Well, it's about time for me to head out. Yes, I'm leaving.
Oh, well, not for good, I'm just going on hiatus for a moment. In the meantime, the projects that this post resides in, or requires my input will be halted until an indefinite date. As much as it pains me to put the projects on halt just as they were making major progress, I have no choice.
For those reading this post and begin to go “oh great, development stopped again” I suggest you step away from the computer screen and find yourself a hobby, or a book, because I do have a personal life. A handful of people know what I’m going to be doing from now, but for the others, you just have to sit tight, and use the latest development pictures as eye candy.
Well, that’s pretty much it. Keep doing what you’re doing, and I’ll be back before you know it. Turn to Lexington456 and the development of the 6 for more information on the development of the Lexington Avenue Lines.