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Messages - YankeesPwnMets

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 ... 34
Station Talk / Attention All New Users
« on: January 29, 2017, 04:33:40 pm »
The Administration would like to apologize for any new users who've waited an excessive amount of time for their accounts to be approved. We've been having spam issues the past couple of months and as a result approving new accounts has been a lot more difficult than time consuming. We hope that newly implemented spam filters will make the process much quicker in the future.

Thank you for your understanding

Other Games / Re: ROBLOX Train developement Thread.
« on: January 09, 2017, 03:13:52 am »
Combine your posts. Don't make a series of a million posts.


@kawasaki R36: knock off the nonsense posts

@WizDaGamer: If EpicBlaze wants to go develop something in his free time, that's his right. If he wants to create something from scratch, then he can do so. Do you guys realize that development recently has slowed to a crawl? It's because there hasn't really been a new generation of developers ready to take over for the old guys. We want to encourage innovation, experimentation, and learning, not discourage it. We also do not tell people what they can/cannot do in their own free time.

In addition, there was no need to show the level of disrespect I just saw. As long as members aren't banned, you aren't allowed to tell them that they can/cannot be here. I don't ever want to see that again.

@ZTraintobroad: Was it really necessary to pile it on? Do you enjoy beating a dead horse?

@Epicblaze: Keep your roblox stuff to your roblox thread. It exists for a reason. Also, I'm really sick of telling you for the millionth time to stop extending arguments with other people. Ignore it next time.

@everyone: Grow up. Show some damn maturity

BVE/OpenBVE Support / Re: OpenAL major issues with OpenBVE
« on: December 26, 2016, 01:57:24 am »
Does this issue only appear occasionally or has it been appearing every single time you've launched openBVE?

BVE/OpenBVE Support / Re: OpenAL major issues with OpenBVE
« on: December 23, 2016, 12:04:59 am »
Some more information would be helpful:
  • Have you installed any new drivers recently?
  • Have you changed hardware in your computer recently?
  • When did this error appear? Did you just try to play one day and it appeared? Try to do a system restore to a point before the error started popping up

NYCTA Projects / Re: (WIP) Official Update Thread for the NYCTA IRT Routes
« on: December 22, 2016, 06:19:26 pm »
Great work!

BVE/OpenBVE Support / Re: MetroTransit New Lots Line
« on: December 13, 2016, 11:13:41 pm »
It doesn't. The downloads page probably needs some reorganization because it isn't as clear as it can be.

Anyways, I scanned through the coding of the MetroTransit route. You'll need the Lefferts Shuttle, LisaRaye2 and 6Ave objects.

I honestly have no idea where you can download LisaRaye2 from. Someone from the development team (JayJay still around?) is going to have to get back to you on that one. I'll get around to talking to the staff about clearing up our downloads section too

BVE/OpenBVE Support / Re: Open BVE will not load on vista 64 bit
« on: November 17, 2016, 05:35:38 pm »
I don't think your system meets the minimum requirement for today's routes. Sorry about that. The only real option for you is to get a brand new computer at this point. The errors are more than likely resulting from your graphics chip completely running out of video memory.

As for your other question, there is no real way to play openBVE trains in BVE 2. The trains being developed here (and many other BVE communities) are only supported by openBVE. BVEStation doesn't really develop content for BVE 2 anymore. We haven't done it in many, many years.

Y'all are getting warnings for this. No more nagging for updates. If bvefan wants to post updates, he will do it. When he wants to release it, he will release it. If he wants to release it on December 31st 2043 at 2:04 British Standard Time, then that is his prerogative. Hell I'm surprised he hasn't cancelled this project with the amount of incessant amount of b*tching and moaning on this thread. Grow up, kiddos.

Nuff said

Edit: If I see anymore posts nagging bvefan for more updates, I'm just gonna lock this thread and only unlock it for him to post updates. Capiche?

After openBVE crashes, search for "Event Viewer," -> Custom Views -> Administrative Events and copy and paste any details regarding openBVE here.

Next time guys, please report any issues on the forum, rather than trying to deal with your yourselves. Thanks.

openBVE is coded in an a language known as C Sharp or C#, which is what is called an object oriented language. When the program, refers to an "object," it refers to an object within the source code of openBVE, not an openBVE object (yes, this is a confusing explanation). The error was caused with the source code somehow conflicting with the route. You probably had a version of openBVE modified by someone who didn't do enough error checking.

I like that R160!

General BVE/OpenBVE / Re: Im looking for irt train sets
« on: June 16, 2016, 01:38:31 am »
The R62 and R142 exteriors are being worked on. You can keep up with progress here:

Art & Graphic Design / Re: R46 LCD and NTT Displays Request Thread
« on: June 16, 2016, 01:34:09 am »
Please do not bump old topics, especially if they are almost half a decade old. Thanks.

Topic locked.

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