
Author Topic: Some MTA Routes Gone  (Read 29319 times)

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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2011, 06:29:44 pm »
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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2011, 06:36:37 pm »
so know that the R32 is no longer going to be running what is going to be running on the C train the R46?

I think maybe the R32's will be replaced with R160s, since the R160s are "new"
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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2011, 10:36:17 am »
so know that the R32 is no longer going to be running what is going to be running on the C train the R46?

I think so. Keep in mind this is speculative and by no means indicative of what the (MTA) may or may not do, but I think that when the R179s arrive, they will be placed on the (R) and maybe the (G) lines and their R46s will be displaced to the (C).

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Offline Fox-179

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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2011, 11:20:54 am »
I hate those 68's
Ehh..why? I like the ones with the howling motors.
1. They are ugly
2. Hate the propulsion sound

3. They are very slow.
4. [On Some] the doors close quickly, like you're in a dungeon or something
1.Ok we have our opinions although they're fat.
2.If you hate the 68's propulsion you must dislike the R44,68A & 62A since they're similar minus the howling motors.
3.Yes they're slow but people say "all subway cars are the same speed".They have a lot of weight but once they get going they really haul.
4.I don't see a problem with that I rather have a quick door closing then a slow closing.The R62,62A,68/A have the fastest closings.Slowest are the 46's and 160's.But that's not a major issue.

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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2011, 11:32:24 am »
so know that the R32 is no longer going to be running what is going to be running on the C train the R46?

I think so. Keep in mind this is speculative and by no means indicative of what the (MTA) may or may not do, but I think that when the R179s arrive, they will be placed on the (R) and maybe the (G) lines and their R46s will be displaced to the (C).
True but I doubt the 179's will go to the (R) and or (G) but it could happen.But for sure the 4 car sets ordered will be for ENY to retire those 42's(the option order)
main order(5 car sets to replace the 32's.But the R-46's may get retrofited for Staten Island b\c the 44's out there have frame issues also but those are in better shape then the ones here but still not much better.
I honestly think the R-179(5 car sets) should go to the (D) so the (A)/(C) can get the 68's.But idk.

And btw the 44's MAY be perm out of service ALL of them b\c the higher priority workers don't want them in service.But anything can change as of now the ones in 207th are being stripped.Concourse remains untouched and Pitkin.The ones in C.I.Y some stripped.
They will not be REEFED! due to toxic it will hurt the environment in the ocean.Once stripped they're supposed to be put on a flatbed truck and be sent to Ohio where idk what the heck is gonna happen 2 them.

Offline BStyles

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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2011, 03:12:32 pm »
The 68's will not go to the (A) since none of the yards along the (A) maintain 68's. There's a reason they didn't think about that yet.

Apparently the R-32's are being taken off of the (C) and are being placed on the (A), for the summer weather(primarily because you can open a window on the el if the A/C doesn't work, since the C doesn't go outside). It's cheap, but I really don't care.

We're aware that the trains used lead-based paints, which is why a lot of american renovation projects require that we remove said paints from buildings and/or vehicles, such as the Brooklyn Bridge.

You can't doubt where something will go, based on an assumption. If the R179's go to the (R) and (G), then that's where they will go. All I know is that just like the R160's, Concourse Yard will not be using them.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 03:14:07 pm by BStyles »

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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2011, 10:46:58 am »
what about the R68's at the concourse yard when are they going to be retired? and what fleet will replace them.

Offline Fox-179

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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2011, 11:24:27 am »
what about the R68's at the concourse yard when are they going to be retired? and what fleet will replace them.
They'll most likely be retired in the 2020-2035 range depending.In 2016-2018 they'll be 30-32yrs old.
No one exactly knows when they'll start retiring b\c anything can happen with the cars physically which can force them to retire at 30.
But if keep kicking ass everyday and are taken care of then they'll make it till their at least 38 to 40yrs old which will be in 2026-2028.They can stick around long like the 32's depending on their condition and money.

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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2011, 09:40:48 pm »
what about the R68's at the concourse yard when are they going to be retired? and what fleet will replace them.
They'll most likely be retired in the 2020-2035 range depending.In 2016-2018 they'll be 30-32yrs old.
No one exactly knows when they'll start retiring b\c anything can happen with the cars physically which can force them to retire at 30.
But if keep kicking ass everyday and are taken care of then they'll make it till their at least 38 to 40yrs old which will be in 2026-2028.They can stick around long like the 32's depending on their condition and money.
When the R68 start breaking down constantly, then the MTA can decide on whether to retire them or not, for now don't give estimates on years that they may retire, Age sometimes has nothing to do with the cars being retired. the R44 was still young and was taken out of service due to structural issues. If it can still run on rails then it still good, saves the MTA more money and headaches on changing fleet.
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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2011, 08:08:59 pm »
I hate those 68's
Ehh..why? I like the ones with the howling motors.
1. They are ugly
2. Hate the propulsion sound

3. They are very slow.
4. [On Some] the doors close quickly, like you're in a dungeon or something
1.Ok we have our opinions although they're fat.
2.If you hate the 68's propulsion you must dislike the R44,68A & 62A since they're similar minus the howling motors.
3.Yes they're slow but people say "all subway cars are the same speed".They have a lot of weight but once they get going they really haul.
4.I don't see a problem with that I rather have a quick door closing then a slow closing.The R62,62A,68/A have the fastest closings.Slowest are the 46's and 160's.But that's not a major issue.

No I meant I'd have a normal closing, like the R32s
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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2011, 06:54:58 pm »
when will them pieces of trash R62/A's be retired? they have been here long enough its time for them to go. when exactly will they be replaced by New Tech Trains?

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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2011, 07:00:02 pm »
when will them pieces of trash R62/A's be retired? they have been here long enough its time for them to go. when exactly will they be replaced by New Tech Trains?

Those trains are not TRASH! >:( Second they ain't going nowhere anytime soon. They are only 20-25 years old!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 07:04:06 pm by bve »
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Offline JayWon160

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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2011, 07:16:04 pm »
when will them pieces of trash R62/A's be retired? they have been here long enough its time for them to go. when exactly will they be replaced by New Tech Trains?

Unless they develop major issues, then 2020-2025 the earliest.

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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2011, 08:45:11 pm »
when will them pieces of trash R62/A's be retired? they have been here long enough its time for them to go. when exactly will they be replaced by New Tech Trains?
The R62/As are not trash and are only 20-25 years old. They actually are very reliable and have served the MTA well,  a quick look at the MDBF numbers shows that the R62/As are in the middle of the pack in terms of reliability.
Read The Graph Carefully, It is Easy To Misinterpret.

Offline Fox-179

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Re: Some MTA Routes Gone
« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2011, 09:06:50 pm »
I respect your opinion b\c we all have likes/dislikes b\c we are all unique and different in many ways.If you want to call 62/A's trash then let if be.To me personally every train is reliable whether they're 40 or under a year old b\c its getting people to places non-the less.Its better than nothing.I personally hate the 42's b\c they look terrible and need to go but they're reliable since their kicking their ass nearly everyday getting thousands of riders from there to there.
To me all the cars are in good shape except the 42's b\c of the carbon steel but while any and every train remains in service they're reliable or useful.
The 62A's are boring to me b\c they have nothing special about them to me they're loosing it b\c they're getting older but they still do their job on the (1) and (7).I recommend you to ride the (3) more often if you don't b\c for their age they are still damn fast maybe that'll change your mind.