
Author Topic: How to Install Rigs of Rods Content  (Read 5995 times)

Offline BVERailer

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How to Install Rigs of Rods Content
« on: January 14, 2016, 08:01:13 pm »
Hello. I just recently installed Rigs of Rods. I want to Install the ALP-45DP, and I watched a tutorial, but the train won't come up in my game. Can someone please help?

[EDIT]: I have resolved all issue so. I even know how to move! I hope to start making videos of it soon!
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 05:14:40 pm by BVERailer »
I am BVERailer. I love to play openBVE and other simulation games. Please check out my YouTube channel: