2014 to check.
7. If you wish to change the version you are running at any time, exit out of TS2014, and repeat step 5.

Thank you for downloading and installing.
Enjoy =)

Download the pack here:

Offline Fan Railer

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TS2014: Amtrak EMD F40PH HEP and Physics modification preview
« Reply #78 on: February 19, 2014, 09:20:00 pm »
Here is my first highlight of progress on the Amtrak EMD F40PH HEP and Physics modification pack. The modification is actually progressing much more quickly than I had anticipated, and I should have a pack ready for download by the end of the week (watch in 720p or higher for the player to work):
Train Simulator 2014 HD EXCLUSIVE: Amtrak EMD F40PH HEP Addition and Physics Modification Preview

Parameter Change Log (so far):
1. Change RPM range to 260 - 893.
2. Adjust Tractive Effort to EMD F59PHI values. Original Tractive Effort values are all messed up
3. Adjust Braking Effort curve to simulate realism.
4. Adjust amp limits so that the in cab ammeter displays properly.

This pack also converts the No-Conductor locomotives (the locomotives that do not have crew members in the cabs) into HEP running versions.
The parameter changes for those locomotives are the same as the ones for the non-HEP versions except for the following:
1. Change RPM range to 893 - 894.

I have not yet decided whether to lower the tractive effort ratings for the HEP version, and I may very well leave the two TE curves identical. Other than that, I think this is 98% complete.

Offline Fan Railer

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TS2014: Amtrak EMD F40PH HEP and Physics Mod Release
« Reply #79 on: February 20, 2014, 03:24:01 pm »
Train Simulator 2014 HD: Amtrak EMD F40PH Screamer At Metropark and Metuchen Stations on the NEC
This is the Amtrak EMD F40PH Physics Upgrade and HEP Version Addition pack.

In order to utilize this freeware physics upgrade, you must have purchased the Amtrak F40PH ‘California Zephyr’ Loco Add-On pack avaliable at Steam:

This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes. You are free, however to further modify the physics enhancements found in this pack for personal use if you so choose.

THIS IS NOT A SOUND UPGRADE PACK. Physics adjustments made around the existing sounds.

The purpose of this pack is to correct some physics errors in the original Amtrak EMD F40PH pack.

ALWAYS MAKE SURE you back up original files in case you need to revert back to them.

Parameter Change Log (so far):
1. Change RPM range to 260 - 893, and adjusted fuel consumption (3.6 gph - 174 gph).
2. Adjust Tractive Effort to EMD F59PHI values. Original Tractive Effort values are all messed up
3. Adjust Braking Effort curve to simulate realism.
4. Adjust amp limits so that the in cab ammeter displays properly.

This pack also converts the No-Conductor locomotives (the locomotives that do not have crew members in the cabs) into HEP running versions.
The parameter changes for those locomotives are the same as the ones for the non-HEP versions except for the following:
1. Change RPM range to 893 - 894, and adjusted fuel consumption (40 gph - 174 gph).

IMPORTANT; Install Instructions

1. Open the F40PH asset pack until the directory reads "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\F40PHPack01\RailVehicles\Diesel\F40PH"
2. Then open the "Railworks_F40PH_HEP_Addition_and_Physics_Mod.rar" file.
3. Drag both file folders named "Simulation" and "AmtrakPhaseIII" from the .rar file and into the directory you opened in step one.
4. Overwrite if asked.
5. The installation should be complete. Run TS2014 to check.

Thank you for downloading and installing.
Enjoy =)
Download the pack here:

Offline Fan Railer

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TS2014: Acela EMU Physics Fix Released
« Reply #80 on: February 24, 2014, 12:20:17 am »
This is the Amtrak Acela Express Physics Upgrade pack:
Train Simulator 2014 HD EXCLUSIVE: Amtrak Acela Express EMU (Physics Fix) Stops at Metropark Station
Train Simulator 2014 HD EXCLUSIVE: Amtrak Acela Express EMU Physics Fix Pack Release Video

In order to utilize this freeware physics upgrade, you must have purchased the Amtrak Acela Express EMU Add-On pack available at Steam:

This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes. You are free, however to further modify the physics enhancements found in this pack for personal use if you so choose.

THIS IS NOT A SOUND UPGRADE PACK. Physics adjustments made around the existing sounds

The purpose of this pack is to correct some physics errors in the original Acela pack.

Parameter Change Log:
1. Adjusted tractive effort and braking effort curves based on real world figures available online. Original figures used were much too high and lead to an unrealistically fast train set.
2. Adjusted individual car weights based on real world figures available online.
3. Added the ammeter feature on the HUD, and tweaked the cab TE display to read a maximum of 50,000 lbf of starting tractive effort.

For more specifics on the specific values that were changed, proceed here:

IMPORTANT; Install Instructions

1. Open the Acela asset pack until the directory reads "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\AcelaPack01\RailVehicles\Electric\Acela\Default"
2. Then open the "Railworks_Acela_Express_Physics_Mod.rar" file.
3. Drag all five folders from the .rar file and into the directory you opened in step one.
4. Overwrite if asked.
5. The installation should be complete. Run TS2014 to check.

Thank you for downloading and installing.
Enjoy =)


Offline Fan Railer

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TS2014: AEM-7DC Physics Mod Released
« Reply #81 on: February 26, 2014, 08:07:09 pm »
Train Simulator 2014 HD: EXCLUSIVE Amtrak EMD AEM-7DC Physics Mod Release Showcase Video
This is the Amtrak EMD AEM-7DC Physics Upgrade pack.

In order to utilize this freeware physics upgrade, you must have purchased the Northeast Corridor Add-On pack available at Steam:

This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes. You are free, however to further modify the physics enhancements found in this pack for personal use if you so choose.

THIS IS NOT A SOUND UPGRADE PACK. Physics adjustments made around the existing sounds

The purpose of this pack is to correct some physics errors in the original AEM-7.

Parameter Change Log:
1. Adjusted tractive effort and braking effort curves based on real world figures available online:'s%20Standard-Handbook/Transportation.pdf
2. Adjusted maximum amperage ratings; 2250 for traction and 970 for braking. Traction amps based here:

For more specifics on the specific values that were changed, proceed here:

IMPORTANT; Install Instructions; Remember to ALWAYS create a backup file in case you need to revert.

1. Open the Northeast Corridor asset pack until the directory reads "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\NorthEastCorridor\RailVehicles\Electric\AEM7\Default\Simulation"
2. Then open the "Railworks_AEM-7DC_Physics_Mod.rar" file.
3. Drag all files from the .rar file and into the directory you opened in step one.
4. Overwrite if asked.
5. The installation should be complete. Run TS2014 to check.

Thank you for downloading and installing.
Enjoy =)


Offline Fan Railer

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TS2014: ACS-64 Boost Mode vs Continuous Mode Acceleration Test
« Reply #82 on: March 07, 2014, 12:05:39 am »
Here are the two different acceleration profiles of the Amtrak Siemens ACS-64 (physics dropped into the existing AEM-7). First up from start to 4:50 is the boost mode (6400kW) profile. From 4:55 to the end is the continuous mode (5000kW) profile. Note that I have adjusted amp ratings to reflect tractive effort in kN (1 amp = 1 kN). You can see that the different acceleration profiles follow the tractive effort curves as seen here:

Note the difference in time it takes for the locomotive to accelerate the 8 car Amfleet train while in the different modes.

Train Simulator 2014 HD EXCLUSIVE: Amtrak ACS-64 Boost Mode vs Continuous Mode Acceleration

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TS2014: ACS-64 Model Preview
« Reply #83 on: March 07, 2014, 11:17:18 am »

Offline PelhamLocal

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Re: Official Railworks: Train Simulator 2014 Videos and Screenshots Thread
« Reply #84 on: March 07, 2014, 06:03:58 pm »
Wow, not even in service for a month, and there's already a Railworks verison. Impressive! ;D

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Re: Official Railworks: Train Simulator 2014 Videos and Screenshots Thread
« Reply #85 on: March 25, 2014, 11:06:19 pm »
I just got this game, loving the graphics, not loving the prices!  :P

Offline Fan Railer

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Re: Official Railworks: Train Simulator 2014 Videos and Screenshots Thread
« Reply #86 on: March 27, 2014, 12:35:41 am »
I just got this game, loving the graphics, not loving the prices!  :P
HAHAHA. I agree with you. This game really tests my patience on whether I can wait out on buying certain DLC until it's on sale. I might have to pay full price for the new NEC section when it comes out simply because it's looking like one of their best works yet:

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TS2014: Siemens ES64F4 Released Today
« Reply #87 on: March 27, 2014, 11:23:01 pm »

Offline PSharp217

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Re: Official Railworks: Train Simulator 2014 Videos and Screenshots Thread
« Reply #88 on: March 28, 2014, 07:42:45 am »
Is there a torrent where I can get the Official Railworks: Train Simulator 2014. Please advise.

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Re: Official Railworks: Train Simulator 2014 Videos and Screenshots Thread
« Reply #89 on: March 28, 2014, 10:32:19 am »
Is there a torrent where I can get the Official Railworks: Train Simulator 2014. Please advise.
If you really need to ask something like this, then it is pretty clear that you are unable to simply Google search this and decide for yourself whether it's worth the risk that the file you are torrenting may or may not be what you want it to be.

That being said, none of us here are going to advocate torrenting a program (or any program) of sorts that the rest of us shelled out our hard earned money for. That's all I have to say.