
Author Topic: 2 The Ballad of Gay Tony Video's I made recently  (Read 4636 times)

Offline bve

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2 The Ballad of Gay Tony Video's I made recently
« on: March 13, 2011, 01:22:46 pm »
This morning, I made 2 The Ballad of Gay Tony Video's . PC Only, here they are:
GTA: TBoGT - PC - Hanging Out!
GTA EFLC - TBoGT- PC - Cops Won't Leave me the F**ck Alone!
Video's were edited in Sony Vegas Pro 10 32Bit. Enjoy!
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Offline YankeesPwnMets

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Re: 2 The Ballad of Gay Tony Video's I made recently
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2011, 06:37:18 pm »
Not bad. I remember I ventured out into Algonquin and Alderney after the first mission "The Cousins Bellic", stole a cop car, did a vigilante mission to kill some most wanted criminal to steal the Super GT sports car he had, parked it back at a Algonquin Safehouse, jacked a car and drove to the heli base in Alderney, stole a heli, piloted around Algonquin and Alderney to take some sniper ammo, piloted to two locations to take 6 rocket launcher rounds, (all with a six star wanted level), then I piloted the Maverick into the parking space under the elevated tracks with 50% Armor and 100% health left, got out of the heli, and then cops killed me before I even made it to the door of the safehouse, which was right in front of where I left the heli. :P Did so much for nothing there

BTW, on your second video try pressing the left CTRL button to crouch so that you can take cover behind the wall, and press Q or E to use the new system that helps you take cover, then shoot cops. Also, don't climb up anywhere high, because it gives the sharpshooters in the helis and ground cops a easier target