The 68's will not go to the (A) since none of the yards along the (A) maintain 68's. There's a reason they didn't think about that yet.
Apparently the R-32's are being taken off of the (C) and are being placed on the (A), for the summer weather(primarily because you can open a window on the el if the A/C doesn't work, since the C doesn't go outside). It's cheap, but I really don't care.
We're aware that the trains used lead-based paints, which is why a lot of american renovation projects require that we remove said paints from buildings and/or vehicles, such as the Brooklyn Bridge.
You can't doubt where something will go, based on an assumption. If the R179's go to the (R) and (G), then that's where they will go. All I know is that just like the R160's, Concourse Yard will not be using them.