
Author Topic: BVEStation Forum/Network Rules  (Read 14227 times)

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BVEStation Forum/Network Rules
« on: December 31, 2010, 09:21:38 pm »
The Rules of BVEStation

As of Saturday, January 1, 2011
Updated Friday, March 25, 2011
Updated Friday, June 8, 2012 (Fixed typos)
Updated Thursday, July 12, 2012 (Removed TS Rules)
Updated Wednesday, May 6, 2015 (Fixed format. Minor revision)

These rules apply to the entire “BVEStation Network”, in other words, all websites and services officially connected to BVEStation, which include but is not limited to the following:, the BVEStation Forum, Bus Depot, MBTA-NJT Forum, and the BVEStation Chat.

A. General Rules – These rules apply to ALL services of BVEStation.
1. NO ILLEGAL DISCUSSION: Discussion of illegal activities is not allowed on any BVEStation service. This includes but is not limited to, hacking, illegal pirating or distribution, defacement of property, fare beating, or any other violation of local and federal laws. Any illegal discussions on BVEStation will be removed without notice.
2. NO MALICIOUS CONTENT: Distribution of any malicious content which may cause damage to the website or other members’ computers is not allowed. Any malicious content will be removed, and proper administrative actions will be taken to those who post malicious content.
3. NO PRIVACY VIOLATIONS: Posting of content that violates the privacy or comfort of another member is not allowed.
4. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT: Copyright infringement of any sort is not allowed on BVEStation. Any material posted which violates on the author’s copyrights will be removed without notice.
5. NO PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL: Pornographic material of any kind is not allowed on BVEStation. Any pornographic or otherwise inappropriate material will be removed without notice.
6. NO INDEXING OF FILES OR SITE Indexing (downloading excessively) of any files or content is absolutely prohibited on all BVEStation services unless authorized by the Administration. This includes, but is not limited to, indexing the site, logging the chat rooms, or storing an offline copy of the site on a hard drive.
7. NO RUDE OR OFFENSIVE BEHAVIOR Please be respectful of other members.
8. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS Please do not insult or make offensive comments to other members due to their views or opinions. Racism, sexism, or any other discrimination of any kind is not allowed and those who engage in it will be punished.
9. USAGE OF THE BVESTATION NAME The BVEStation name and logo are copyrighted and belongs to the Owner of BVEStation which much pride is taken in; please do not abuse or otherwise use it without permission. If you would like your work to be officially approved or endorsed by BVEStation, please contact the Administration for a review of it.
10. MEMBERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS By using any BVEStation service, the user will take full responsibility and not hold BVEStation, its affiliates, administration or members responsible for any trouble that they may have caused on the site. BVEStation will comply with all legal requests and cannot protect or represent a member in the event of legal trouble.
11. MEMBER RESPONSIBILITY TO STAY INFORMED The BVEStation Rules are subject to change to any time. Any changes to the rules will be announced on the Forums and other parts of the website. It is up to the member to stay informed to any updates of the rules.
12. NO ASKING FOR HIGHER AUTHORITY No member shall ever ask any part of the Staff to be included in or promoted. The staff will contact directly whoever it feels is eligible to join it. Any violators of this rule will be banned from becoming part of the staff.

B. BVEStation forum/MBTA-NJT Forum Rules – These rules apply to the BVEStation Forum and MBTA-NJT Forum
1. NO OFF TOPIC POSTING Please do not post irrelevant content to the topic of discussion, you may start another topic if you wish. Any off topic content may be removed without warning.
2. NO SPAMMING There is no spamming of the forum allowed. Examples of this behavior includes, but is not limited to, topics which have no meaning or discussable content, thoughtless replies or comments, topics which contain illegal material, profane language, confusing topic titles, constant bumping of a topic, and inappropriate use of fonts.
3. NO ADVERTISING There is to be no creating topics containing advertising or promoting an off-topic website; this includes but not limited to advertising of your website, blog, social networking sites, and products.  Subliminal advertising is also not allowed, a staff member will examine the post to determine if there is any subliminal advertising present. Any off-site links posted must be for relevant, informational purposes only. However, you are allowed to place a small advertisement in your forum signature specifics are stated in the signature rules. Any content that violates this rule will be removed without notice.
4. NO POSTING IN “DEAD TOPICS” (NECROPOSTING) Please refrain from posting in topics that are over two months old, unless if you have an important contribution for it. There will be a warning on the top of the page above the Topic when posting if a violation of this rule will occur.
5. SECTION-SPECIFIC RULES Certain sections of the Forum may have its own set of rules. Please make sure you fully understand them.
6. OFF-SITE CONTENT What happens outside of BVEStation, stays out of BVEStation. There is to be no discussion of any outside content.
7. ENGLISH ONLY Help us keep a professional look on the forum. Please refrain from posting in other languages. Please check to see your posts do not contain spelling or grammatical errors.
8. NO “FAVORITE” POLL TOPICS There is to be no posting of “favorite” topics (e.g. What is your favorite car, plane, train, movie, etc) unless authorized by the Administration.
9. NO MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS Members may have ONE (1) account per IP Address, per e-mail address, and per person ONLY, and vice versa, unless authorized by the Administration. Violation of this rule will result in an immediate ban to ALL related accounts.
10. NO FAKE E-MAIL ADDRESSES Each member must provide a valid working e-mail address to ensure proper account activation and update receiving.
11. NO PROXY REGISTRATIONS Proxy registrations are not allowed on BVEStation unless authorized by the Administration. Any account found to be registered through a proxy will be rejected and/or banned.
12. STAFF SCRUTINY OF IP ADDRESS The Administration has the right to inspect your IP address and other personal information if they believe it is malicious.
13. DISPLAY NAME CHANGES We strongly discourage name changes, however, if it is necessary, please contact the Administration. Excessive name changing will ultimately lead to denial of future requests.
14. ACCOUNT TERMINATION We cannot “delete” your account for software record purposes; if you would like to terminate your account with BVEStation, just simply stop coming to BVEStation. To reactivate, just come back.
15. SIGNATURE REGULATIONS a) You may place advertising in your signature as long it does not contain any discussions or information promoting illegal activity specified in Section A-1. b) Your signature may not be any larger than 800 pixels wide and 150 pixels long. c) You may not post signatures longer than ten (10) lines, and if an image is used you may only have up to three (3) lines of text under it. d) Signatures or Avatars may not contain any copyrighted, illegal, or pornographic material. e) The staff has the right to remove your signature or avatar if they feel it violates any rules, or causes significant problems in the forum, including but not limited to discussion about the signature itself in topics (which is considered off topic), or performance problems.
16. IMAGE POSTING REGULATIONS a) All images will not exceed the size of 800 pixels by 600 pixels. Any image with a larger size shall be automatically resized by the forum. b) Please host your images off BVEStation on image hosting sites such as Photobucket ( or Image Shack ( or any other image hosting website. c) All images are subject to the BVEStation rules and regulation by the Administration. Any images found to be harmful or inappropriate for the site will be removed without notice.
17. ATTACHMENT POSTING REGULATIONS a) Attachments may not contain illegal or copyrighted material. Such material will be removed by the administration. b) Attachments may not exceed a certain file size limit; this limit will be displayed when uploading the file. c) All attachments are subject to the BVEStation rules and regulation by the Administration. Any attachments found to be harmful or inappropriate for the site will be removed without notice.
18. NO “COMPANIES”, GROUPS OR FACTIONS: The creation of “companies”, groups, or factions within the forum is strictly prohibited; this includes but not limited to political groups and unauthorized development groups. All of these must be authorized by the Administration. Please speak with the Administration if you have any questions or concerns.
19. PERSONAL MESSAGING SYSTEM Any content sent through the Personal Messaging System are subject to the same rules as a post made onto the forum. Any violations made through the Personal Messaging system will be subject to the same punishment as if it was a forum post.
20. NO DISCUSSIONS ABOUT “COPYRIGHT ISSUES” If there are any issues regarding “copyright” and usage of “copyrighted” work in projects, please do not take it out on the forum. Please contact the authors directly instead. Any posts containing this type of content will be removed immediately. If there is an issue with the work on the BVEStation download page, please contact the Administrators directly on the forum.
21. NO QUOTING POSTS WITHOUT YOUR OWN CONTRIBUTION OR QUOTING MORE THAN 2 QUOTES.  This creates an ugly chain of quotes on the forum, Do Not do that.  Also do not make a quote and leave no post of your own.  There is no point.  If you quote and simply say, I agree, that also has no point.  Do not do that either.
22. ADMINISTRATION GETS FINAL SAY ON ALL ISSUES The Administration has the final say on all issues regarding the site and services on BVEStation. Please do not question the actions of the Administration. If you disagree with an administrative action, you may contact them politely to have your grievances heard and a compromise made.

C. Member Responsibility Each member of BVEStation, including the administration, has responsibilities to follow. Please read and follow them.

1. Administration
a. Enforcement - It is the job of the administrators, moderators, and fellow staff members to enforce these rules and moderate discussions on the forum.
b. Contact - The administration can be contacted should any problems around the forum occur; they will assist you in resolving any conflicts, or technical problems around the Station.
c. Member Punishment - The administration is allowed to ban, moderate, warn or remove any member in which they believe has broken a rule, or is deemed a threat, with or without evidence.
d. Sponsorship - Administration sponsorship can allow a banned member back in, if the majority vote of the administrators agree, should the member violate the rule again, the administration has a right to permanently ban them.

2. Members
a. Privileges - The use of BVEStation is not a right, but a privilege, and it is your duty to follow and comply to these rules, and understand that if any violation of these rules occur will result in warnings and bans.
b. Promotions - Members may not ask for promotions or tokens on BVEStation. Those who ask for any promotions will never receive them.
c. Bothering the Administration – Please do not bother the administration; if you have a specific question about BVE to ask, you may make a topic about it. If it’s concerning flaming, threats, or other major issues, this is the only time you may use the Private Message system to contact an administrator.
d. Respect - Respect the administration's decisions, and actions, they are there to help and ist you with any forum related problems or member conflicts. If you find an administrator or moderator violating rules, please contact the head administrator ipaclansite.

By utilizing any BVEStation service, you agree to be bound to the following Terms and conditions:
1. You will not hold BVEStation, its Administration staff, or any other member responsible for any issues that may arise from the usage of its services, its content, or by the content or services provided by its members or affiliates.
2. In no event shall BVEStation, its Administration staff, or any other member be liable for any damages or losses of any kind, directly or indirectly, resulting from the usage of its services.
3. BVEStation cannot accept responsibility for the content posted on off-site links; use them at your own risk and responsibility.
4. The content available on the BVEStation site must not be uploaded or stored onto any other website without permission from the Administration.
5. Any content posted by members on BVEStation may not always reflect the views of the BVEStation site or Administration.
6. All messages made available as part of this discussion group (including any bulletin boards and chat rooms) and any opinions, advice, statements or other information contained in any messages posted or transmitted by any third party are the responsibility of the author of that message and not of BVEStation, its Administration staff, or any other member.
7. You will not violate any of the rules, terms or conditions set forth in this document.
8. BVEStation will comply with all legal actions and requests and cannot protect you against any of this.
9. Content posted on the forum express the views of the author and may not represent the views of BVEStation or the Administration.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 09:25:40 pm by Bombardier01800 »