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Topics - bigbellymon4

Pages: [1]
Hello to everyone.

I have been in the BVEStation community for a little over a year now, and watching other members start projects and complete them looking amazing, and I plan on coding the A from Lefferts to 207th as my contribution for the hard work that other members have put in to create the routes and trains that everyone is allowed to use.
I have sent a PM to Phantom909 and asked for his permission. If he says yes, my project will be started and screenshots will posted soon.

EDIT 1/6/2017: I have decided to create a guideline for how this route is being developed, which is available here. Within the word document is my ESTIMATED release dates and scenarios for the A/C lines to 207th/168th. It is ALOT of work to be done, and I think this will help with any questions about the A/C development, and help keep people interested as I make my way up to 207th by releasing it in sections. The document will be updated as necessary with work that needs to be done, and so will this thread.

BVE/OpenBVE Support / Southbound L line
« on: November 05, 2012, 08:40:58 pm »
Is the L 2 Canarsie in devlopment?

Introduction / Re: Routes for free!!!!!!!!!
« on: October 22, 2012, 09:26:12 pm »
I don't mean 2 be rude or anything, but i thought it would be a great idea to lock the files on bvestation. what i mean is that for example if i come onto the site as a guest, and then i decide to download any route, the site should say in reply sign in or create an account. it would help prevent people that just visit the site to get the downloads and then leave. it would also help bring more people unto the forums and they might eventually maybe create a routes or 2 or the will help update a train set, stuff like that. all i am say is that if we get more guests 2 create an account, maybe, just maybe, we can get a little farther into covering the whole NYCT Subway system. i dont know how long this webiste has been around, but i know it has been around before 2010-2011 because that is when i joined and i also know if we were able to lure some really devoted people onto the forums, they can help in many different ways. u can know go ahead and prove me wrong in many different ways.

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