
Author Topic: My Concern About Forum Fighting/Irelevant Advertisements  (Read 13513 times)

Offline BVERailer

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My Concern About Forum Fighting/Irelevant Advertisements
« on: March 18, 2017, 10:16:29 am »
Dear BVEStation members/mods,

Recently, there has been a LOT of fighting/arguing and Irelevant Advertisements on this forum, especially the update thread for the NTT Trains. Plenty of full pages were covered in people arguing over plentg of things, some which weren't even relevant to the subject, and others which were pointless fighting over. When I first joined BVEStation (June 2015) it was a good place. A happy place, where everyone got along. Over the past few years, many things have changed. Im talking about the content posted. The fighting. Please, please, please stop the fighting. No one likes to fight or see fights, especially those who regularly check in for updates. Plus, it gives the mods tons of work to delete those posts. Then, we have the irelevant advertisements. There is content that has nothing related to trains/vehicles. Then, we have posts that are inappropriate and irelevant. People may not know it, but there are some younger people on this forum who shouldn't be seeing these innapropriate posts. All in all, I believe that this forum is going downhill, and things should be changed or we are going to have some big problems. Thank you for your attention. -BVERailer
I am BVERailer. I love to play openBVE and other simulation games. Please check out my YouTube channel:

Offline iTransitFan

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Re: My Concern About Forum Fighting/Irelevant Advertisements
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2017, 10:49:30 am »
Dear BVEStation members/mods,

Recently, there has been a LOT of fighting/arguing and Irelevant Advertisements on this forum, especially the update thread for the NTT Trains. Plenty of full pages were covered in people arguing over plentg of things, some which weren't even relevant to the subject, and others which were pointless fighting over. When I first joined BVEStation (June 2015) it was a good place. A happy place, where everyone got along. Over the past few years, many things have changed. Im talking about the content posted. The fighting. Please, please, please stop the fighting. No one likes to fight or see fights, especially those who regularly check in for updates. Plus, it gives the mods tons of work to delete those posts. Then, we have the irelevant advertisements. There is content that has nothing related to trains/vehicles. Then, we have posts that are inappropriate and irelevant. People may not know it, but there are some younger people on this forum who shouldn't be seeing these innapropriate posts. All in all, I believe that this forum is going downhill, and things should be changed or we are going to have some big problems. Thank you for your attention. -BVERailer

A moderator has been deleting many posts filled with off-topic and arguments that are pointless.

Offline R160Railfan

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Re: My Concern About Forum Fighting/Irelevant Advertisements
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2017, 11:21:29 am »
True that. BVERailer.

Offline YankeesPwnMets

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Re: My Concern About Forum Fighting/Irelevant Advertisements
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2017, 02:14:01 pm »
Advertisements: If you're talking about those banner ads, we don't have control over them. Ads are there to provide revenue (which keeps this site alive), so there isn't really anything we can do about them. Hosting a site like this isn't cheap. They should all be appropriate, but if you see age inappropriate banner ads, please screenshot them and send it to the admins for us to check out. Otherwise, the random Lexus ad you see on the forums is what keeps the cash coming in.

Spam: 99.9% of the spam on the forums came from bots (ie. not real people). I've implemented some experimental spam filters to weed most of them out (which is why you haven't seen it much recently) but obviously, spam is nothing more than a game of whack a mole. Once you close one door, they'll enter through the next one. We try to keep bots off, but at the end of the day, there is only so much we can do. The best we can do is cast a wide net and hope that only a few will slip through.

Fighting: To be quite honest, it is a byproduct of young users: when a ton of users on here are still in their preteens and early teens, stupid stuff does happen.

However, we would just like to say that when flame wars do break out, do NOT jump into the fray. Just report it and ignore it. One user might want to try and start a fight but the rest of you users have the responsibility to keep it contained as well. Too many times, I see fights spiral out of control because other users jump in for no good reason whatsoever. The admins/mods here are the most senior members of the forums: Almost all of us (if not all) have careers, hold full time jobs, and some of us even have families. I'm a senior software engineer at one of the world's largest companies. BStyles served his country. ipac himself is navigating through the software engineering world.  We can't be here all the time to babysit everyone all the time.  You guys have just as much responsibility as us to ensure that the forums are orderly. Think of it like this: just because you have a maid doesn't mean you can trash your own house.

And this goes for all users. I'm not specifically calling you out, BVERailer. I would just like everyone to know that they all have the same responsibility as us when it comes to keeping the forums orderly.

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Re: My Concern About Forum Fighting/Irelevant Advertisements
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2017, 09:24:46 pm »
I am currently in the process of scrubbing the forum of the spam. Spam, by my definition, is anything that goes against the nature or the title of the topic, whether it be personal arguments against the OP, or posts within the topic. Members must refrain from derailing topics, or posting irrelevant information, such as responses akin to text messages. It should go without warning that members reply with legible responses. I have completed the NYCTA Projects section, and I will be moving along to the other boards shortly.


Offline BVERailer

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Re: My Concern About Forum Fighting/Irelevant Advertisements
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2017, 10:55:50 pm »
@BStyles @YankeesPwnMets

Thank you all very much. If there is anything you need, feel free to DM me. :)
I am BVERailer. I love to play openBVE and other simulation games. Please check out my YouTube channel:

Offline djridge

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Re: My Concern About Forum Fighting/Irelevant Advertisements
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2017, 10:11:43 pm »
@BStyles thanks for serving this country much appreciated Salute to you my friend!   8)