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Messages - BStyles

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NYCTA Projects / Re: Official Update Thread For The Southbound B Line
« on: November 06, 2012, 06:46:02 am »
Neither version matters, since they both work in BVE 2, 4, and OpenBVE. I believe he placed them in different formats to make future editing easier for CSV or RW based developers.


NYCTA Projects / Re: Official Update Thread For The Southbound B Line
« on: October 30, 2012, 07:41:05 am »
Now that's what I'm talking about! Show them how it's done, JayJay!


NYCTA Projects / Re: Manhattan bound E Line by error46146
« on: October 23, 2012, 07:32:33 am »
Like I told you a year ago, Bill, I finished 50th Street and already sent to Joe, and he is currently updating the skeleton, and that was the last I heard. I'm using what's left of the E to help Aaron complete his Queens-Bound work. If you can get online sometime I'll send it to you as well.

The best thing to do in this case is to buy a hard drive enclosure for your laptop hard drive. Run quick to J&R and ask them for that same device. Once you have taken out the drive you place it in the enclosure, and it become an external drive. If your files aren't corrupted you should be able to get your files off fine.


NYCTA Projects / Re: Official Update Thread For The Northbound N Line
« on: October 19, 2012, 01:47:16 am »
New objects dedicated to the development will be rolling this way.


NYCTA Projects / Re: Official Update Thread For The Southbound D Line
« on: October 08, 2012, 06:28:12 am »
Also gonna be pitching in, on this project. I'm going to try to replace as much elevated trackage and update the stations to make it look more uniform. If possible, we will also include some new background shots of the south Brooklyn area.


Back on my grind...

Hmm...I don't think I ever showed these, before I left. The windows and rollsign will be cut out, later on, to make way for transparency:

If the windows  look 3D then it's probably because they are. :P


NYCTA Projects / Re: Official Update Thread For The Bronx-Bound 4 Line
« on: October 05, 2012, 12:21:59 am »
Back on my grind...

It's been a while since I last posted on here, but now I'm back to work on this line, after acquiring some groundbreaking information. It's also been a while since I've seen the amount of progress on the site, so I also need to step up my game. The 4 will continue as normal, with some major upgrades to texture work and route physics. Hoping to implement these soon...

Anyway, as far as the elevated goes:

The 4 will be extended to it's late night destination at new lots, Hopefully this will prep development on the 3. I've also been researching a way to get textures to glow at night rather than just replacing the background on most routes, and I will be working on that immediately, as well. Hoping to test these new tracks out on the 4 as soon as possible.



Moving along, I'm throwing around some ideas while trying to get the R62 going again. Forgot where I put the interior files so when I find then, I'll get back to work ASAP. Right now it looks like the interior will be made in OpenBVE while the exterior will be based around the 3D model. Things are going smooth as far as development goes. I just don't post about it. :P

And yes, I do serve and I currently pull long days. The time difference is no joke so I usually just wait until the weekends to post important information.


Other Projects / Re: Official Thread for the Fictional (9) (10) (11)
« on: July 16, 2012, 02:20:58 am »
Probably haven't been around enough to concern myself with day-to-day site activities(or the fact that I was supposedly banned), but apparently I'm still here, so I'll drop in from time to time. Kind of hard to situate myself with the younger crowd(which don't have a bright outlook when it comes to certain things on this site, but I digress), but if I do come out as being a mean person then I do apologize.

Anyways Jason, if you're up to complete this project then I'll help in any way I can. I actually have more time on my hands than I originally thought I would have, so if you're up for it, then let me know.


Station Talk / Re: BVEStation Wiki
« on: May 21, 2012, 04:49:00 am »
I usually go on to edit from time to time, but it's hard to keep up with all the development going on, at the moment, so we definitely need some people dedicated to doing that, for the site.


Let me ask you something. Do you really know who you're talking to? You backtalked to about three administrators already, and you clearly have no respect for people much older, and do a lot more than whatever it is, that you do. Because if you actually had a cent of respect in your body then you wouldn't have derailed the topic of someone whom I respect, and who's trying to show us something enlightening.

Or is it because you think you're a global moderator you run the site, and can talk to people how you feel like? And no, I will not put this in a PM because I do speak my mind on this site, and and saying this privately will not solve anything.


Christ, peacemak3r, could you loosen up a bit? I'm a fan of express/local routes and all that good stuff, but you have to realize that it's just a game, and you're not at liberty to jurisdict where the routes go and don't go.

Short answer is that even though they're express stations the D doesn't run express service. At one point the brown M used to terminate at Bay Parkway so that would have cut the express service in half.

I haven't tried the route yet but it sounds like it'll be fun. Keep up the good work, JayJay.


Other Projects / Re: Proj 1970s R40 Slant by Mudwrestle
« on: May 09, 2012, 03:27:42 am »
They're both air conditioned, only that they have different systems. It all depends on what you guys want to do.


General BVE/OpenBVE / Re: OpenBVE Lives On.
« on: May 08, 2012, 06:03:58 am »
Much obliged.

In regards to the closing of the OpenBVE site, I hope this gives developers a chance to better their work. As Manny said, only serious developers need contribute to the source code of the program, as that we may be able to further development, especially in the object building and route building areas, where it is needed.


Very. Good job on these cars, so far.


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