
Author Topic: Official Railworks: Train Simulator 2015 Videos and Screenshots Thread  (Read 113141 times)

Offline Fan Railer

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This is the DTG Soldier Summit Locomotive Physics Modification pack version 1.0

In order to utilize this freeware physics upgrade, you must have purchased the "Train Simulator: Soldier Summit Route Add-On" pack available at Steam:

This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes. You are free, however to further modify the physics enhancements found in this pack for personal use if you so choose.

This is NOT a full sound mod pack. That full mod pack MAY be available separately from this one (if I deem it necessary to create one).

The purpose of this pack is to adjust the physics performance of the three diesel locomotives that come with the DLC (EMD GP9, EMD SD40T-2, & EMD F40PH-2).

List of general changes; specific changes for each specific locomotive located below:
1. Modified tractive effort and braking effort curves.
2. Modified power ratings @ alternator and @ wheel.
3. Modified fuel capacity.
4. Modified weights.
5. Removed coupler slack.
6. Adjusted rpm range and rate of change.
7. Adjusted locomotive load response times.
8. Created F40PH HEP mode locomotive ("nd" unit).
9. Fixed botched notch 8 values in F40PH engine sound proxyxml files.
10. Fixed botched idle & notch 8 values in GP9 engine sound proxyxml files.

Technical specifications:
1. EMD GP9 (EMD 567; 1750 THP)
   a. Starting tractive effort of 64,750 lbs (288 kN)
   b. Continuous tractive effort of 41,440 lbs (184.3 kN) @ 8 mph
   c. Dynamic Brake effort of 40,000 lbs (177.93 kN) @ 25 mph; extended range sawtooth curve between 25 mph and 8.5 mph. Fade to 0 lbs @ 0.5 mph.
   d. Wheel horsepower of 1,500 hp (1,120 kW) @ 20 mph
   e. Maximum speed of 65 mph
    f. Engine RPM range = 275 - 835
   g. RPM change rate (rpm/second) = 35
    h. Fuel consumption range (gph)= 5 - 110
   i. Weight = 249,119.8 lbs (113 metric tons)
   j. Fuel capacity = 800 gallons
   k. Max traction amps = 1500
   l. Max brake amps = 800

2. EMD SD40T-2 (EMD 645; 3000 THP)
   a. Starting tractive effort of 92,000 lbs (409.24 kN)
   b. Continuous tractive effort of 65,000 lbs (289 kN) @ 8 mph
   c. Dynamic Brake effort of 60,000 lbs (267 kN) @ 25 mph; extended range sawtooth curve between 25 mph and 8.5 mph. Fade to 0 lbs @ 0.5 mph.
   d. Wheel horsepower of 2,521 hp (1,881 kW) @ 20 mph
   e. Maximum speed of 65 mph
    f. Engine RPM range = 315 - 900
   g. RPM change rate (rpm/second) = 35
    h. Fuel consumption range (gph)= 5.2 - 164.4
   i. Weight = 368,168.2 lbs (167 metric tons)
   j. Fuel capacity = 4000 gallons
   k. Max traction amps = 1500
   l. Max brake amps = 700

3. EMD F40PH-2 (EMD 645; 3200 THP; no HEP)
   a. Starting tractive effort of 65,000 lbs (289.1344 kN)
   b. Continuous tractive effort of 38,240 lbs (170.1 kN) @ 16.31 mph
   c. Dynamic Brake effort of 40,000 lbs (177.93 kN) @ 55 mph; extended range sawtooth curve between 55 mph and 36 mph. Fade to 0 lbs @ 0.5 mph.
   d. Wheel horsepower of 2,850 hp (2,390 kW) @ 30 mph
   e. Maximum speed of 103 mph
    f. Engine RPM range = 410 - 900
   g. RPM change rate (rpm/second) = 35
    h. Fuel consumption range (gph)= 3.5 - 155
   i. Weight = 262,001.28 lbs (118.843 metric tons)
   j. Fuel capacity = 1800 gallons
   k. Max traction amps = 1785
   l. Max brake amps = 700

4. EMD F40PH-2 (EMD 645; 3200 THP; 500 kW HEP [8 cars])
   a. Starting tractive effort of 65,000 lbs (289.1344 kN)
   b. Continuous tractive effort of 38,240 lbs (170.1 kN) @ 16.31 mph
   c. Dynamic Brake effort of 40,000 lbs (177.93 kN) @ 55 mph; extended range sawtooth curve between 55 mph and 36 mph. Fade to 0 lbs @ 0.5 mph.
   d. Wheel horsepower of 2,210 hp (2,390 kW) @ 22 mph
   e. Maximum speed of 103 mph
    f. Engine RPM range = 899 - 900
   g. RPM change rate (rpm/second) = 18
    h. Fuel consumption range (gph)= 28 - 155
   i. Weight = 262,001.28 lbs (118.843 metric tons)
   j. Fuel capacity = 1800 gallons
   k. Max traction amps = 1785
   l. Max brake amps = 700

IMPORTANT; Install Instructions

1. Locate SoldierSummit (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\DTG\SoldierSummit)
2. Open DTG_Soldier_Summit_Loco_Physics_Mod_Pack
3. Drag the file folder from the .rar in step 2 into the directory you opened in step 1.
4. The installation should be complete. Run TS2015 to check.
5. If installation is botched or does not work, to back up to original files, delete the folder from step 3.

Thank you for downloading and installing.
Enjoy =)

Download here:

Offline Fan Railer

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TS2015: CSX NRE 3GS-21B Physics Mod V1.0 Released
« Reply #61 on: June 18, 2015, 06:11:49 pm »

This is the DTG CSX NRE 3GS-21B Physics Modification pack version 1.0

In order to utilize this freeware physics upgrade, you must have purchased the "Train Simulator: CSX NRE 3GS-21B 'Genset' Loco Add-On" pack available at Steam:

This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes. You are free, however to further modify the physics enhancements found in this pack for personal use if you so choose.

This is NOT a sound mod pack. Physics adjustments made around existing sounds.

The purpose of this pack is to adjust the physics performance of the locomotive.

List of general changes; specific changes for each specific locomotive located below:
1. Modified tractive effort curve (
2. Modified power ratings @ alternator and @ wheel.
3. Removed "Field Divert" function to unlock maximum performance potential.
4. Modified weights.
5. Removed coupler slack.
6. Adjusted rpm rate of change.
7. Adjusted locomotive load response times.
8. Adjusted fuel consumption (

Technical specifications:
1. NRE 3GS-21B (3x Cummins QSK19; 2100 BHP)
   a. Starting tractive effort of 80,386 lbs (357.575 kN) up to 7.5 mph.
   b. Continuous tractive effort of 46,044 lbs (204.814 kN) @ 12.5 mph; 8,500 lbs (37.81 kN) @ 65 mph.
   c. No Dynamic Brake
   d. Maximum speed of 65 mph
    e. Engine RPM range = 650 - 2100
   f. RPM change rate (rpm/second) = 100
    g. Fuel consumption range (gph)= 2.5 - 112
   h. Weight = 268,000 lbs (121.564 metric tons)
   i. Fuel capacity = 2900 gallons
   j. Max traction amps = 1500

IMPORTANT; Install Instructions

1. Locate GensetCSXPack01 (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\DTG\GensetCSXPack01)
2. Open DTG_CSX_NRE_3GS-21B_Physics_Mod_Pack.rar
3. Drag the file folders from the .rar in step 2 into the directory you opened in step 1.
4. The installation should be complete. Run TS2015 to check.
5. If installation is botched or does not work, to back up to original files, delete the folders from step 3.

Thank you for downloading and installing.
Enjoy =)

Download link:

Offline Fan Railer

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TS2015: CRH380A + Southwest HSR Network Released
« Reply #62 on: July 10, 2015, 02:17:16 pm »
Both can be found on Just Trains. Enjoy and stay tuned for more:

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TS2015: Metra EMD F40PH-3 + Gallery Cab Car Physics Mod V1.0 Released
« Reply #64 on: August 16, 2015, 06:51:14 am »
This is the Chicago & Southwest Productions Metra EMD F40PH-3 Locomotive & Nippon Sharyo Gallery Cab Car Physics Modification pack version 1.0

In order to utilize this freeware physics upgrade, you must have purchased the "The Racetrack: Aurora - Chicago Route Add-On" pack available at Steam:

This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes. You are free, however to further modify the physics enhancements found in this pack for personal use if you so choose.

This is NOT a mod pack. That full mod pack MAY be available separately from this one in the future once I have acquired sounds. Stay tuned.

The purpose of this pack is to adjust the physics performance of the EMD F40PH-3 locomotive and the associated Gallery Cab Car.

SIDE NOTE: To obtain Metra logo and decals for rolling stock, download this pack: (

List of general changes; specific changes for each specific locomotive located below:
1. Modified tractive effort and braking effort curves.
2. Modified power ratings @ alternator and @ wheel.
3. Modified cab car fuel capacity.
4. Removed coupler slack.
5. Changed brake pipe normal pressure from 90 PSI to 110 PSI. Actual Metra equipment runs with 90 PSI in the brake pipe, but the game engine runs the brake gauges a little better if the pressure is set to 110 PSI. In addition, there is an issue with custom built consists with the cab leading not taking power if the brake pipe is set to 90 PSI. A future edition of this physics mod will be released to correct this problem; at which time, we will revert back to using the 90 PSI brake pipe.
6. Modified the cab car so that it does not provide tractive effort to the train set; only the locomotive applies tractive effort after the installation of this mod.
7. Adjusted cab car HUD ammeter upper limit from 1500 to 1800.

Version 2.0 of this mod will include a signature JohnS brake fix that will correct the air gauge functionality and allow a return back to the prototypical 90 PSI brake pipe rating.

NOTE: Although the F40PH-3 locomotive comes default with a neat HEP mode toggle ability, this only affects engine RPM; tractive power is not affected, so I have included two sets of physics that the user can switch between. Specifics are listed below for each set of physics. Instructions on how to perform the switch are included in the owner's manual, also located below.

Technical specifications:

1. EMD F40PH-2 (EMD 645; 3200 THP; no HEP)
   a. Starting tractive effort of 65,000 lbs (289.1344 kN)
   b. Continuous tractive effort of 38,240 lbs (170.1 kN) @ 16.31 mph
   c. Dynamic Brake effort of 35,000 lbs (177.93 kN) @ 55 mph; extended range sawtooth curve between 55 mph and 36 mph. Fade to 0 lbs @ 0.5 mph (not in use)
   d. Wheel horsepower of 2,850 hp (2,390 kW) @ 30 mph
   e. Maximum speed of 103 mph
    f. Engine RPM range = 410 - 900
   g. RPM change rate (rpm/second) = 18
    h. Fuel consumption range (gph)= 4 - 155
   i. Weight = 260,142.8 lbs (118 metric tons)
   j. Fuel capacity = 1500 gallons
   k. Max traction amps = 1785
   l. Max brake amps = 700 (not in use)

2. EMD F40PH-2 (EMD 645; 3200 THP; 500 kW HEP [7 - 11 cars])
   a. Starting tractive effort of 65,000 lbs (289.1344 kN)
   b. Continuous tractive effort of 38,240 lbs (170.1 kN) @ 16.31 mph
   c. Dynamic Brake effort of 35,000 lbs (177.93 kN) @ 55 mph; extended range sawtooth curve between 55 mph and 36 mph. Fade to 0 lbs @ 0.5 mph (not in use)
   d. Wheel horsepower of 2,210 hp (2,390 kW) @ 22 mph
   e. Maximum speed of 103 mph
    f. Engine RPM range = 410 - 900
   g. RPM change rate (rpm/second) = 18
    h. Fuel consumption range (gph)= 24 - 155
   i. Weight = 260,142.8 lbs (118 metric tons)
   j. Fuel capacity = 1500 gallons
   k. Max traction amps = 1785
   l. Max brake amps = 700 (not in use)

NOTE: Because of they way the game engine works, subbing in these real world values does result in slower high end acceleration. Run the locomotive with the non-HEP physics if it bothers you that you can't make it to track speed.

IMPORTANT; Install Instructions:

1. Locate BNSFChicago (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\Barnez\BNSFChicago)
2. Open TS2015_Metra_EMD_F40PH_&_Gallery_Cab_Car_Physics_Mod_Pack.7z
3. Drag the file folder from the .rar in step 2 into the directory you opened in step 1.
4. The installation should be complete. Run TS2015 to check.
5. If installation is botched or does not work, to back up to original files, delete the folder from step 3.

Owner's Manual:
Once installation is complete, the pack defaults to using the non-HEP locomotive's traction physics. In order to switch between the HEP and non-HEP locomotive physics, follow the steps below:

1. Locate the following two directories:
1a. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\Barnez\BNSFChicago\RailVehicles\Diesel\F40PH\Chicago
1b. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\Barnez\BNSFChicago\RailVehicles\Passenger\NSbilevel\NSCabCoach\Engine
2. Within each of the two above directories, you will see two more folders labelled "HEP+" (HEP version) and "HEP-" (non-HEP version).
3. Once you've chosen which version of physics you want to run with, enter the respective folder, copy the contents inside, return to the previous directory, and paste the contents that you copied. Overwrite when asked.
4. Physics set swap should be complete; run TS2015 to confirm.
5. Expert users can run multiple physics sets at the same time if they choose. The key is to make one locomotive (driver) a HEP locomotive, and the other (no driver) a non-HEP locomotive. I'll let these expert users figure out how to do that.

NOTE: When trying to run a career scenario after installing any physics mod, you will have to bypass the "track.bin" error message that pops up by pressing "F2", then hitting save. The scenario will then be playable.

Thank you for downloading and installing.
Enjoy =)

Download here:
« Last Edit: August 16, 2015, 02:39:49 pm by Fan Railer »

Offline Fan Railer

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This is the Chicago & Southwest Productions Metra EMD F40PH-3 Locomotive & Nippon Sharyo Gallery Cab Car Bell & Door Sound Mod Pack V1.0.

In order to utilize this freeware physics upgrade, you must have purchased the "The Racetrack: Aurora - Chicago Route Add-On" pack available at Steam:

This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes. You are free, however to further modify the bell sound enhancements found in this pack for personal use if you so choose.

THIS IS NOT A PHYSICS UPGRADE PACK. Physics mod is available separately (

The main purpose of this pack is to replace the mediocre stock bell sounds with authentic bell sounds (exterior and interior versions) for both the cab car and the locomotive.

This pack also replaces the door sounds (audible only while in the cab car at the moment). Sounds sourced to Tyler Johnston.

IMPORTANT; Install Instructions:

1. Locate BNSFChicago (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\Barnez\BNSFChicago)
2. Open TS2015_Metra_EMD_F40PH_&_Gallery_Cab_Car_Bell_&_Door_Mod_Pack.7z
3. Drag the file folder from the .rar in step 2 into the directory you opened in step 1.
4. The installation should be complete. Run TS2015 to check.
5. If installation is botched or does not work, to back up to original files, delete the folder from step 3. Then proceed to contact me and let me know so I can fix the issue.

Thank you for downloading and installing.
Enjoy =)

Download here:

Offline Fan Railer

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TS2015: Metra BNSF Racetrack Career Scenarios
« Reply #66 on: August 23, 2015, 09:13:11 am »
Metra Career Scenarios with mods applied:

Real Time Versions:

Time-lapse Versions:

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TS2015: AEM-7AC Physics & Sound Mod Released (8/23/15)
« Reply #67 on: August 23, 2015, 04:24:41 pm »
Ever want to remanufacture your virtual AEM-7DC? Well, now you can lol:

This is the Amtrak EMD AEM-7AC & DC Physics and Sound Upgrade pack, TS2015 edition.

In order to utilize this freeware physics & sound upgrade, you must have purchased the Northeast Corridor Add-On pack available at Steam:

This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes. You are free, however to further modify the physics & sound enhancements found in this pack for personal use if you so choose.

The purpose of this pack is to correct some physics errors in the original AEM-7, correct the coupler spacing issue with the Amfleet cars in version 48.9a of TS2015, and add new horn and bell sounds.
THIS UPDATE adds AEM-7AC physics and sounds (and number restrictions). Read the "owner's manual" section for instructions on how to switch between the two physics sets.
AEM-7AC sound development was facilitated by this video:

Sound portion information:
On popular request, this pack comes with two (now three) bell sounds (low pitch and high pitch), both recorded directly off of AEM-7DC units, in addition to the K5LA (which comes with exterior and in-cab loops).
Read the "owner's manual" section for instructions on how to switch between the two different bell sounds.

NOTE: The interior E-bell sound is VERY soft, so if you don't hear it unless you're trying or the volume is up, that's normal.

Physics Parameter Change Log (DC Unit):
1. Adjusted tractive effort and braking effort curves based on real world figures available online:'s%20Standard-Handbook/Transportation.pdf
2. Adjusted maximum amperage ratings; 2250 for traction and 970 for braking. Traction amps based here:

For more specifics on the specific values that were changed, proceed here:

Physics Parameter Change Log (AC Unit):
1. Adjusted tractive effort curve based on real world figures available online:
2. Adjusted maximum amperage ratings; 517 for traction and 340 for braking. 517 amps = 51,700 lbs TE; -340 amps = 34,000 lbs dynamic brake effort

Technical specifications:

1. EMD AEM-7DC (7000 THP)
   a. Starting tractive effort of 65,000 lbs (289.1344 kN)
   b. Continuous tractive effort of 45,000 lbs (200 kN) @ 64 mph
   c. Dynamic Brake effort of 15,600 lbs (70 kN) @ 36 mph
   d. Wheel horsepower of 7,600 hp (5,672 kW) @ 65 mph; fade to 5,000 hp (3,731 kW) @ 125 mph
   e. Maximum speed of 125 mph
   i. Weight = 202,823.2 lbs (92 metric tons)
   k. Max traction amps = 2250
   l. Max brake amps = 970

2. EMD / Alstom AEM-7AC (7000 THP)
   a. Starting tractive effort of 51,700 lbs (230 kN) @ 0 mph - 43 mph
   b. Continuous tractive effort of 38,240 lbs (170.1 kN) @ 65 mph
   c. Dynamic Brake effort of 34,000 lbs (177.93 kN) @ 64.5 mph - 18 mph; fade to 0 lbs @ 13.5 mph
   d. Wheel horsepower of 6,834 hp (5,100 kW) @ 65 mph - 125 mph
   e. Maximum speed of 125 mph
   i. Weight = 202,823.2 lbs (92 metric tons)
   k. Max traction amps = 517
   l. Max brake amps = ~340 (@ 90% auto brake handle)

IMPORTANT; Install Instructions

1. Open the Northeast Corridor asset pack until the directory reads "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\NorthEastCorridor"
2. Then open the "Railworks_AEM-7DC_Physics_&_Sound_Mod_Update.rar" file.
3. Drag all file folders from the .rar file and into the directory you opened in step one.
4. Overwrite if asked.
5. The installation should be complete. Run TS2015 to check.

Once installation is complete, the default bell that is being used is the e-bell. In order to change the bell that is used, follow the instructions below:
1a. Open folders until directory reads "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\NorthEastCorridor\Audio\RailVehicles\Electric\AEM-7\Cab"
1b. You will see three folders; "High Bell", "Low Bell", and "E-bell"
2. Open the respective folder that contains the horn.proxyxml bell you want to use and copy the file (CTRL + C).
3. Proceed back to the directory from step 1a.
4. Paste the selected file (CTRL + V); overwrite when prompted
5. Bell swap should be complete. Run TS2015 to confirm.

Once installation is complete, pack defaults to AEM-7AC physics. In order to swap physics, follow the instructions below:
1a. Open folders until directory reads "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\NorthEastCorridor\RailVehicles\Electric\AEM7\Default\Simulation"
1b. You will see two folders; "AC" & "DC"
2. Open the respective folder that contains the physics set you want to use and copy the files within (CTRL + C).
3. Proceed back to the directory from step 1a.
4. Paste the selected files (CTRL + V); overwrite when prompted
5. Physics swap should be complete. Run TS2015 to confirm.

Once installation is complete, the pack defaults to choosing only the AEM-7AC numbers. In order to change the numbers that are used, follow the instructions below:
1a. Open folders until directory reads "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\NorthEastCorridor\RailVehicles\Electric\AEM7\Default\Engine"
1b. You will see two folders; "AC" & "DC"
2. Open the respective folder that contains the .dcsv file you want to use and copy the file within (CTRL + C).
3. Proceed back to the directory from step 1a.
4. Paste the selected file (CTRL + V); overwrite when prompted
5. Bell swap should be complete. Run TS2015 to confirm.

Thank you for downloading and installing.
Enjoy =)

Download here:
« Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 05:10:07 pm by Fan Railer »

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TS2015: Amtrak Acela Express + HHP-8 AC Traction Motor Sound Mod Pack
« Reply #68 on: August 23, 2015, 08:09:49 pm »

Acela and HHP-8 Mod Packs updated with Alstom AC Traction Motor sounds. Read the readme.txt files for more information:


Acela Express:

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Re: Official Railworks: Train Simulator 2015 Videos and Screenshots Thread
« Reply #69 on: August 24, 2015, 08:52:42 am »
as always, it works like a charm =)

Check out my YouTube channel by clicking the picture above!

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Railworks HD: Jet Train goes for a Swim
« Reply #70 on: August 27, 2015, 01:46:03 pm »

Check out my YouTube channel by clicking the picture above!

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TS2015: Nickel Plate Road 765
« Reply #71 on: August 28, 2015, 10:08:46 am »
All mods applied to NKP 765 here can be downloaded over at Railworks America:

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Re: Official Railworks: MNRR Danbury Branch RELEASED
« Reply #72 on: September 07, 2015, 06:34:47 pm »
I am proud to say that my Metro North Danbury Branch is live in the Steam Workshop! It requires the New Haven Line, and I recommend that you have the P32AC for scenarios =)

Check out my YouTube channel by clicking the picture above!

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Re: Official Railworks: Train Simulator 2015 Videos and Screenshots Thread
« Reply #73 on: September 08, 2015, 06:36:55 am »
Read the video description or the above post for information on how to get the route =)

Check out my YouTube channel by clicking the picture above!