This is the Kuju GE BNSF ES44AC & ES44C4 Physics Modification pack.
In order to utilize this freeware physics upgrade, you must have purchased the "US Loco & Asset Pack" available at Steam:
http://store.steampowered.com/app/208306/This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes. You are free, however to further modify the physics enhancements found in this pack for personal use if you so choose.
THIS IS NOT A SOUND UPGRADE PACK. Physics adjustments made around the existing sounds.
The purpose of this pack is to adjust the locomotive weight, motor amperage limits, and traction and braking effort values for more realistic operation.
This pack includes the ability to switch between the standard ES44AC and the newly coded physics for the ES44C4. More details below.
General Parameter Change Log:
1. Changed HUD ammeter function so that it displays tractive/braking effort in thousands of pounds. This means that if the HUD ammeter reads "157 Amps", the locomotive is putting out 157,000 lbs of tractive effort. Conversely, if the HUD ammeter reads "-34.52 Amps", the locomotive is putting out 34,520 lbs of dynamic braking effort.
2. Adjusted tractive effort ratings and curves for individual locomotive variants based on the specifications listed below.
3. Adjusted dynamic brake effort ratings and curves for individual locomotive variants based on the specifications listed below.
Specific horsepower and tractive effort ratings used in calculation for individual locomotive variants:
1. GE ES44AC Standard Adhesion (GE GEVO-12; 4700 GHP)
a. Starting tractive effort of 180,000 lbs (800.68 kN) up to 8.2714 mph.
b. Traction horsepower at wheel is 4,390 hp (3,276.12 kW); efficiency rating of 93.4%.
c. Max Dynamic Brake effort of 117,000 lbs (520.442 kN) from 16.51 mph to 3 mph; linear fade from that speed to 0 lbs @ 1 mph.
d. Dynamic Brake horsepower at wheel is 5,145.6 hp (3,840 kW).
e. Increased weight of 188.7 metric tons (416,008.02 lbs).
f. Maximum speed of 75 mph.
g. Fuel consumption @ notch 8 is 210 gallons per hour.
h. Units numbered 5718-5747
2. GE ES44C4 (GE GEVO-12; 4700 GHP)
a. Starting tractive effort of 144,000 lbs (640.544 kN) up to 11.44 mph.
b. Traction horsepower at wheel is 4,390 hp (3,276.12 kW); efficiency rating of 93.4%.
c. Max Dynamic Brake effort of 78,000 lbs (346.962 kN) from 25.085 mph to 3 mph; linear fade from that speed to 0 lbs @ 1 mph.
d. Dynamic Brake horsepower at wheel is 5,212.6 hp (3,890 kW).
e. Set weight @ 126 metric tons (277,779.6 lbs). This is to simulate the total lowered axle load on the powered axles, since the core game code only differentiates powered trucks from non-powered trucks, and not powered axles from non-powered axles.
f. Maximum speed of 75 mph.
g. Fuel consumption @ notch 8 is 210 gallons per hour.
h. Units numbered 8018-8047
IMPORTANT; Install Instructions
1. Locate the following directory: (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\Kuju\RailsimulatorUS)
2. Open Railworks_Kuju_BNSF_GE_ES44AC_&_ES44C4_Physics_Mod_Pack.rar
2a. Before proceeding to step 3, make sure your "Kuju" folder is NOT set to "read only". You can change the folder settings using the properties function. IF the "Kuju" folder is read only, the files will not overwrite existing files when you attempt step 3.
3. Drag the file folder from the .rar in step 2 into the directory you opened in step 1. Overwrite if asked.
4. The installation should be complete. Run TS2015 to check.
User's Manual:
Upon installation, the pack defaults to using the new ES44C4 Physics and numbering scheme. In order to switch physics, follow the steps below:
1. Open the following directories:
a. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\Kuju\RailsimulatorUS\RailVehicles\Diesel\ES44AC\BNSF\Simulation"
b. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\Kuju\RailsimulatorUS\RailVehicles\Diesel\ES44AC\BNSF\Engine"
2. In each of those directories, you will see two folders (one for each set of locomotive physics):
a. "ES44AC"
b. "ES44C4"
3. Once you choose which set of physics to use, open the respective physics folder in both directories from step 1.
4. Copy (CTRL + C) all files you find in the opened folder located in directory 1a.
5. Proceed back to directory 1a and paste (CTRL + V) the copied files into the directory; overwrite when prompted.
6. Copy (CTRL + C) all files you find in the opened folder located in directory 1b.
7. Proceed back to directory 1b and paste (CTRL + V) the copied files into the directory; overwrite when prompted.
8. If the previous 7 steps were completed properly, the physics swap should be successful; run TS2015 to check.
Thank you for downloading and installing.
Enjoy =)
Download link: