Hi All. Some people know me on this forum as a High Speed Trains Modeler for OpenBVE. But 1 month ago i've decided stop that work to make a entire Metropolitan service of Caracas Venezuela..
URL to Trains and Lines
http://openbvevenezuela.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_13.htmlLike to Facebok
https://www.facebook.com/openbvevenezuelaHere is what i've doing.
Alsthom Atlantique CIMT TCO 1981 Original train of the 80's
Alsthom Atlantique CIMT TCO 1981 Now "2014"
CAF Series 60000
Line 1 . Propatria to Palo Verde. "Work In Progress" not released to Palo Verde yet! but available to Los Dos Caminos.
This route is really a huge work. 22 Stations. West to East. Main Line of entire system.
with a style of the 80's
Colegio de Ingenieros
Parque del Este Now called "Miranda"
Palo Verde
You can keep watching images at :
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.315027235311101.1073741835.258335667646925&type=1Line 3. Plaza Venezuela to La Rinconada. 9 Stations. North to South
Plaza Venezuela
Ciudad Universitaria
La Rinconada
Thanks for Watch my Job and support it.
Manuel Mejias.