Modelling Guidelines.
Chapter One
Use Face-Addface only
Use addface2 or face2 can cause lag on some users, use addface2 unless it's necessary like a
Chain or a 2d passenger.
Chapter Two
Use Bicubic size for textures
That avoid OpenBVE converting textures for these models and takes extra RAM,
with that bicubic format all users are able to see correct textures and not
the white textures of the mesh
A x B
(A) Wide pixels per (B) Height pixels
A and B could be
2-4-16-32-64-128-256-512-1024-2048-3096 pixels
Chapter Three
Use PNG with alpha bitmask on exterior surfaces ONLY!
This avoid overlap on interior/exterior mesh, use for interior a 24 bits PNG with a
transparent command
Chapter Four
Don't create complex shapes on tiny instruments like a button, use better one texture for it!
Unless it's a 3D Cab use better "Cylinder command".
PS: This should be stiky lol