Well I use a simple point and shoot.Most of time underground I use a low exposure like 1.7 or 2.0 if its above that then there will be too much station light.To get steady shots take advantage of your surroundings be creative place the camera on a beam or put it on the ground.
Flash policy:Yes it's illegal to use flash in the system but if your shots don't come out right and you want to use flash be careful.Most of the time T/A employees don't mind the flash as long as its not in their face.
Using flash brings out textures and more color as opposed to not using flash.But most of the time the employees won't mind but you may get harassed by cops but just be careful.Also when using flash it focuses your shot more depending on what your settings are with the camera.
3 shots with flash by me:

Those came out better with flash then w/o.