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Messages - bbsd2

Pages: [1]
that would be awesome! or a nice video of the moving AI trains and such.

General BVE/OpenBVE / Re: openbve connect..
« on: June 28, 2013, 12:50:13 pm »
What does openbve connect do? Is that the site for the openbve multiplayer?

cant wait! :)

any new pics?   :D

awesome can't wait!

Thanks guys, many of the texture upgrades have been made to the "Lisaraye2" Object folder, which is shared among many lines.
Also, no update on the D extension to CI yet, but there are talks and plans of extending the N south of 59 street. More on this will be announced later.

On a separate issue: i will have a special few preview screenshots in the next few days showing some changes i made to the line.

awesome thanks!, btw the moving AI trains go in both directions right?

I figured i should post some more screenshots.

I installed the station house at Brighton beach ...

and ocean parkway as well

DeKalb Junction approach:

Prospect park:

Pulling into w8 St:

Coney Island:

awesome looking really good!   :)

do you still need beta testers?

awesome! this version will have the moving AI Trains right? and is this the full route?

Content Development / Re: Updating the old (L) for BVE
« on: April 05, 2013, 09:40:24 pm »
will this be the full route?

how do you become a beta tester?

thanks for the update, cant wait for this route!

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