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Messages - TJay1724

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NYCTA Projects / Re: New NYCT Objects Pack
« on: May 10, 2011, 12:49:49 pm »
I have successfully simulated repeating signals. I know everyone wants to see videos, but I cannot make them for some reason so instead all custom signals will be displayed in a demo route shortly. For those of you who know how to make videos, please feel free to do so once the demo is released. The repeat signals are regular signals just customized for the left instead of the right and coded to function the same as a regular signal. For example, if you have a standard signal on the right, I placed the repeat signal on the left 5 meters before and have the code in the file set so that both signals display the same aspect and will change to the same aspect at the same time, thus simulating the repeat signal effect of the NYC subway.

NYCTA Projects / Re: New NYCT Objects Pack
« on: May 08, 2011, 05:23:42 pm »
Thanks. They should be ready soon.

NYCTA Projects / Re: New NYCT Objects Pack
« on: May 08, 2011, 04:45:48 pm »
I've attempted to do different speeds, but anything over 5 seconds and for some reason the signal will not display properly and by default, it can't be anything lower than 5 seconds. The timers are still a work in progress so I'll see what I can come up with. As for the trips, as you said the R38 has the plugin, if the train does not have the plugin and the route file does not have the correct beacon coded into the file, it won't matter. The train has to have the plugin, and the route has to have the correct beacon command for that to work.

NYCTA Projects / Re: New NYCT Objects Pack
« on: May 08, 2011, 04:29:31 pm »
Basically they work on a delay in conjunction with the length before it.  For example, the timers in the file by default is five seconds and the timer will start when the train reaches 40 meters before the signal. I have it set at 40 meters. So when your train gets to the 40 meter mark before the signal, your trains speed should be around 14-20 mph. Once the timer expires, the signal will turn from red to yellow, then to green. If you time it right and have your speed adjusted accordingly, the timer will clear to green just before you pass it. There is no penalty for passing at red as openBVE only sees this as an animated object and does not recognize it as a signal, though it is placed with a signal command and functions as a signal.

NYCTA Projects / Re: New NYCT Objects Pack
« on: May 08, 2011, 03:29:25 pm »
<4>Express you are right. There will be some confusion, but I will include all necessary documentation and instructions on how to use the signals and timers. But I will go ahead and develop a demo route for that purpose as well.

NYCTA Projects / Re: New NYCT Objects Pack
« on: May 08, 2011, 02:31:19 pm »
Just a quick update. I have just 2 more objects to go and the pack should be released by the end of this week. I had a little scare a few days ago when my development system wouldn't load and I couldn't get to the pack, but now all is fine and I have the pack backed up in 7 different places and my development system is working again. I was thinking about putting together a little demo route showcasing the objects and the custom signals with timers. What do you guys think?

Other Projects / Re: All Trains by Pacific385
« on: May 08, 2011, 01:23:47 pm »
I would say your acceleration rate and top speed should be the rates SIR North Shore used in his R142A v8. And the deceleration rate should be the rate he used in the same trainset.

Other Projects / Re: All Trains by Pacific385
« on: May 07, 2011, 11:42:07 pm »
I love the motor sounds of the train, they are awesome. However, the acceleration rate of this train is too unbelievable. The train accelerates way too fast thus making it unrealistic even for a fictional train and the deceleration is even worse. There is no train on earth that slows down that fast. If you can fix the acceration and deceleration on this train, you'll get an A+ from me because other than that, this train is awesome!!!!!

P.S.- Not knocking on you or your work. I'm just responding to your request for improving your train.

NYCTA Projects / Re: New NYCT Objects Pack
« on: May 04, 2011, 01:40:23 pm »
With BVE 2/4, more than likely but it shouldn't be by much. I've eliminated all unnecessary faces from my objects for that reason. With openBVE, not at all. I am still achieving 60 fps with these objects.

NYCTA Projects / Re: New NYCT Objects Pack
« on: May 04, 2011, 07:42:33 am »
As I have stated in the update, the first pack is almost done and should be ready to go soon. I just have to make the earthen embankment, concrete viaduct like you see on the 7 line, and some portal approaches. I'm calling this the essential pack. Next will be the open world pack. Basically that will include things such as COMPLETE surrounding scenery such as whole city blocks with multiple buildings of different sizes and designs, trees, parks, animated objects for openBVE, station canopies, revised bridges, people and so forth. The custom signals for openBVE WILL NOT be included in the essentials pack due to work still in progress on those, but will be released as a stand alone pack soon. Stay tuned and thanks for all of your patience and support.

NYCTA Projects / Re: New NYCT Objects Pack
« on: May 03, 2011, 10:25:45 pm »
Just a quick peek. First object pack nearing completion. Coming soon!!!

New OpenCut
New UnderwaterTube
New Ballast Rail
New Tunnel Wall w/Florescent Lights

BVEStation Network News / Re: Z Extension to Valley Stream Released
« on: April 27, 2011, 09:30:04 am »
I fully understand what you were saying Rayvon. I wasn't trying to criticize you or really be mean towards anyone. I was just pointing out some things. What I normally do to avoid taking the time out to go back over my work because you are right about not having time, is that as I build station by station, I double and triple check before I move to the next one. And if it takes 2 years to release, then so be it. I'm just tired of the UK guys making us look like amateurs because we are not. All of those who contribute here at BVEStation are excellent at what they do. Whether it be train building, route coding, object designing, or just taking pics and collecting data. Don't get me wrong, those guys are superb at what they do. Please don't get me wrong. I'm proud of you all here and I am happy to be a part of this group. There are a lot of people working towards a common goal because when I started, it was just Tony C., Joe and myself. Do your thing.

BVEStation Network News / Re: Z Extension to Valley Stream Released
« on: April 26, 2011, 07:21:08 pm »
I'm sorry, but I have to say this. It irks me when I hear comments like "Back to the basics or instead of eye candy". Now I don't want to sound like I'm berating anyone as everyone is right. I does take a crapload of time to make routes and trains, but that really doesn't mean we should be releasing shoddy or sub-par work. Because to be honest, some of the routes have a lot of errors and graphical errors that just should not be there. The Q is 1 example of that. Back on the old forum, all I ever heard was how the goal was to catch up to the rest of the BVE world in terms of excellence and quality, but now it sounds as if I'm hearing excuses. I do agree that it gets annoying when others constantly ask when something will be released, but come on. I have a job and a family that I must attend to and yet I still hand code everything. The route itself and the objects. Those UK developers are kicking our asses in terms of highend content and all we are doing is making excuses. If you have chosen to dedicate yourself to anything, then you put the work in. Simple as that. I take both negative and positive criticism and use that to improve on my work. I'm not saying that my work is the best. What I'm saying is that I'm not going to release sub-par work just because it takes time.

NYCTA Projects / Re: New NYCT Objects Pack
« on: April 25, 2011, 08:41:26 pm »
I was attempting to make a video showing the timed signal and auto announcements playing as soon as the doors open, but CamStudio is pissing me off. It recorded only the sound but no video. Anyway, the first object pack is nearing completion. I have the custom signals and timed signals and I'm listing them as beta for now, but they are all fully functional and I'm in the process of creating all the signalling NYCT has, underground and elevated, standard and approach. This will take a little time as there are many different variation combos of NYCT signals. Thanks for everyone's patience.

I agree to the point that it is developer's choice, but if you look at the london underground routes as well as about 95% of the BVE world, they mainly have individual files which makes it simpler for people to install and play. I've been on the BVE scene since 2000 and as far as I can tell, we are the only group that does this. Sure there are some routes that may have 1 dependency, 2 at the most, but for the most part, they all carry seperate folders.

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