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Topics - Alex_80

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BVE/OpenBVE Support / BVE 2/4: issue with nVidia GeForce video card
« on: February 08, 2014, 12:10:23 am »

I have a big trouble.

I tested BVE 2/4 with a nVidia GeForce GTX 480 on my PC with Windows XP SP3, testing all drivers available (about 30 versions :o), but this happens (instead with GeForce 7900 GTX, BVE worked with driver not later than 266.58 version, but that is not a trouble):

BVE 2 (Uchibo Line):

BVE 4: (Uchibo Line):

Seems something about vanishing point of the perspective.

With all other routes is the same.

If I enable or disable anisitropic and/or antialiasing filters there is not changes.

DirectX is updated at latest version available for XP.

If I disable Direct3D Hardware Acceleration BVE 2 works and BVE 4 does not work transparents of the cabin, but I wish that it also works with Direct3D Hardware Acceleration.

How can I solve the trouble (except to switch to OpenBVE)?

If it can not be solved, than it is OK to buy an older video card than GeForce GTX 480, for example a GeForce 200 series, but I do not know which is the latest GeForce that works with BVE 2/4.

Does anyone use GeForce 200 series or newer to run BVE 2/4?

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