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Messages - Manuel18

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Other Projects / Re: [OpenBVE]Amtrak ACS-64 + Amfleet II Coaches
« on: August 31, 2015, 09:46:41 pm »
Released a Test edition of the North East Corridor (BWI-WAS) also it's the ACS-64 also on test edition. and a Physic upgrade for the Old Acela Express...

Other Projects / Re: [OpenBVE]Amtrak ACS-64 + Amfleet II Coaches
« on: August 16, 2015, 07:06:04 pm »
Today 3D Cabview pictures. Thanks to Fan Railer :P

Other Projects / Re: Please Make an NJT Multilevel Train
« on: August 15, 2015, 02:02:06 pm »
I will modify my ACS-64 Exterior/Interior to create the ALP-46.I can edit the ALP-46 to merge the ALP-45DP so there is no problem for both versions.

Other Projects / Re: [OpenBVE]Amtrak ACS-64 + Amfleet II Coaches
« on: August 15, 2015, 01:59:49 pm »
I use notepad. I just write coordinates and merge faces just like a 3d program. if you edit a file of a train with .csv or .b3d extension you can see the code of the train.

Other Projects / Re: Please Make an NJT Multilevel Train
« on: August 14, 2015, 11:08:23 pm »
Yes. Couple of weeks. I will show up my progress on this Thread to don't bump a new one.

Other Projects / [OpenBVE]Amtrak ACS-64 + Amfleet II Coaches
« on: August 14, 2015, 07:28:44 pm »
Hello guys this week has been a week of my #Foamtastic Progress.. here are my trains and still work in progress..

Enjoy and if you want to be part of our Facebook Community 
ITEA - International Transit Enthusiasts' Association

Other Projects / Re: Please Make an NJT Multilevel Train
« on: August 14, 2015, 07:21:55 pm »
I will take his project soon as soon i've finishted the Amtrak ACS-64 + Amfleet II coaches

Content Development / Re: OpenBVE modelling guidelines for Modelers!
« on: February 19, 2015, 11:52:49 am »
Are you attempting to create some standards for the community? If they are agreed by everyone/large majority of developers, we can get this published on our wiki.
Yes, i've seen trains with extra polygons "Double Face polygons" and the consecuense of this it's creating lag on some users.

Content Development / Creating 3D Cabview for OpenBVE
« on: February 14, 2015, 09:24:52 pm »
Asuming you know modelling you need it for this.

Chapter one "Design Interior for it"

I recommend to modelers avoid creating the passenger interior area and repaint the cab door on black without transparent.

at this chapter don't create any control or display of the panel just the shape of it.

NOTE: I recommend modelers create the train first and next the CAB not backwards lol

Chapter two "Building the panel.animated"
This is the most extensive part of the work and maybe the most frustrating one.

Panel.animated is the same as like an animated of the train. it can use translate or rotate command also include command.

creating a Panel.animated you also use notepad or notepad++ for work more confortable.

the Panel.animated should contain this code at next.

;Created by Me for BVEStation users;       <<< Comments section with semicolons start and end (if you want really to do it lol)

[include]               <<< We use an include because the object don't need to move (static object only)
DeskandShit.csv   <<< As name already say is the Desk windows wiper and other stuff than are static and don't need to included apart of a object.
position = 0,0,0  <<< defined by X,Y,Z coordinates on METERS!

;Created by Me for BVEStation users;
position = 0,0,0

Chapter three "Understanding animated files and basic formulas"

[object]  <<< We use an object because the object will need to move or change states---

states = OFF.csv , ON.csv   <<< States of the object in this case we are defined by two states (if the door is opened it will turn on the light) so it can be backwards (if the door is closed it will turn on the light)

statefunction = DOORS  <<< name of the command /formula - OpenBVE on the most cases use boolean formulas to it.

Formula list

Another example of this, two individual lights than may be interpreted as Door Opened and Door closed and could be used but you need to create a light turned off on the deskandshit.csv and the turned on light should be a bit more tall and width than the deskandshit.csv panel light or we will get overlap trouble.

NOTE: We asume you are using the correct textures illuminating on night with (setemissivecolor - emissivecolor) commands not only for panel also on state models. To be honest it's just playing with lights if we have two states.

TranslateZFunction =  powerNotch * 0.2   << an Nice formula - Meters ONLY

Formula list

NOTE: TranslateZfunction is only for Z axis you can use TranslateYfuction or TranslateXfunction for Y and X axis, Translate Function an this section use 0.2 meters per every notch. so it will increase 1 meter if we have 5 notches...

RotateXFunction =   -2.11 + abs[speedometer] * 0.155  <<< Name of the command - RADIANS ONLY for rotate object

In this case we asume a value as -2.11 radians to start the needle on the 0 kmh or mph position

"abs" Absolute value or abs on the formula that math command avoid to negative numbers be negative and convert it only on positive one.

If we don't use Abs and if we go backwards on simulation the speed will be negative and the needle will rotate under 0 mph

"speedometer * 0.155"  every m/s per radian  on rotation..

NOTE: Same for X,Y,Z Translate case if you want to do it on Z axis just change the axis on command line

you can see the needle rotating on Clockside correctly as most of cases if you have the needle rotating on counter clockside you have only one option.

You can add "rotatexdirection = -1, 0, 0" line if you are using the Xaxis
You can add "rotateydirection = 0, -1, 0" line if you are using the Y axis
You can add "rotatezdirection = 0, 0, -1" line if you are using the Z axis

position = 0,0,0  <<< defined by X,Y,Z coordinates , You can do the model centered at world and then position correctly with this command or do the model centered at cabview.

Please for FORMULA commands use the link bellow to see all commands for Animated Commands

NOTE: needles and controls doesn't need more than ONE STATE

;Created by Me for BVEStation users;
position = 0,0,0

states = LightOFF.csv , LightON.csv
statefunction = leftdoors
position =  0,0,1

states = LightOFF.csv , LightON.csv
statefunction = rightdoors
position =  0,2,1

states = accelerator.csv
TranslateZfunction = powernotch * 0.1
position =  0.5,2,1

states = needle.csv
TranslateZfunction = -2.11 - abs[speedometer] * 0.115
rotatezdirection = 0, 0, -1
position =  0.5,2,1

states = needle2.csv
TranslateZfunction = -2.11 - abs[brakepipe] * 0.115
rotatezdirection = 0, 0, -1
position =  0.5,2,1
Chapter four "complex formulas"
As my masterpice the Bombardier M7 and the Kawasaki M8 for OpenBVE it use complex formulas with boolean results.

Digital speedometer

to right to LEFT

1st digit
States = 0.csv,1.csv,2.csv,3.csv,4.csv,5.csv,6.csv,7.csv,8.csv,9.csv
stateFunction = Abs[floor[speedometer * 3.6, 10]]

Floor = Rounds down to the nearest integer.

3.6 = Value to transform the speedometer m/s into km/h then for miles you can use "2.23693629" value.

10= Represent the numer of states of the object

--- Now we have a speedometer for a runner or a human but not for a tiger ----

2nd digit use this line
stateFunction = Abs[floor[speedometer * 3.6, 100] * 0.1]

3rd digit use this line
stateFunction = Abs[floor[speedometer * 3.6/100]]

However you don't need reach speed of sound to get a 4th digit haha[/size]

an example of this

States = OFF.csv,ON.csv
stateFunction = leftdoor | rightdoor

True (1 or ON) if any of leftdoor or rightdoor are true (opened)

States = OFF.csv,ON.csv
stateFunction = ReverserNotch > 0

it will only activate if the reverser notch is great than 0

for math and boolean understand visit the link bellow

NOTE : STATEFUNCTION doesn't accept negative boolean values
if we apply ReverserNotch without "> 0 or < 0"  it will dissapear on backward position

;Created by Me for BVEStation users;
position = 0,0,0

states = LightOFF.csv , LightON.csv
statefunction = leftdoors
position =  0,0,1

states = LightOFF.csv , LightON.csv
statefunction = rightdoors
position =  0,2,1

states = accelerator.csv
TranslateZfunction = powernotch * 0.1
position =  0.5,2,1

states = needle.csv
TranslateZfunction = -2.11 - abs[speedometer] * 0.115
rotatezdirection = 0, 0, -1
position =  0.5,2,1

states = needle2.csv
TranslateZfunction = -2.11 - abs[brakepipe] * 0.115
rotatezdirection = 0, 0, -1
position =  0.5,2,1

states = emergencybutton.csv
TranslateYfunction = emergencybrake * -0.1
position =  0.5,2,1

;;digit 1;;
States = 0.csv,1.csv,2.csv,3.csv,4.csv,5.csv,6.csv,7.csv,8.csv,9.csv
stateFunction = Abs[floor[speedometer * 3.6, 10]]
position =  0.5,2,1

States = 0.csv,1.csv,2.csv,3.csv,4.csv,5.csv,6.csv,7.csv,8.csv,9.csv
stateFunction = Abs[floor[speedometer * 3.6, 100] * 0.1]
position =  0.4,2,1

States = 0.csv,1.csv,2.csv,3.csv,4.csv,5.csv,6.csv,7.csv,8.csv,9.csv
stateFunction = Abs[floor[speedometer * 3.6/100]]
position =  0.3,2,1

;;Reverser display
States = OFF.csv,ON.csv
stateFunction = ReverserNotch > 0
States = OFF.csv,ON.csv
stateFunction = ReverserNotch < 0

Content Development / Re: 3ds max model to .csv?
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:36:55 pm »
Sorry for the late answer.

There is a way. but you need to use a program.

Jeminie from South Korea create it, it's freeware
Visual C++ redistributable package 2010 for Windows NEEDED!

Using this tool you are able to choose if you want on csv or b3d.

Some objects on 3ds max have a hide color on mesh could be yellow gray brown etc...
you need to delete the "COLOR" line manually on every meshbuilder section on the exported model.

Please don't use complex mesh unless it's necesary like High Speed train. But to be honest.

"Nothing like a create it with perfect measures and shapes manually" , unless you are a Professional on 3DS MAX.

Content Development / OpenBVE modelling guidelines for Modelers!
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:13:32 pm »
Modelling Guidelines.

Chapter One
Use Face-Addface only

Use addface2 or face2 can cause lag on some users, use addface2 unless it's necessary like a
Chain or a 2d passenger.

Chapter Two
Use Bicubic size for textures

That avoid OpenBVE converting textures for these models and takes extra RAM,
with that bicubic format all users are able to see correct textures and not
the white textures of the mesh

A x B

(A) Wide pixels per (B) Height pixels

A and B could be
2-4-16-32-64-128-256-512-1024-2048-3096 pixels

Chapter Three
Use PNG with alpha bitmask on exterior surfaces ONLY!

This avoid overlap on interior/exterior mesh, use for interior a 24 bits PNG with a
transparent command

Chapter Four
Don't create complex shapes on tiny instruments like a button, use better one texture for it!
Unless it's a 3D Cab use better "Cylinder command".

PS: This should be stiky lol

Other Projects / Re: MNCR Kawasaki M8 EMU V1.0 Released
« on: January 09, 2015, 08:56:11 pm »
The release of the M8 was awesome! When are you going to start the developing of the M2/M4/M6 as per your YouTube channel?

Not for this Month. I'm planning to do a R160 and some another trains apart from the M2, so the M2 is going to wait a long time...

Content Development / Re: Vx, Vy, Vz
« on: January 07, 2015, 10:09:26 pm »
Ops  :'(

short name of "MeTerS"

Meters - MTS - M . However u can't use mt then you will have a problem with MounTain meaning haha

Content Development / Re: Vx, Vy, Vz
« on: January 07, 2015, 01:21:50 pm »
I do know that Vx means the line is horizontal, Vy is vertical and Vy is I believe front wards and backwards. Now when reads that negative values are left, down and backwards and positive values are right, up and forward, will it be coded in that direction or a different direction?  E.g. If I type -0.11 in a vertex, will it move 11  :meters to the left, down and backwards? :D

the negatives values should be read to left - down - backward depending if is X,Y,Z

"0.11 aren't 11 meters" , 0.11 meters are like 0.41 inches

Per Example.
Caracas Metro cars from Venezuela have
3.05 mts of width , 3.52 height , 20.75 long if is "A car"

Then the code should be like this

vertex ,1.525,3.5210.375
vertex ,-1.525,3.52,10.375
vertex ,1.525,0,10.375
vertex ,-1.525,0,10.375
face 0,1,3,2
loadtexture front.png
coordinates 0,1,0
coordinates 1,0,0
coordinates 2,1,1
coordinates 3,0,1

vertex ,-1.525,3.52-10.375
vertex ,1.525,3.52,1-0.375
vertex ,-1.525,0,-10.375
vertex ,1.525,0,-10.375
face 1,0,2,3
loadtexture front.png
coordinates 0,1,0
coordinates 1,0,0
coordinates 2,1,1
coordinates 3,0,1

vertex ,-1.525,3.52,10.375
vertex ,-1.525,3.52,-10.375
vertex ,-1.525,0,10.375
vertex ,-1.525,0,-10.375
face 0,1,3,2
loadtexture left.png
coordinates 0,0,0
coordinates 1,1,0
coordinates 2,0,1
coordinates 3,1,1

;;Right Side;;
vertex ,1.525,3.52,10.375
vertex ,1.525,3.52,-10.375
vertex ,1.525,0,10.375
vertex ,1.525,0,-10.375
face 1,0,2,3
loadtexture right.png
coordinates 0,0,0
coordinates 1,1,0
coordinates 2,0,1
coordinates 3,1,1

vertex ,1.525,3.52,10.375
vertex ,-1.525,3.52,10.375
vertex ,1.525,3.52,-10.375
vertex ,-1.525,3.52,-10.375
face 0,1,3,2
loadtexture roof.png
coordinates 0,0,0
coordinates 1,1,0
coordinates 2,0,1
coordinates 3,1,1

As may you see on the code 20.75 / 2 = 10.375 so we will have the car centered on the model Universe, same on width with 3.05 / 2 = 1.525 meters

You must to be soo lucky if the face looks on the correct side. as may you see the only what do you need to do

Face =  a,b,c,d  invert it to "= b,a,d,c "
or  = "d,c,b,a"

Content Development / Re: Where to create OpenBVE routes?
« on: January 06, 2015, 06:12:59 pm »
To be honest i recommend you "Notepad++" . I'ts more usefull, then you can see the line what you are working

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