Thanks for supporting BVEStationTV in 2010!
I want to thank Kevin (ipac) for letting me post the shows up and every member for watching and giving their feed back.
This season will be totally different. With the help of Jason (Lexington456) we gonna put more additions in the show.
New Additions:
-Webchats with certain members like a realistic type of show.
-History of BVEStation
-Current Routes Being Developed
-Photo of the Month
*Note: We are just displying the winners picture not holding any contest it will be held on the forums by whoever is in charge*
-Experiences on travel and Interviews
If you want to be part of the show or help out with filming PM me or Jason or email at
Thanks everyone!
Here is the Winter Episode of the Storm:
BVEStationTV - Winter Storm Part 1Please I would like comments before I release Part 2. Depending, it will help me put together the 2nd Part.