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what about 1,2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7 Express, 9, and shuttle to Times Square
Im asking permission from SIR, BlueBliutz20 to realease the animated version to his reskinned R142A. This trainset has an animated LED of any line in the IRT system.Available Lines : 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7 Express, 9, and shittle to Times Square.
My goodness! Some people's eye sight is handicapped! LolAnyways when i get permission to release you guys will have these trainsets with customizeable destinations whether for your recording or just to look cool on the routes you run. Every line jas been completed except the Grand Central shuttle.@pitor - if you can code a spot in the trainset where i can put in my self made LED that would be fine. I will be on Teamspeak on Thursday so please be online for the files.I will put up screen shots later.