« on: January 15, 2012, 08:22:04 pm »
I know my friend who signed up here as D train who wanted to create an I route from Riverdale in the Bronx or Fort Lee, New Jeresy as a super express in Brooklyn and Staten Island and NJ, regular express elsewhere . Unfortunately, he can't do the route because of Issues, so I said that I could take over his ideas, respectively. I am not familiar with the coding system, so I need a lot of help to create, since I have no knowledge of the coding system.
If anyone can help and/or give instructions on how to code. I want to make this a success, and I know that in order to make this route, I need objects and train sets from other people
I will probably start somewhere in summer/fall 2012, and I will excersice a poll to see what people would want for this long route
There are 3 options:
Option 1
I-Inwood Express
From Riverdale-263 Street or Fort lee New Jeresy to
Rahway Avenue-Middlesex New Jeresy
24/7 service
Option 2: Two Routes
I-Inwood Express
From Riverdale-263 street, The Bronx to Rahway Avenue-Middlesex, New Jeresy *
S-Fort Lee Shuttle
From Fort Lee- New Jeresy to 168 street Manhattan
* This option includes peak
directional I express trains in the Bronx
Option 3: Three Routes
I- Inwood Express
From Riverdale 263 street to Rahway Avenue, Middlesex,NJ*^
S-Fort Lee Shuttle
From Fort Lee-New Jeresy to Rahway Avenue-Middlesex NJ
IX- Fort Lee Semi Express
From Fort Lee NJ to Middlesex-NJ via Manhattan,Brooklyn, and Staten Island+
*Option Includes Peak Direction Bronx Express Service
^ In this option, the I will be a local in Staten Island and a regular express in Brooklyn
+In this option, the IX is non stop from Fort Lee to 168 street. Use the S for local service. IX is semi express in Brooklyn in Staten Island
Please leave post the option you have voted for and why. For more information, PM me or leave a VM on my profile.
This poll will be open until 3:46 pm on July 6. Please vote for the outcome of the I train. For the three options, whichever option is voted for the most will be what I will work for the I train bundle. Feel free to comment on this post or on my profile to help, or for other resources.