What's up people? I've noticed that on all the routes here, the departure annoucements are being overrun by the sound of the doors closing. The reason for that is BVE as well as openBVE plays the departure sound 5 secs before the doors close. Now that is not realistic as in real life, the conductor will not close doors until the annoucement is fully completed and all passengers have boarded. (Except in NYC. We like to close doors on people

) Now for all new tech trains, R142, R143, R160 and so on, the departure annoucements are played as soon as the doors are OPENED. Now this CAN be done in both BVE 2/4 and openBVE for automated annoucements and manual annoucements. Here's how:
In both BVE 2/4 and openBVE, you have the .annouce command. This can be used anywhere along the route and we mainly use it to annouce the name of the station as we are arriving into the station. In the station namespace, there are 2 places for sound: arrival sound and departure sound. All of the routes here place their departure sounds in the departure namspace thus the overlapping, but if you place the departure sound in the ARRIVAL namespace, you will get that realistic automated annoucement as soon as the doors open. This is how its works:
Track.Sta Name; ArrivalTime; DepartureTime; PassAlarm; Doors; ForcedRedSignal; System;
ARRIVALSOUND; StopDuration; PassengerRatio; DepartureSound; TimetableIndex