
Author Topic: Route CSV: Understanding Stations  (Read 6928 times)

Offline edgreenberg

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Route CSV: Understanding Stations
« on: May 07, 2017, 06:35:54 pm »
I've been reading through CSV files, and the CSV file documentation at

I understand Track.Sta, Track.Station and Track.Stop, but when I display the route in RouteView, with Events on, I see an event block called Sta End.  I don't see that documented, nor is the length of the station documented anywhere.   What is going on with this?


Ed G

Offline bigbellymon4

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Re: Route CSV: Understanding Stations
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2017, 06:21:14 am »
The Sta End symbol that you see when Events is turned on is 10 meters from the stop marker. From where ever the stop marker is placed, the Sta End symbol will pop up after the stop marker. Its only purpose is making sure the station (.sta, .station) command ends.

Offline coneyislandDFNQ

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Re: Route CSV: Understanding Stations
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2017, 02:23:41 pm »
I've been reading through CSV files, and the CSV file documentation at

I understand Track.Sta, Track.Station and Track.Stop, but when I display the route in RouteView, with Events on, I see an event block called Sta End.  I don't see that documented, nor is the length of the station documented anywhere.   What is going on with this?


Ed G

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