
Author Topic: OpenBVE Venezuela  (Read 6589 times)

Offline Manuel18

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    • OpenBVE Venezuela and High Speed Trains development
OpenBVE Venezuela
« on: April 11, 2014, 02:55:38 pm »
Hi All. Some people know me on this forum as a High Speed Trains Modeler for OpenBVE. But 1 month ago i've decided stop that work to make a entire Metropolitan service of Caracas Venezuela..

URL to Trains and Lines

Like to Facebok

Here is what i've doing.

Alsthom Atlantique CIMT TCO 1981 Original train of the 80's

Alsthom Atlantique CIMT TCO 1981 Now "2014"

CAF Series 60000


Line 1 . Propatria to Palo Verde. "Work In Progress" not released to Palo Verde yet! but available to Los Dos Caminos.

This route is really a huge work. 22 Stations. West to East. Main Line of entire system.

with a style of the 80's


Colegio de Ingenieros

Parque del Este Now called "Miranda"


Palo Verde

You can keep watching images at :

Line 3. Plaza Venezuela to La Rinconada. 9 Stations. North to South

Plaza Venezuela

Ciudad Universitaria

La Rinconada

Thanks for Watch my Job and support it.
Manuel Mejias.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 02:57:58 pm by Manuel18 »
It doesn't matter who did it , if how he did it.
Myself :P