Other Projects / Re: TUTORIAL: Third Rail Gap for OpenBVE Trains (Interiors/Exteriors) AND Routes!
« on: January 15, 2012, 04:30:07 pm »
That's fine. Any train prior to the R32, such as the one your working on, R1 thru R30 did not have the battery so it is great that those features will be there. The TOMC didn't have the battery b4 overhaul. Back when they were in revenue service. In the early '90's, the TOMC did get the battery as well. But as I have stated b4, since these trains are from the era of the '50's, '60's and '70's, then yes the feature should be there. Not on the NTT's though. Any old school route should also have this feature. Not present day routes though.