alright i found something. i found out that when i press the (Q) key. it thinks that im pressing the (0) key, how do i change this?
The Problem is that the OS_Ats1.dll plugin isn't loading correctly. What is the size of the OS_Ats1.dll, if it's less than 100 KB it will fail to work/load correctly in most detailed routes like the (6) and the recently released (5), I believe it should be 150KB or so, if that's not the case then make sure you have the "ats.cfg" file which defines the Used plugin: OS_Ats1.dll, if that's not the case then Update OpenBVE to the Latest Version, if that's not the case neither then you might need to check if you're running low on RAM or using too much CPU while playing OpenBVE because it usually affects wether or not the Plugin will load correctly, if that's the case then you need to get CFF file explorer and modify the RAM to use More than 2 GB, if that doesn't solve the problem you should load openbve using the lowest possible Graphics and Viewing distance and play OpenBVE in a windowed screen and make sure to close ALL background apps from running, if still nothing, then you're probably missing the "ATSPluginProxy.dll" you would have to reinstall the LATEST Version from, if you have followed all these steps one after another and nothing fixes the problem then your computer has trouble loading the plugin correctly and with that I can no longer help you sorry