Station Talk / Rating System
« on: January 02, 2011, 06:27:18 pm »
A rating system has been established to rate and hate on members based on posts that you like or not.
To increase the rating of a member for a useful post, just use the Rate + link under his username and icon to the left of the post.
To decrease the rating of a member for a bad post, use the Rate - link.
Please do not abuse the system. You can only make 1 rating every 15 minutes and you cannot rate yourself. Rate only based on the posts members make, not how you personally feel towards them. Help keep the rating system fair and use it appropriately.
Thank you & enjoy!
To increase the rating of a member for a useful post, just use the Rate + link under his username and icon to the left of the post.
To decrease the rating of a member for a bad post, use the Rate - link.
Please do not abuse the system. You can only make 1 rating every 15 minutes and you cannot rate yourself. Rate only based on the posts members make, not how you personally feel towards them. Help keep the rating system fair and use it appropriately.
Thank you & enjoy!