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Messages - error46146

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BVE/OpenBVE Support / Re: i need help.
« on: February 03, 2013, 09:55:10 am »
If you are getting permissions issues try reinstalling OpenBVE into your personal documents folder or w/e and not into Program Files

Photography / Beach 67th Street
« on: January 20, 2013, 09:51:23 pm »
Here is the boardwalk at Beach 67th Street after Hurricane Sandy.

And a bonus:

That's all for now... Thanks for looking!!!

General BVE/OpenBVE / Re: (Q) Local to Coney Island
« on: January 15, 2013, 11:50:02 pm »
Q trains switch between the Express and Local track on weekdays using the X switch just north of the 34th Street station.

Other Games / Re: Post Your OMSI Screenshots/Videos Here!
« on: January 14, 2013, 11:15:47 pm »

« on: January 04, 2013, 11:00:21 am »
Oldest trick in the book lol.. but yup it works. I have my resolution @ 640x480 (even with my new computer with i5 and ATI graphics.. i get over 100FPS on almost all the routes)

BVEStation Network News / Re: The Q Line by JayJay has been updated!
« on: December 27, 2012, 12:50:56 pm »
OpenBVE - Q Train Timelapse from Queensbridge to Brighton

As for repacking it into 7z, I will have to just put that on my long BVE to-do list... (unless if somebody else wants to do it then please feel free lol)

BVEStation Network News / The Q Line by JayJay has been updated!
« on: December 26, 2012, 05:25:55 pm »

Please make sure you download ALL FILES. They are automated self installing archives, so most Windows users should have no problem installing them. Unfortunately I lost my credentials to login to the BVEStation file server, so that is why I am posting these links instead until Kevin can upload them onto our server.

Thank you & Enjoy!!

General BVE/OpenBVE / Re: How to download OpenBVE (Windows users)
« on: November 28, 2012, 11:26:13 am »
Not bad however I think that an actual narration of you instructing people how to do it would be better than random music lol.. Still helpful

BVEStation Network News / Re: The new R46 has been released.
« on: November 28, 2012, 11:23:35 am »
Actually it could be the Anti-virus.. Some of the plugins used by the R46 for OpenBVE are identified as Trojans or Worms by some Anti-Virus software. In this case, yes you could try setting your software to allow the R46 folder.

As for the low-res version of the R46, I absolutely do not have any time at all to work on BVE at the moment, so all of my projects are being put on hold now.. I will update you once work is being resumed.
If you want I can set up a mailing list that will email you once I start working on the projects so you don't have to keep checking/asking

Transit / Re: H Train To Connect Rockaways To Rest of Queens
« on: November 19, 2012, 08:58:27 pm »
I believe there already is an H train icon on the forum.

BVE/OpenBVE Support / Re: Help on extending a BVE Route
« on: November 14, 2012, 11:42:10 pm »
Making a track switch is probably one of the most complicated things in BVE Route building, so don't feel bad..

Remember that a route for BVE travels on a single fixed path, which means you will have to move everything else to accommodate the single fixed path. That single fixed path is the track that you are travelling on, aka track 0. As you know, the locations for all other objects, rails, etc. is defined and measured from track 0.

I don't know the exact circumstance of what you are trying to do (I don't have this route installed on my new computer), but I'm going to assume it is a standard 50 meter 2 track X cross switch.. If this isn't the case, the concept is still the same, just switch around some of the numbers and make sure everything is in proportion.

The theory behind making a track switch is to keep re-aligning everything else as you progress so it looks correct. Assume we are starting on the right side track switching to the left side track. We start our switch by making the turn command and defining the proper distance of the other track (track 1).


Once we reach 25 meters into the switch, we hit the center of the X. So we re-align track 1 to be right on top of our track.


Once we reach the end of the switch, track 1 will be on the other side. So we re-align track 1 to the right side and complete the turn.


We now made the actual crossover.. But you will notice that all you see is an X and there are two gaps - what if the train isn't switching tracks? We will have to temporarily start/end two new tracks to make up for those.

Back to the start of the switch, we start our two new tracks. We start one track (2) on top of our track to fill in the right side gap, and we start another track (3) on the other side to fill in the left side gap.


Once we reach the center of the X, we will have to re-align those two tracks again. Since the two tracks were originally 4 meters apart, the mid-point would be 2 meters. So we align tracks 2 and 3 to be 2 meters away from track 0's location. Remember, track 2 fills in the right side gap and track 3 fills in the left side gap.


When we complete the switch, we will now be on the left side. Therefore we will have to re-align and end tracks 2 and 3 with the following code


Our final code will look like this:


The concept may be a bit tricky to grasp at first, but if you visualize it (no time to draw a diagram right now, if you must i'll do it in the future) it will become pretty easy.

Transit / Re: A few sandy related questions regarding the subway...
« on: November 08, 2012, 11:31:58 am »
The loop, new station, and connecting tracks have all been pumped out and dried up. The tracks are operational and trains can and have been turning around at the loop track. The new station has been heavily damaged and they are now repairing the platforms, towers, etc. The 2 and 3 have resumed express service, and there is no way to turn trains around at Chambers Street without heavily disrupting service.

Transit / Re: A few sandy related questions regarding the subway...
« on: November 07, 2012, 10:59:42 pm »
As for 1 I believe they use the old South Ferry loop.. the water has been pumped out from the loop and that track is now usable

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