Odakyufan, one of the
OFFICIAL developers of OpenBVE also creator of the well known fictional Chashinai Railway route, has re-uploaded the latest build of OpenBVE on his website. You can download it by visiting the link below.
http://odakyufan.zxq.net/As of yesterday night, OpenBVE Developer michelle has announced that she will no longer be developing OpenBVE. Trainsimframework.org has also been shut down, due to expenses by the people who owned the domain. Thankfully the program was open source, and public domain allowing anyone to modify, and use the source code in anyway they please.
I had quite anticipated this, as there was little reason to release all the work in public domain when there could've been a slightly more restrictive license used, but for now, we can be thankful that we have something to build on.
OpenBVE will be re-uploaded on BVEStation's servers as soon as somebody provides the main executables and source codes of the latest version of the program.Continued development on the program is still pending, as some members of the BVE community, including BVEStation members want to create a fork. Information on OpenBVE's forks or other developments can be seen on BVEStation's Forums, and community involvement at other BVE communities can be seen at
http://bveworldwide.unlimitedboard.com/t396-open-bve-discussion-board-closed-what-nextFrankly, I'm surprised that this is such big news and not a single moderator, or administrator has put this on the homepage.