Not bad. I remember I ventured out into Algonquin and Alderney after the first mission "The Cousins Bellic", stole a cop car, did a vigilante mission to kill some most wanted criminal to steal the Super GT sports car he had, parked it back at a Algonquin Safehouse, jacked a car and drove to the heli base in Alderney, stole a heli, piloted around Algonquin and Alderney to take some sniper ammo, piloted to two locations to take 6 rocket launcher rounds, (all with a six star wanted level), then I piloted the Maverick into the parking space under the elevated tracks with 50% Armor and 100% health left, got out of the heli, and then cops killed me before I even made it to the door of the safehouse, which was right in front of where I left the heli.

Did so much for nothing there
BTW, on your second video try pressing the left CTRL button to crouch so that you can take cover behind the wall, and press Q or E to use the new system that helps you take cover, then shoot cops. Also, don't climb up anywhere high, because it gives the sharpshooters in the helis and ground cops a easier target