
Author Topic: Status of Routes as of 2017  (Read 14826 times)

Offline BStyles

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Status of Routes as of 2017
« on: March 12, 2017, 06:55:40 pm »
Status of route development as of March 12th, 2017.

(A): Rockaways-bound version currently under development by JayJay85, and the staff of OpenBVE Connection. No definite release date.

(B): Coney Island bound currently under re-development by Mr Railfan and Dj Hammers. Will be released concurrent with the updated (Q).

(C): Brooklyn Bound version will be made when the Far Rockaway-bound (A) is released.

(D): Released to Coney Island. No definite start date on Manhattan-bound route.

(E): Currently under development by Allyn65 in both directions. more updates to come soon.

(F): Comprehensive (F) line package with scenarios was released by Mr Railfan. An updated version to this route will be worked on in the future.

(G): Southbound version has been released by ipaclansite. An updated version of this route may be worked on in the future.

(J)/(Z): BETA has been released on OpenBVE Connection. Full detail version currently under development by JayJay85, Mr Railfan, and Dj Hammers.

(L): Skeleton has been remade, with the right-of-way south of Atlantic realigned to current standards, by BStyles. No head developer, however it is expected to resume soon.

(M): Under development by Mr Railfan and Dj Hammers. Section between Metropolitan Avenue and Myrtle Avenue is still 60% finished - major detailing work remains. The Chrystie Street Connection will be created and the line will be connected to the northbound (V), which will have detail added.

(N):Southbound 75% finished by JayJay85. Remainder of work is being finished by Mr Railfan and Dj Hammers, will be released concurrent with the updated (Q).
(Q): Coney Island Bound currently under development by Mr Railfan and Dj Hammers. Development is ongoing but delayed. Both a 2006 version and a 2017 version is under development.* Will include multiple scenarios such as reroutes and short turns. Will be released along with the full (D), (B), (N), and southbound (R) lines. As a side note, a WIP version of this route can be operated at the Transit Museum on weekends.

*2017 version of the route will also include the new extension to 96th Street on the Second Avenue Subway.

(R): Brooklyn bound version was actively being developed by ARome, and will be released with the (Q), (D), and (B) lines.

(W): Southbound version will be updated following the release of the (Q), (D), (B), and southbound (R) lines. Northbound version is not under development at this time, but may be worked on following the release of the northbound (R).

(1): Currently under development by NYC-T-Driver, subway4832, Sim Central, and BStyles. Concurrent with the (2) and (3).

(2): Currently under development by subway4832, Sim Central, and BStyles. Concurrent with the (3), (4), and (5).

(3): Under development by subway4832, Jay1323, and Sim Central. Concurrent with the (2), (4), and (5).

(4): Under development by BStyles. Concurrent with the (2), (3), and (5).

(5): Manhattan-bound is under development by BStyles and JayJay85, while the Brooklyn-bound is under development by yankees8318. Concurrent with the (2), (3), and (4).

(6): Bronx-bound concurrent with the (4) and (5) and is undergoing heavy detailing work. BETA version of Manhattan-bound released.

(7): Currently under development by RF9197 in both directions. Undergoing heavy detailing work. Extension to 34th Street-Hudson Yards included n both directions.

This post will be updated periodically. This post, however, will be locked to prevent unnecessary chatting/status updates. The updates on the routes above will be posted accordingly.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 11:27:39 pm by BStyles »

Offline JayJay85

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Re: Status of Routes as of 2017
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2017, 06:26:01 pm »
The is (A) to Far Rockaway 95% done, but Railfan is adding more detail to the flats (from Howard Beach to Borad Channel) part of the route.

The Rockaway Park Bound (A) is about (85%) done just the rockaway park branch stations is half not detail.