It does seem that "Manuel 18" has discovered a method for
object conversion from 3DS Max into openBVE B3D format with very good results!! 18 notes his method as this order:
> open object in program 3DS Max, then save/export to .3DS file format
> open .3DS file in program Milkshape 3D and repair texture issues, then save/export again to .3Ds format
> install Blender v2.46 (later versions do not work) and Blender-BVE import-export script from C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Aplication Data\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts
> open .3DS file in program Blender v2.46, then save/export to .B3D file format with above script
Any one who may try this method, please do report your results here.
We may see if this is the alchemist formula for converting lead to gold!