
Author Topic: JBSS Bahn Simulation  (Read 8953 times)

Offline whendari

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JBSS Bahn Simulation
« on: March 22, 2016, 09:29:48 pm » This simulator has been around for awhile I use to use it along time ago before it started adding new features such as weekday and weekend scheduling, new signalling options. I gave been editing a NYC Subway route I found on a long time ago before they removed the software site unless its hidden somewhere else. But needless to say I have been updating this map which has every route planned out and adjusting it for the new version as the version it was originally made for was less developed so far I have several routes running still getting use to the protocols but I learn something new everyday and found I was able to adapt real scheduling to the subway routes and reroutes if a certain area was congested if necessary but that's in the early stage so far I got the A,B (Working on Weekend Scheduling),C,D,E,F J,Z, N,R(Limited Night Service due to my edit for the flooding in the tunnel awhile back I haven't fixed that fully yet), Q 1,3,4,5 trains running.

Pretty much I work on this during my free time I use to this all the time but I changed computers many times since and had to start from scratch.

So far I don't mind sharing the map if anyone wants to mess around with it, but I will continue to work on this one and release it one day so I am not just sitting on it like I use to. I like the versatility of this program.

My next project is the 2 and 6 lines as well as the Shuttle from Grand Central to Times Square Vice Versa, this map features a skeleton of the old third avenue eight line in the Bronx I haven't removed it from the current map which is why you see a track layout connect to the 2. In my version I fictionalized the 9 train and left it in service. The Five Terminates at Bowling Green and Utica Ave, since I succeeded in that it will also go to Flatbush as well. The A line is set but will getting some fixes since I wasn't use to weekend scheduling so it does not run at the moment but during the week it does to all three terminals Lefferts, and the Rockaways.