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Messages - ipac

Pages: 1 ... 32 33 34 [35] 36
BVEStation Network News / BVE On Pix 11 News at 10
« on: January 06, 2011, 09:00:36 pm »
The B/D route and Kamikazi's R42 was used in Pix 11's report on the MTA's Fake Signal inspection hearings.  Enjoy!

BVE/OpenBVE Support / Re: The New Routes/Trains
« on: January 06, 2011, 06:28:14 pm »
The R will be BVE 2 Compatible.

NYCTA Projects / NYCTA R Line (Queens/North bound)
« on: January 06, 2011, 11:57:37 am »
Here's the official update topic for the Northbound or Queensbound R.

The route has been sent to Joe and will be a 4th generation route.  The new tiling at 86th Street have been put in place.  The transfer is still closed for a connection to Jay Street, but that might change whenever I get it back.

Transit / Re: Would You Accept Screen Doors For The NYCTA?
« on: January 06, 2011, 11:54:52 am »
2 - It will prevent accidents such as people/inventory falling, and careless people risking their lives. We're not always going to have subway heroes. And, if you remember that ill-fated lady who jumped down to her death for a mere bag(I still think that was her fault), things like that the doors can prevent.

Precisely that, when a passenger gets "injured" millions of people are delayed just to help, rescue, pull out or do whatever just to save that person, and during rush hours too.  Talk about suicidal people being selfish alright.

NYCTA Projects / Re: 7 Update
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:40:55 am »
Hey, getting something done is better than nothing.  5th gen or not.  ;)

Station Talk / Re: Can't post in Photography forum
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:40:21 am »
Give it a try now.

Transit / Re: Would You Accept Screen Doors For The NYCTA?
« on: January 03, 2011, 07:48:45 pm »
I would say no because all things automatically/electronically powered will malfunction.And there maybe a time a train pulls and the screens would not open or vice-versa preventing entering and exiting.This will cause frustration by New Yorkers.Also think about it these things have 2 have some kind of force so a baby or someone can injure themselves whether its their hand,head arm but there are a lot of EDP's out there who will do something stupid.
Vandalism is another issue and people may stick gum or whatever on the glass.But all in all bad idea for the City that never sleeps.

Same thing occurs on the train doors.  Platform screen doors are simply another set of doors...

As for injuries thats where getting caught in the doors come in.  Although now people know that there's a higher chance of getting stuck between the doors they'll figure out its more dangerous and would likely wait for the next train instead of holding them.  I really don't know if people will do that, it may make it worse, or it may improve.  We wont know until it is actually tried.

Station Talk / Re: MD5 Checksums and 7zip formats
« on: January 02, 2011, 01:57:25 am »
dmg and deb files are for macs and linux respectively.  They are basically packages, but it is uncommon for the storage of files.  It is usually for programs and stuff like that.  The 7zip format is supposed to work with all supported OSes and has a very high compression ratio, which is why people use it compared to zip.  Rar is a proprietary format while 7zip is an open source format.

Station Talk / MD5 Checksums and 7zip formats
« on: January 02, 2011, 12:41:40 am »
To ensure that your downloads are complete, and not modified in anyway, BVEStation has implemented md5 checksums on select non-fictional routes.  This is to ensure the file you downloaded is the exact same copy as the original.  If for whatever reason you want to do this check, you can do this with md5.

In the near future we will also be implementing 7zip formats for non-fictional routes for our other operating system users so they too can download our files.  Enjoy!

Other Projects / Re: All Trains by Pacific385
« on: January 02, 2011, 12:18:54 am »
The train has been placed. ;)

Transit / Re: Would You Accept Screen Doors For The NYCTA?
« on: January 01, 2011, 11:18:31 pm »
As a modern safety feature, yes.  I have seen children run around freely on platforms, thats a dangerous situation.  During rush hours when passengers are transferring, and a express train is late, there is a huge crowd waiting on the platform, with almost no room to navigate, making it a very dangerous situation.

Of course its not possible because of the different car lengths and variety of train models here.

Introduction / Re: Evening lads
« on: January 01, 2011, 11:15:48 pm »
Welcome (back) to BVEStation!  :D

Station Talk / Re: New Look
« on: January 01, 2011, 11:13:31 pm »
I don't get it; why were the forums changed?

An administrative vote decided to upgrade the forum.  The forum upgrade however is unable to "upgrade" the old forum, so a fresh install was required.  Other factors were taken into account as well.  The new forum features could not be implemented without upgrading.  If you want different looks Go to Profile > Look and Layout Settings, and change the current theme.

Station Talk / Re: Account Deleted
« on: January 01, 2011, 11:06:04 pm »
You can log in there but you cant post.

BVEStation Network News / Re: BVEStation 2011 : HAPPY NEW YEAR!
« on: January 01, 2011, 03:02:25 am »
To expand on those social networks for the benefit of the members yes.

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