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Other Projects / Re: RouteBuilder: November 2011 issue
« on: November 29, 2011, 11:36:00 am »
I would love to help you, but I already have too much work and I wouldn't be able to contribute a lot to the project. I can give you some occasional tips, but that is all I can really do...
Hi! Nice to receive the help! Can you give me some tips? I also have too much work besides the RouteBuilder II programming, so there can be some actual delays. Besides BVE, I play plenty of other games (even those which aren't railway oriented, like Street Legal Racing Redline or The Sims 2, but I don't contribute them), and I have many other hobbies. Please send me some developing tips in the PM. I will be glad to see it!

Other Projects / Re: RouteBuilder: November 2011 issue
« on: November 16, 2011, 03:36:57 am »

That's how it should like. The workspace is drawn in Paint, although all other interface is built by myself.

Where did you get Route Builder II for open bve?
just a friendly question :)

THis is just a conception. The interface was built by me, the workspace is drawn in Paint.

Since I can't do a program alone, I am still searching for programmers who will help me to do this software.

Other Projects / Re: RouteBuilder: November 2011 issue
« on: November 09, 2011, 10:37:03 am »
So, do you know any model railroad layout planning softwares with such interface? It will be very important to know, otherwise the project will be stalled. Right now, I am scrambling in some files of programs with similar interface, to check out some info.

Other Projects / Re: RouteBuilder: November 2011 issue
« on: November 09, 2011, 01:17:23 am »

That's how it should like. The workspace is drawn in Paint, although all other interface is built by myself.

Other Projects / Re: RouteBuilder: November 2011 issue
« on: November 09, 2011, 12:20:34 am »
This news will be very terrible for you and will result in all you puking, shouting "NO WAY!!!" in all your might, warning or banning me on every BVE/openBVE forum permanently and by IP, writing an internet meme that will depict me and force all to hate me. And this is not only reason. Read "My Story" topic on BVEStation and you will hate me since I am against this stupid COPPA law and if I will know any 10-12 years old train enthusiasts, I will support them, help them, chat with them and teach them openBVE manual route coding commands, programming in different environments for helping me and developing together. Also I am a communist/socialist, and you will hate me since so. Also besides BVE, I have many other interests that aren't railway-oriented. It's like drawing anime/manga, composing music and stuff, web designing, learning Japanese, playing guitar/synth, freestyling, chatting with children, sciences - high tech, UFOlogy (You will hate me since you all don't believe in UFOs) etc. I am like emo guy, and I hate when everyone hates me. Since I am very nice, like kiddos which are chatting with me, I won't harrass you. I will just remind you about so.
Stories are stories, but here are NEWS. I recently got a RouteBuilder source code from Uwe Post, and I am trying to develop it in future. I am searching for programmers that can help me with the visual editor interface of this new route editor. My project is not a route coding helper, not a 1st April joke, not a stunning one-click route generator. It is a visual track segment-based railway editor that can make openBVE routes. Each segment is 25 meters long and has something attached to it (background, form, wall etc - in one word, all openBVE commands). There will be no point-and-click interface like in Uwe Post's version, as I said, there will be segment-based interface, like you work in RouteBuilder with grids. I have seen similar interfaces in model railroad layout planning softwares like WinRail, RailEdit etc. The whole code of the two connected segments in BVE route will look like this:
Code: [Select]
0, .railtype 0, .ground 0, form 0;L;0;0, .limit 0
25, .railtype 0, .curve 1000
(the commands are entered just for example)
For building the route skeleton, the route definitions (as in Uwe Post's version) will be used. While developing, EVERY CSV command will be considered. Nothing except freeobj will be treated as freeobj. There will be some addons like in Uwe Post's version. There will be route packager like in Uwe Post's version. There will be both b3d, csv, x and animated object support. In one word, there will be all enough to create a powerful BVE route. And no blackjack and chicks!
If you are with me to develop the software with me, if you are fluent with C# or Delphi, if you respect my insights, we'll develop it! Who is not with me is against me!
For checking source codes (Uwe's and my), you need a Google account and TortoiseSVN to check out sources from the subversion.

You didn't have to write a thousand word essay on how we do and don't feel about you. Everyone is entitled to their opinion(there are people that hate my guts, but I don't really care for it). This isn't the right section for it, so just stick to the point next time.

Making a visual editor sounds nice, but it sounds a lot too Trainz-ish. Trainz, as you should know, is all about the dragging, dropping, and placing of various objects and scenery to make a route. BVE is different, as it uses objects built at around 25 meters and uses intervals and draw distances to keep everything order(not to mention that some commands jurisdict the direction of the route, not how an object is placed). To add to that, you would need to remake the developing engine for the gaming platform(OpenBVE uses a series of DLLs and the NET Framework in order to run, whereas Trainz uses AuranJet, a pre-made engine by Auran/N3V Games). That will require a lot of brain power, so I hope you're up to the task.


Thanks for support, but I speak not about rebuilding game platform engine and making an interface similar to Trainz. The algorhythm of visual workspace is based on building a railroad from 25 meters segments (like you build a toy/model raiway or Plarail layout or a route in MSTS), not dragging and dropping and placing, like in Trainz. If you have at least one kid and you play with toy/model railway together, when building a layout, you will see so. Then try to imagine that all those segments are 25 meters long and each object is attached to each segment. The flaw of Uwe Post's RouteBuilder version is that it uses Trainz-ish way to build. I think while developing the visual editor, there should be a way how you build in RouteBuilder using "Grid Tracks", or how you plan the model railway layout in WinRail etc. See what I mean?
And, I write thousands of words about my opinion because I think I am the only guy with such opinion in entire worldwide internet and entire real world.

Other Projects / Re: RouteBuilder: November 2011 issue
« on: November 08, 2011, 03:44:07 pm »
So, in other words, you are trying to create a text-editor style software that automatically fills in BVE code as you type?

And as for socialism:

No, I am trying to create a visual editor.

Introduction / Re: newbie
« on: November 08, 2011, 02:23:46 pm »
Hi! Please tell us more about yourself. Telling about yourself will get other people known you. =__=

Station Talk / Re: Users changing their usernames
« on: November 08, 2011, 02:20:16 pm »
Why not blocking changing the name in certain long time, not permanently, and with admin's confirmation? Many people grow up and have many different usernames associated with them.

Other Games / Minecraft
« on: November 08, 2011, 01:09:12 pm »
Even if it is not a railway simulator, this game is very popular, and my friends who are rude exactly play this game. I tried to play it, but I failed at it and I will never play  it anymore. Also, there are many videos by this game, like  "Diggy Diggy Whole" etc. Do you know this game?

Other Projects / Re: Texture/Graphics packs?
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:58:17 pm »
Permission is needed, of course. But since I am like emo, I think that nobody will grant permission if it is a non-NYCT fictional or made with RouteBuilder.

Other Projects / RouteBuilder: November 2011 issue
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:49:02 pm »
This news will be very terrible for you and will result in all you puking, shouting "NO WAY!!!" in all your might, warning or banning me on every BVE/openBVE forum permanently and by IP, writing an internet meme that will depict me and force all to hate me. And this is not only reason. Read "My Story" topic on BVEStation and you will hate me since I am against this stupid COPPA law and if I will know any 10-12 years old train enthusiasts, I will support them, help them, chat with them and teach them openBVE manual route coding commands, programming in different environments for helping me and developing together. Also I am a communist/socialist, and you will hate me since so. Also besides BVE, I have many other interests that aren't railway-oriented. It's like drawing anime/manga, composing music and stuff, web designing, learning Japanese, playing guitar/synth, freestyling, chatting with children, sciences - high tech, UFOlogy (You will hate me since you all don't believe in UFOs) etc. I am like emo guy, and I hate when everyone hates me. Since I am very nice, like kiddos which are chatting with me, I won't harrass you. I will just remind you about so.
Stories are stories, but here are NEWS. I recently got a RouteBuilder source code from Uwe Post, and I am trying to develop it in future. I am searching for programmers that can help me with the visual editor interface of this new route editor. My project is not a route coding helper, not a 1st April joke, not a stunning one-click route generator. It is a visual track segment-based railway editor that can make openBVE routes. Each segment is 25 meters long and has something attached to it (background, form, wall etc - in one word, all openBVE commands). There will be no point-and-click interface like in Uwe Post's version, as I said, there will be segment-based interface, like you work in RouteBuilder with grids. I have seen similar interfaces in model railroad layout planning softwares like WinRail, RailEdit etc. The whole code of the two connected segments in BVE route will look like this:
Code: [Select]
0, .railtype 0, .ground 0, form 0;L;0;0, .limit 0
25, .railtype 0, .curve 1000
(the commands are entered just for example)
For building the route skeleton, the route definitions (as in Uwe Post's version) will be used. While developing, EVERY CSV command will be considered. Nothing except freeobj will be treated as freeobj. There will be some addons like in Uwe Post's version. There will be route packager like in Uwe Post's version. There will be both b3d, csv, x and animated object support. In one word, there will be all enough to create a powerful BVE route. And no blackjack and chicks!
If you are with me to develop the software with me, if you are fluent with C# or Delphi, if you respect my insights, we'll develop it! Who is not with me is against me!
For checking source codes (Uwe's and my), you need a Google account and TortoiseSVN to check out sources from the subversion.

Other Projects / Re: Status of my routes
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:40:49 pm »
Good luck!!!

Other Projects / Re: Prototype R110A 3D Cab
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:40:06 pm »
Ok, good luck <=^___^=>

Other Projects / Re: R30 OpenBVE [Official Thread] + Preview
« on: January 26, 2011, 11:32:04 am »
<=_=> cool. But graffiti I really don't like and cops will arrest those..... ******s.

Introduction / Re: Formerly known as CanarsieR27
« on: January 26, 2011, 11:23:30 am »

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