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Messages - Orion V CNG #748

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Haven't been on here for a while lol ;D

Thought i'd try going over 40 and try to stop perfectly at a station.... but i'll take  0.1 underrun. lol

OpenBVE - Zipping Into Newkirk Plaza (R160 Q)

Other Games / [W.I.P] - Q34 Roosevelt Ave Shuttle (OMSI)
« on: February 17, 2013, 09:50:33 pm »
So Ive already had OMSI about a year now, and I decided to make a map related with the MTA or NYC.(specifically Queens)The Q34 Roosevelt Ave route is sort of like a shuttle. It runs from its regular terminal from Whitestone to Flushing Main st. This map will only include 1 route, even though there isn't any NYC buses for omsi out there but whatever. The route in real life isn't too long so I dont expect any lags, or too short. Some parts of the route has some wicked turns/roads so :P.

I started at Linden Pl were the route goes through. Heres what I have so far. (objects/splines may change overtime)
OMSI Version

Real Life comparison

Don't get too excited about the map. I don't plan on releasing it soon since theres school and stuff. Though I still do need help with somethings such as objects, roads/splines, busstops, etc.

Sources that I used
~ Google maps
~ Actually going outside in real life and observing/take note of the route
~ Knowledge of the route

It's my first time creating a route, so take it easy on me  :P

Other Games / Re: Post Your OMSI Screenshots/Videos Here!
« on: February 08, 2013, 07:11:51 pm »
what the buses in nyc are going through right now...

Other Games / Re: Post Your OMSI Screenshots/Videos Here!
« on: January 12, 2013, 12:51:31 pm »

Bus sucks. the only thing that I like about it, is that it looks like an orion 5 cng, but thing is, no one knows how to repaint it.

Other Games / Re: Post Your OMSI Screenshots/Videos Here!
« on: December 31, 2012, 01:48:01 pm »

Anyone spotting an unusual/different thing here? ;D

Other Games / Re: Post Your OMSI Screenshots/Videos Here!
« on: December 23, 2012, 10:58:21 pm »
OMSI - Scrolling Matrix Display Test
So I finally got a scrolling matrix that I implemented myself.

Since there isn't any tutorials out there (That I know of) on showing how to put a scrolling/flipdot matrix destination, I decide on putting one up myself so stay tuned.... :P

Other Games / Re: Post Your OMSI Screenshots/Videos Here!
« on: December 22, 2012, 10:21:34 pm »
Nice! If you can, can you give me the link to the MTA scheme? Thanks a lot. I really love mta related stuff
MTA repaint isn't made by me, but heres the link anyways

Other Games / Re: Post Your OMSI Screenshots/Videos Here!
« on: December 22, 2012, 07:26:22 pm »

Sorry if you cant see it that well... :( but w/e
I personally made the .hof file for the bus routes from College Point. If anyone wants them, feel free to download & use them.


I have other things in mind for the future such as more .hof bus depots like Yukon or Gun Hill, Just for the fun of it lol & also I might be doing some other north american bus repaints. :P

Other Games / Re: Post Your OMSI Screenshots/Videos Here!
« on: December 03, 2012, 10:00:41 pm »
@AyooDess where did you get the bus & original mta reskin from?

Imaginary Q66 "Practice Course" lol

Photography / C40LF 607
« on: November 21, 2012, 07:22:17 pm »
College Point's second batch of C40's. I seemed to noticed why the hell would there be a driver's screen protector on a C40LF? ??? I looked at the bus number were it said 607, and thought to myself. oh! that's right. Its CP's new set of C40's. The more C40's come in, the less orion v cng's :(. Sorry that I don't have pictures. I'll try to find 600 - 643's soon

Exclusive! - New Flyer C40LF Recording #607 (College Point's second batch of C40's)

As for now Enjoy

Photography / 9991
« on: November 20, 2012, 05:28:35 pm »
Couldn't believe my eyes when I stepped into it. Not sure, but if this is the one and only current Orion 5 cng in NYC with this type of seating I might be one heck of a lucky guy. 8) Sure youv'e been on an orion 5 cng, but ever been on this one with this type of seating?

On Board Ride & Sound Recording Orion V CNG #9991 (Retro Seating)

Really hard to find in my opinion

Other Games / Re: Post Your OMSI Screenshots/Videos Here!
« on: November 18, 2012, 11:19:40 am »

Other Games / Re: Slender
« on: September 18, 2012, 01:50:49 pm »
lol ive tried it before. What I meant is to see if anyone who hasn't played the game before is to try it since its a popular game all of a sudden. :P

Other Games / Slender
« on: September 18, 2012, 11:28:05 am »
Not related to train/bus stuff or anything but my friend told me its a game full of suspense. So my question is, has anyone ever played this game before? Seems kinda fun to try it out. Ive looked up the game on youtube and most videos were published 2 or 3 months ago over the summer of 2012. On the videos most people I think are in there 20's or 30's and there s****ing there pants off..

Rage Quit Version which is kinda funny
Rage Quit - Slender Part 2

Or a gameplay with a facecam reactions
SLENDER - Part 1 (+Download Link) Reaction Facecam

The object of the game is to try to find and collect papers/pages off an object like a tree or wall, etc. without being taken by the slender man. Theres only 8 pages I believe and most people on youtube have only collected 50% of it (4/8). It may not seem scary to you on the videos but its much more creepier and scarier when your playing it.

Anyone willing to try it?

~ If anyone wants to you can record the game of yourself playing it with a webcam pointing at you to share your reactions ;) ;D

I would recommend to use earphones/headphones and to play it by yourself in the dark to test your fears lol

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