
Author Topic: BVEStation's Public FTP for All Users  (Read 10050 times)

Offline ipac

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BVEStation's Public FTP for All Users
« on: June 28, 2012, 07:34:36 pm »
Today, we're going to open a public FTP for all users.  This public FTP will allow anyone to upload/download files that have yet to be moved into the downloads section.  To be more detailed, we will require a lot of trust in our users so that files in this public folder don't go missing, or lost, etc.

For Developers:
Any developer who wishes to get the file placed onto BVEStation Servers as easily as possible can use this service.  By using the public FTP, you can upload your file onto our servers, and not have to worry about uploading it to a file hosting service where users often have to wait to be able to download.  I will then be able to easily transfer the file into the downloads section.  This will speed up the process as it is often just a one way upload (you upload directly to our servers), and not upload, download, upload as it is now (developer uploads to file hosting service, I download it locally, I reupload it to the site).

For Users:
No need to worry about using file-hosting services, no waits, no signups, no ads.  Just log into the FTP, and download the file you want that hasn't been placed into the downloads section yet.  Want to share a file with all users? You can do that here too.

So I'll reiterate that this service can be abused greatly, because of everyone being able to access one location, with all add/delete/etc. permissions.  With that said, please don't abuse it, put garbage on it, or do other destructive things on it, we will close it if things go out of hand.

We'll also want a naming convention so this is how it will go, <username>.<filename>.<extension>
so for example: ipaclansite.SASv2.0.7z

For now, here is the information to access the public FTP service.

<The Public FTP is no longer available.>

All file uploads are to be uploaded to the incoming folder only.

Any questions, feel free to ask.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 07:56:59 pm by ipac »