Ok so I took the simulator out for a little test-drive.
It looks pretty promising, a little crude now as it is still in its early stages but with the right amount of work it has a lot of growth potential.
You will be driving fictional trains on a fictional track. Some controls are similar to BVE's, but it has a completely different look and feel to it.
Animation is great; you have animated escalators, route indicators, posters, everything..even the other trains are animated and do move
The interior of your train is also pretty nicely detailed, and the cabs are 3D
I find it odd how all of the trains have only one power point though..
As for developing routes, they seem to have some kind of pre-made world; routes are defined by XML. I don't know if they will ever open up the program for free-development (I didn't really have time to read the entire documentation so i could be wrong)
Here are some screen shots..I think its worth a try, so go download it (bout 40mb for the ZIP)
like said before, comes with a quick instruction manual and you should be able to get the hang of it pretty soon