« on: September 01, 2012, 01:29:16 pm »
IM going to post this in both languages. English and Spanish. Please, If anyone knows people that work in the federal governments and what not, copy and send the info to them
Sugerencia que hago, a ver si alguien me ayuda a compartirlo y sus opiniones, Por que no cojen las guaguas que estan fuera de comision, que estan fuera de comision que no pueden ser reparados, y cojer las piezas, dejar solo chasis, y con las piezas de la caja, luces, gomas, aros, parabrisas, todo, y reparar las guaguas que ya tienen en servicio? De hecho, en Oregon tienen 1995 flxibles en servicio y conozco personas en NJ transit que estan dispuesto a enviar las NovaRTS que ellos tienen aqui a pr, sin pintar solo programar el letrero ( desitnation sign) y no hay que en numerarlas.
I have a suggestion, see if someone out here can help me. I live in PR< and the president of the AMA fucked everything up. Instead of buying new buses, buy some from NJ Transit, oregon and other places, and use them here. Dont even bother to repaint them, just cover them and use in service. Also, take the ones that are bent framed, use their parts on the ones that are in service or can be fixed, and use those buses as well? The conditions of the AMA here are critical and the president tried to make it fail here, just so the government can make the service a private service. We need help!!!
The president Mike O Neill, son of Guaynabo city mayor Hector O niell destroyed the Bus Service here In San Juan PR. Trying to make a private company come in and take over. Well, the bastard has stolen money, destroyed Kick Ass RTSs and took funds for himself and others. Is he being investigated? YES about time! But, we need help here. I dont know if this is a appropiate place to post this, but you guys here are one of the few pages i can think of for help.