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Topics - pollard7545

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Content Development / The Old CSV Commands Sheet
« on: January 12, 2020, 10:06:59 pm »
Found on my pc recently...not my creation

Route Section
Route.Comment-This is the comment displayed in the route information section when you start BVE.
Route.Gauge-This sets the guage, or width of the tracks, in mm.
Route.Timetable-This is displayed at the top of the timetable in BVE.
Route.DeveloperID xxxxxxxx-This is the ID used to access the route in developer mode.  For more information on developer mode, see or the BVE Official website:
Route.Signal(x1)x2-Sets the maximum speed for each of the signals in the route.
x1=Signal number/type (1=red, 2=yellow, 3=green)
x2=Maximum speed after passing the aspect in km/h
Route.Runinterval x1-Sets how far ahead the previous train is and how long after the next will be after the player's train.
x1=Interval of trains, in seconds.
Route.Change x1-Sets wether the brake handle is set or not when the route starts.
x1=Setting.  (0=set, 1=not set.)

Train Section
Train.Folder x1-Calls the train to be used for the route.
Train.Run(x2) x3-Indexes each track type to a specific run sound.
Train.Flange(x4) x5-Indexes each track type to a specific flange sound (most trains only have one or two, so this is rarely neccesary)
x1=Train Folder name.  The default path is BVE\Train.  Only the name of the folder is required without any extensions.
x2=Rail index number to be used with the specified run sound
x3=Run sound to be used with the track type above.
x4=Rail index number to be used with the specified flange sound. (Same track number as in With Structure section must be used for desired sound)
x5=Flange sound to be used with the track type.
For more information on making your route sound like you intend with almost any train, go to to learn about BVE Track Sound Standard.

With Structure-Defines the beginning of the structure, or indexing, section.

.CrackL(x1) x2-Indexes a crack
.CrackR(x1) x2
x1=Crack index number.  This is the same for both the L and R cracks of each type.
x2=Individual filenames for the left and right cracks.  The default path is BVE\Railway\Object\ so anything further must be indexed as \Directoryx\filename.b3d or .csv

.FormR(x1) x2-Indexes platforms
.FormL(x1) x2
.FormCR(x1) x2
.FormCL(x1) x2
.RoofR(x1) x2-Indexes a roof for the platform
.RoofL(x1) x2
.RoofCR(x1) x2
.RoofCL(x1) x2
x1=Platform/roof index number.  This is the same for all the L, R, CL, and CR platforms and roofs of each type.
x2=Individual filenames for the left and right platforms and roofs.  The default path is BVE\Railway\Object\ so anything further must be indexed as \Directoryx\filename.b3d or .csv

.DikeL(x1) x2-Indexes a dike
.DikeR(x1) x2
.WallL(x1) x2-Indexes a wall
.WallR(x1) x2
x1=Wall/dike index number.  This is the same for both the L and R walls/dikes of each type.
x2=Individual filenames for the left and right walls/dikes.  The default path is BVE\Railway\Object\ so anything further must be indexed as \Directoryx\filename.b3d or .csv

Texture.Background(x1) x2
.Ground(x1) x2-Indexes a ground object
x1=Ground or background index number.
x2=Filename. The default path is BVE\Railway\Object\ so anything further must be indexed as \Directoryx\filename.b3d or .csv

.Rail(x1) x2-Defines and indexes an object to be used as track.
x1=Rail object index number
x2= Filename. The default path is BVE\Railway\Object\ so anything further must be indexed as \Directoryx\filename.b3d or .csv

.Freeobj(x1) x2-Indexes a free object for use in the route.
x1=Object index number
x2=Filename. The default path is BVE\Railway\Object\ so anything further must be indexed as \Directoryx\filename.b3d or .csv

With Track-Defines the beginning of the track section, or the space where the railway is actually 'built.'

All of the above, and any number not in a defined statement are seen as distances by BVE in meters.  They need to go in order, if these lines are out of sequence BE will get confused and not display some lines.  All statements begin with a . (period) and should end with a , (comma).

.Railstart x1;x2;x3;x4, Starts a new track, or rail.
.Rail x1;x2;x3;x4,
x1=Rail index number
x2=Distance from track 0 in m (- for left, + for right)
x3=Height from track 0 in m (- for below, + for above)
x4=Rail type index

.Railtype x1;x2, Changes the type of a rail.
x1=Rail index number (this is the track to change types)
x2=Rail type index number

.Railend x1,
x1=Index number of rail to end.

.Signal -x1;x2;x3;x4;x5,
x1=Number of Aspects on signal (-2 to -4)
x2=Signal Name as Displayed in BVE
x3=Distance from track 0 in m (- for left, + for right; If X is 0 and Y is -1, the signal is hidden.)
x4=Height from track 0 in m (- for below, + for above, -1 to place a default post to "hold" the signal, but only if X is NOT set to 0.)
x5=Signal Type (1=Home, 2=Block)

.Relay x1;x2, Sets a relay signal.
x1=Distance to the right or left of track (- for left, + for right)
x2=Height above or below the track.  If this is set to -1, an automatically generated post will hold up the relay.  If X is 0 and Y is -1, the relay and the next signal will be hidden.

.Pitch x1,
x1=Pitch of the track.  (- for down, + for up)

.Height x1,
x1=Height of track 0 above the ground.

.Wall x1;x2;x3, Places walls.  The wall will continue until it is ended.
x1=Rail index number
x2=Sides for the wall to go on: (-1 for left, 1 for right, 0 for both)
x3=Wall index number

.Wallend x1, Ends a wall.
x1=Rail index number for which the wall shall end.

.Dike x1;x2;x3,  Places a dike.  The dike will continue until it is ended.
x1=Rail index number
x2=Sides for the dike to go on: (-1 for left, 1 for right, 0 for both)
x3=Dike index number

.Dikeend x1, Ends a dike.
x1=Rail index number for which the dike shall end.

.Freeobj x1;x2;x3;x4;x5, Places Free objects.
x1=Rail index number
x2=Object index number
x3=Distance from indexed rail (- for left, + for right)
x4=Height from indexed rail (- for below, + for above)
x5=Rotation in degrees (-360 to 360)

.Curve x1;x2,
x1=Curve radius in m (-for left-hand turn, + for right, 0 for    straight)
x2=Banking, in mm; lowers the inside rail by the amount indicated.

.Sta x1;x2;x3;x4;x5;x6;x7;x8;x9;x10;x11, Places a station.
x1=Station Name
x2=Arrival time in HH.MMSS
x3=Departure time in HH.MMSS
x4=Pass alarm.  1 will alert the driver when he or she has passed a station he or she was supposed to stop at and 0 will disable the alert.  Can be left blank.
x5=Sets which side of the track the platform sits on.  (-1 for left, 1 for right)
x6=Sets a signal at the station.  0 will show green, 1 will show red until the train is near the stop marker or there is 23 seconds to departure.
x7=Can be used to activate a safety system, or left blank. 0 will activate ATS, 1 will activate ATC.
x8=Plays a sound when arriving at the station (after the doors open).  Format: Directory\x.wav.  Default directory is BVE\Railway\Sound.
x9=Minimum stop time in seconds.  This will only come into play if the stop is longer than that specified by the arrival and departures or if the train is running late.
x10=Determines how full the train will be upon departure from this station.  Use 0 for empty and 250 for full.  0-100 is best because a more full train (150+) means the passengers are unhappy to begin with and thusly make a very hard job for the driver.
x11=Sound to play before doors close to depart.  Format same as above.

.Stop x1, Places the stop position at a station.
x1=Determines the position of the stop marker from the track. (-1 for left, 1 for right, 0 for none.)

.Adhesion x1,  Changes or sets the adhesion, or 'grip' between the track and the wheels.
x1=Rail adhesion factor.  150 is standard for good weather and 100 for rainy weather.

.Back x1,  Changes the background.
x1=Back index number.

.Limit x1;x2;x3,
x1=Sets the speed limit in kilometers per hour.
x2=Sets the distance from the track the sign sits. For no sign, put 0. (- for left, + for right)
x3=Sets the sign to have indicators that the speed restriction is related to a curve.  For a right-hand curve, 1, for a left-hand curve, -1, and for no indicator, put 0.
.Announce x1, Plays a sound.
x1=Sound to play.  Default directory is BVE\Railway\Sound\ so anything further must be specified with \Folderx\filename.wav.

.Marker x1;x2, Displays a marker.
x1=Filename of marker.  Default directory is BVE\Railway\Object so anything further must be specified with \Folderx\filename.gif.  .gif and .bmp are supported.
x2=Distance ahead to show the marker.  IE if you put 50, the marker will display for 50m prior to the position specified.

.Doppler x1;x2;x3, Sets a doppler sound on or near the railway.
x1=Filename of sound.  Default directory is BVE\Railway\Sound so anything further must be specified with \Folderx\filename.wav.
x2=Distance from track horizontally in meters.
x3=Distance above or below the track in meters.

.Ground x1, Changes the ground type.
x1=Ground index type.

.Form x1;x2;x3;x4, Places a platform.
x1=Rail index number.
x2=Specifies which side the platform sits on.  (R for right, L for left.)
x3=Roof object index number for the platform.
x4=Platform type index number.

.Accuracy x1, Sets how well the track is laid, or maintained.
x1=Sets the accuracy.  Use between 1, for well laid and maintained track and 4, for poorly laid and kept track.  2 is the usual setting.  This affects how the train moves.

.Crack x1;x2;x3, Fills the space between two tracks with ballast or a texture.
x1=Sets the first track index number.
x2=Sets the second track index number.
x3=Crack index number.

.Pole x1;x2;x3;x4;x5, Sets the catenary support poles.
x1=Rail index number
x2=Number of tracks the poles cover MINUS ONE.  IE for two tracks use one.
x3=Location of the poles (-1 for left, 1 for right)
x4=Distance between poles in 25m increments.  If set to 25, the poles occur at every 25m mark,  such as 500, 525, 550, etc.  If set to 50,  the poles occur at every 50m mark, such as 150, 200, 250, etc.

.Poleend x1, Ends the poles for a given track.
x1=Rail index number

.Pretrain x1, Sets when the previous train departed this station.  This command can be used more than once per route.
x1=Time the previous train left in HH.MMSS.

.Tr x1;x2, Sets a transponder on the track.
x1=Transponder type. (0:ATS-SN type warning, 1:ATS-SN type force to stop, 2:false start prevention, 3:ATS-P type refresh limit pattern, 4:ATS-P type force to stop)
x2=Number of  blocks the transponder covers. (??)

.Pattern x1;x2, Sets the speed limit pattern for ATS-P.
x1=Type of pattern.  (0:Curve or other temporary speed restriction, 1:Permanent speed restriction)
x2=Speed limit.

Content Development / Request for help with Rail Network plan
« on: December 28, 2019, 11:44:05 pm »
So it's been awhile for me regarding BVE and i'm not sure how many people are left developing routes. Before I stepped away I was developing a series of routes for Southern New Jersey called Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines [PRSL]. Based on real routes, PRSL was stretched throughout South Jersey and my plan was to re-create the entire network. Before I stepped away I did a lot of pre-coding work converting all of the stations, road crossings, interlocking, overhead bridges, under grade bridges and curves from miles to meters. These were written in a notebook that I recently took out of storage and got the itch again to work on and complete. I am reaching out to the community here to ask for help with track coding. That is my biggest obstacle for me right now. Everything else is ready. Here are the routes for the PRSL that I have plans to make:

1-Atlantic City Line [via Vernon Branch] Starts at MP 0 Camden Terminal Ends at Atlantic City Terminal MP 57.9 [93175m]

2-Atlantic City Line [via Clementon Branch] Starts at MP 0 Camden Terminal Ends at Atlantic City Terminal MP 55.9 [89975m]

3-Millville Branch Starts at MP 0 Camden Terminal Ends at Millville Station MP 40.2 [64700] and on to Cape May Station MP 81.9 [131800m]

4-Cape May Branch [via Clementon Branch] Starts at MP 0 Camden Terminal Ends at Cape May Station MP 80.9 [130200]

5-Cape May Branch [via Vernon Branch] Starts at MP 0 Camden Terminal Ends at Cape May Station MP 82.9 [133425m]

6-Wildwood Branch Starts at MP 61 [98175] on Cape May Branch at Sea Isle Junction and Ends at Cold Spring Harbor Station MP 82.0 [131975]

7-Ocean City Branch starts at MP 61 [98175] on Cape May Branch at Sea Isle Junction and Ends at Ocean City Gardens Station MP 77.7 [125050]

8-Penns Grove Branch starts at MP 8.6 [13850] on Millville Branch at Woodbury Junction and Ends at Penns Grove Station MP 28.9 [46500]

9-Salem Branch starts at MP 8.6 [13850] on Millville Branch at Woodbury Junction and Ends at Salem Station MP 37.3 [60025]

10-Bridgeton Branch starts at MP 18.0 [28975] on Millville Branch at Glassboro Junction and ends at Bridgeton Station MP 38.7 [62275]

11-Elmer Branch starts at MP 26.1 [42000] on Bridgeton Branch at CP Elmer and ends at Quinton Station MP 41.8 [67275]

12-Newfield Branch starts at MP 30.1 [48440] on Millville Branch at CP WI [Newfield Station] and ends at Atlantic City Terminal MP 64.4 [103650]

13-Maurice River Branch starts at MP 46.6 [75000] on Millville Branch at Manumuskin Station and ends at Maurice River Station MP 56.2 [90450]

14-Williamstown Branch starts at MP 18.8 [30100] on Atlantic City Line [Vernon] and ends at Mullica Hill Station MP 41.5 [66775]

15-Grenloch Branch starts at MP 3.0 [4825] on Millville Branch at CP GK and Ends at Grenloch Station MP 13.4 [21575]

16-Medford Branch starts at MP 6.5 [10450] on Atlantic City Line [Vernon] at Haddonfield Station and ends at Mount Holly Station MP 24.8 [39900]

17-Bay Head Branch Starts at MP 0 Camden Terminal Ends at Bay Head Station MP 69.1 [111200]

18-Trenton Branch Starts at MP 0 Camden Terminal Ends at Trenton Terminal MP 37.5 [60350]

19-South Amboy Branch starts at MP 27.6 Bordentown Station on Trenton Branch and ends at South Amboy Station MP 61.3 [98650]

in addition to these lines I also did the pre-work for several Central Railroad of New Jersey lines [CNJ] that also went into South Jersey:

20-CNJ Southern Division starts at MP 0 Jersey City Terminal and ends at Bayside Station MP 144.0 [231750]

21-CNJ Port Norris Branch starts at MP 133.7 [215175] Bridgeton Station and ends at Bivalve Station MP 151.0 [243000]

22-CNJ Deerfield Branch Starts at MP 0 Deerfield Station and follows the CNJ Port Norris Branch to Bivalve Station MP 24.0 [38625]

23-CNJ Southern Division Atlantic City Line starts at Winslow Juction MP 105.9 [170425] and ends at Atlantic City Terminal MP 135.9 [218700]

24-CNJ Southern Division Cape May Line starts at  Winslow Juction MP 105.9 [170425] and ends at Cape May Station MP 160.9 [258950]

That's a lot of routes, however quite a few of them branch off from the main 4 lines [Atlantic City Line/Millville Branch/Cape May Branch/Trenton Branch] and two of the CNJ routes connect with PRSL at Winslow Junction for Atlantic City and Cape May. Most lines are two track lines Millville Branch is 4 tracks until Glassboro Junction. Single track lines are Penns Grove/Salem/Bridgeton/Grenloch/Maurice River/Williamstown/Medford/CNJ Port Norris/CNJ Deerfield.

Like I said before a lot of pre work is already done and I just need experienced coder or someone willing to collaborate with me. I'll send all of the information that I have to you and give you the insights of what i'm trying to do. Thanks for any responses and help!!!

Other Projects / Bombardier Heritage Equipment
« on: January 05, 2016, 03:25:47 pm »
Here is the release of a repaint of the Bombardier Bi-Level cars that are released with classic fantasy heritage colors and also fantasy repaints of the F40PH. 11 Fallen Flags. Here are the pics.
Link as per requests.

Blue Comet-Cab Car/Coach/F40PH

Baltimore&Ohio-Cab Car/Coach/F40PH

Central Railroad of New Jersey-Cab Car/Coach/F40PH

Delaware and Hudson-Cab Car/Coach/F40PH

Erie-Lackawanna-Cab Car/Coach/F40PH

Other Projects / The Blue Comet Route Project
« on: August 25, 2013, 01:46:38 am »
Hello all....I am going to tackle a very creative project. I am going to make the Blue Comet route that ran from Jersey City to Atlantic City...I will be posting my progress my knowledge of BVE is limited but I have done some homework to see if I can do it...OK here is what is done so far:

1-The Blue Comet will run on several branch lines in route to Atlantic City...[A] CNJ Main Line from Jersey City to Elizabethport... Port Reading Branch from Elizabethport to South Amboy...[C] New York and Long Branch Line from South Amboy to Red Bank...[D] CNJ Southern Division from Red Bank to Winslow Junction...and [E] PRR Atlantic City Main Line to Atlantic City.

2-I have done all of the metric conversions for most of the landmarks [stations, bridges, road crossings, switches].

3-My skill with showing track changes needs work so i'm looking for a collaborator to help me in that area.

4-Trains that will be seen will be from the CNJ, PRR, PRSL and RDG as well as of course, the Blue Comet itself.

If there is anyone who wants to work with me, please PM me and i'll give you all of the information that I have and what I need to work on

Thanks BVEStation!!

Here are the links to all objects shown in this topic:
GM EMD F-9!6FxX3DbR!Z8n_1m7Wrsj5GyzTZso2-32hRXIA3xOH2I4LBlsZglg
GM EMD F1 and E8-B units!GIxzgIia!F-m8fSTdLR31LjZHE7rlO2rIqaEZ_vaQ1uSCIx9VR8s
CNJ Babyface Double-enders!CZAHWIhB!IhxOeH6geHLQ-2XyCgJPvW9u6l8oCjUimw6uYFkBbBc
PRR Doodlebug and Sperry Rail Car!CQBn3B7C!GTa-SE1nPG1HwiFEHh6vVGElsTpZ8sKDGPYJckoJ0M4
GM-EMD G-12!uAQgFTqZ!N279HEmgUsxTrWVubEcxGRlSe2F-IE7nf38C6mL5SFk
GE C-20 U-Boat!uAAkBALC!OdedLTkIkd1CbakoKGwNhRtxsLZoVkcdaiJo7VZiy5k
All Passenger Coaches!LIZAUZhS!UMmjgTHvLsVPA4mX7ha0nWAgT2M9OznhS_a5A9bL2I4
All Box Cars!SFxAjSRZ!JAHzCzkNFjD2mQLlZyHfAh-iK4UfNOLPzkZcsnuhako
All Flat Cars!id4kQQTD!AxsDlVqyPn8VsASFyFomJDXy_wUgnZb3FXQ4cM9K-Q0
All Gondolas!2NwlQIDC!UUVMUTbTbAkrcGNcEzwhR2TtqLJ5dhVfc2VozE6ILnI
All Hoppers!SJRH1bKK!axjJPw1phEdnmHh8c2_bfF4xYRNPrdH9Pli4QCBlHDk

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