
Author Topic: Texture/Graphics packs?  (Read 7105 times)

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Texture/Graphics packs?
« on: August 10, 2011, 12:08:02 pm »
i was always wondering if permission is required for a route graphics modification, even though the actual file won't be an actual route, but, rather, just a .zip file containing the core files that would change the look of a train route (in other words, a graphics modification one can optionally download to have an alternate version of route, in terms of looks)

The franklin ave shuttle would be a good example. For example one wants to release a graphics/texture package that would make the route appear as found before the entire route was overhauled and renovated, for example, the way it was found in 1976, or even, 1993. so for example, the download has the replacement images for the platforms, signage, etc which would replace the existing images if one chooses to do so.

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Re: Texture/Graphics packs?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2011, 04:05:59 pm »
I would say it isn't if it's entirely made up of your own content. If you have to touch anything in the ooriginal route then you need to ask for permission

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Re: Texture/Graphics packs?
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2011, 08:29:27 am »
You don't need permission if your keeping it to yourself if you want to redistribute it then you do need permission

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Re: Texture/Graphics packs?
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2011, 12:58:17 pm »
Permission is needed, of course. But since I am like emo, I think that nobody will grant permission if it is a non-NYCT fictional or made with RouteBuilder.

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Re: Texture/Graphics packs?
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2011, 04:25:19 am »
For route graphics modification, permission should not be needed. But some time necessary to take permission.

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Re: Texture/Graphics packs?
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2011, 05:10:27 pm »
Okay, let me clear some things up, because it sounds like you're being misleaded.

Permission is needed, of course. But since I am like emo, I think that nobody will grant permission if it is a non-NYCT fictional or made with RouteBuilder.
You really need to stop thinking that we're denying you because of what you are, or what you think.
For one, obviously that's discrimination, and we do not support that, so please, get the story straight. We've said countless times that RouteBuilder should not be your first choice for making BVE routes.

Second, you(anyone, not you personally) cannot make an accurate non-fictional NYCT routes without the accurate track maps to go with them. Proven fact. You cannot make a route off of knowledge, or because of how many times you have rode that route, because you are not the original architect of the route, being that it is subway, or any other branch or railroad(hence why there are no full MNRR or LIRR routes available yet). I do not know about the recent releases of skeletons, because I was not available to view them, so that's not my jurisdiction, or my problem.

A couple of Q/A'S to appease new eager developers:

Q: Can we modify existing development without permission?
A: Yes. Technically, if you're not planning to release it and it's intended for your personal use and your personal use ONLY, then take a swing.

Q: Can I show pictures of what I made on the forum?
A: Not necessarily. That is considered advertising, and gives people, especially developers, the false impression that you're trying to release what you did. You're best bet is to show the original developers of the project first.

Q: Why do we even need permission in the first place? I didn't have to pay for anything.
A: That may be, but you still didn't take the time out of your day to create the piece of work. Like artwork, artists never meant for it to become internationally renowned, and don't ask for credit, sometimes. So, when dozens more of the same copy of artwork is made, it is hard to give credit to the original author because now, either someone else is receiving that credit, or, no one can no longer find the original author because he is buried underneath others claiming to be the original author. It's a cycle which lead to the tight security today.

Q: What if I cannot contact the original developer and there's something I would really like to be released?
A: My most favorite question. You would still need the developer's permission to release it, or at least find another developer willing to help you get permission. If not, then if you know what you did, don't go through the trouble of modifying and make the project entirely, with your own developing skills. It saves a lot of time and criticism.

But one thing that should always be stressed, is to NOT go over the original author's head and claim to have permission to do said things. This is an interconnected community, so it is not too hard to find out for ourselves, where, if found guilty, can cause harsh consequences.


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Re: Texture/Graphics packs?
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2011, 06:53:02 pm »
For route graphics modification, permission should not be needed. But some time necessary to take permission.
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