***Status Updates***
As of right now all NTT's have been started whether it's still in shell phase or near completion.
Here are their statues:
R110A: LEDs/ LCD's have been placed and working on a little more details for the body. (Probably the closest to be finished)
R110B: Work has been started on it about a month ago but not much. Not sure how far along it may be.
R142/A: Both trains are around the same level of completion. Adding 3d poles to them.
R143/R160: Both trains are being worked on alongside of each other. Exterior coding completed and interior is being worked on(Pictures may come later this month).
R188: Will be worked on/ converted after the R142A is completed.
*As always there is no certain date of release for anything in development. Always remember personal lives come into play and patience
is key. We plan to release at least one of these trains within late October to New Years(No promises